Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: PSJ
The characters are nothing. The only background information we get on Heero is that he got his name from some important guy at his colony. The others got no story they are just there. They were given a name nothing more. Duo is an idiot in my opinion running around calling himself God of death seriously, i mean come on you are a fucking soldier not a kid coming up with a cool nickname.
It doesn't help the anime any, but to be fair there is background on all 5 pilots in some of the manga releases. I will try to find it, I've got it somewhere.
Then they should have put that in the anime. I think it would be alot better if they did.

No, Duo is not cool. Just face it, he calls himself "God of Death" and is serious, yes it's an anime whatever it is still stupid.