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Thread: Fukuda Rants & Rave

  1. #1

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Alright guys, I think this topic is well overdue since many of us still complain about Fukuda.

    so here i go....

    What the fuck happened to GSD? It had so much potential, but now it is literally SEED recycled all over again. Actually, it is worse than SEED with all the freaking recaps. I would really like to know what is the reasoning behind episode 47. That episode just did it for me, I was patient but now I snapped. I'm not saying he's the worst director ever, but for the love of Gundams don't butcher a series that had some potential to be one of the great ones. I am a Kira/Athuran/AA fan, but I truly do believe that the series would had been better if they would have sticked to their minor roles.

    What goes through this guy's head as he is making this? What is influencing him to go through these radical and unstable changes in the series?

    Fukuda should have never gone through a sequel of the series if he was just going to recycle the original. I was rewatching SEED and was like "shit, this is the same BS, from dialogue, battles, character development up to mobile suits.

    I still stick with my original idea, the final should consist of Fukuda including himself in the last battle getting raped by all four characters (Rey, Shinn, Athuran & Kira). That would be the greatest all time ending!

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Fukuda is a fucktard who ruined the sequel to the best show ever by loading it with stuff that drooling fanboys want. It's all about explosions and random idiocy, and has no substance whatsoever. There are ridiculous amounts of things he could have executed differently, but for some god forsaken reason he settled for the "safe cards". He didn't take any chances, but instead revamped the Seed ending with a different "skin". There are more plot holes than in a swiss cheese, and it's also blatantly obvious that the script has been changed to match model kit sales. At least in Seed it was pretty subtle. In Destiny, everyone also survives explosions for some reason - which has utterly killed the show's believability. All of the characters which we thought would die have died. It is predictable beyond words.

    Again, there was so much promise and so little effort needed to make this an awesome show - because I still believe that episodes 1-30 were great. After that it hastily declined.

    Easy changes that could have saved the series:

    - Heine should have been a permanent character.
    - Djibril's past should have been developed, or at least make him more than "generic villain #248142914892 but with lipstick".
    - Yzak should have been used much more.
    - (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT) Kira should have died in episode 34. I am NOT saying that because I hate Kira (which I do), I am saying it because from every single point of view it would have made the series better. Kira has just been "there" in Destiny. HIS ROLE IS FUCKING OVER. He isn't even a character anymore, just a robot which can destroy anything.
    - Nobody should survive explosions

    Take a moment and ponder on the above. Wouldn't that be a great series?

    The only thing that can save the ending for me at this point is how Rey plays out. Who is he and what is his purpose? How will he die? (because he will)
    Please... don't screw that up too...

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    If you look at one of the images that appears during Dullindal's unveiling of the Destiny Plan in Episode 47 it shows a young blonde boy with a bunch of charts and things around him, making it look like he is the poster boy for the Destiny Plan. I really believe this is Rey...

    FUK FUKUDA!! Seriously, I'll rant here properly and long-windedly later on. Suffice to say that half of my 420 posts are bashing this retards handling of GSD...

    hehe 420 posts... that calls for a special bowlpack. heheh.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #4

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    I agree.

    GSD would have been so much better had Kira been killed off. It would have given GSD that twist that makes it unique from so many other incarnations of Gundam. Can anyone tell me if, in a sequal, where the previous main character has been killed by the current main character in the various Gundam incarnations?

    Nothing really comes to mind, tbo, and that would have given GSD like UBER fame- (omg, he killed a main character before the end of the series!! he even killed a fan favorite! omg!)

    And I think Yzak's little mini-appearences were added in just for people like Terra, who have wet dreams about him. (What? he's all but admitted it.... >_>'). Like, a carrot on a stick. How many times have we seen Yzak and were like "Hey, maybe he'll get a more prominent role this time!!..... Ok, not this time... But maybe next time, they wouldn't just put him in there for eye-candy, now would they?........ crap >_<!"

    Every time a mobile suit is destroyed in GSD, and the pilot lives, I get flashbacks of G Gundam. G Gundam was were the mystical stuff was supposed to be crossed into the Gundam universe, not here in GSD :-/

  5. #5
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Fukuda seriously needs to kill off his golden child, Kira.

    Yes, at first he might have been a somewhat interesting and appealing character ( ... not to me, of course ). But after dozens of episodes in which he has literally done nothing but blown random shit up, tried to make inane justifications and hugged Lacus I'm getting really tired of this trite character.

    Fukuda also needs to stop listening to the fanbase. If he's so concerned about the popularity of the show he should just go all the way turn it into fucking Pokemon. Hey, it's not like it's such a long stretch anymore.

    You know, Fukuda has had so many fucking good opportunities to change or simply kill off Kira. He could have had Sarah kill off the real Lacus and then had Kira go apeshit on Mia, going "IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU BITCH!!!" as he pulled up a gun and shot her in the head. Naturally, that would make Asuran to flip out on his ass and engage in deadly combat.

    ... Or he could have simply let Kira die when Shinn owned him. You know, to add some actual consequences to death in this show. But nah, only the bad or sexy guys can die. I also love how Kira was all "oh yeaaah, I was so distracted" when he spoke to Asuran about his and Shinn's fight. Fucking lame, Fukuda. LAME!
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Easy changes that could have saved the series:

    - Heine should have been a permanent character.
    - Djibril's past should have been developed, or at least make him more than "generic villain #248142914892 but with lipstick".
    - Yzak should have been used much more.
    - (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT) Kira should have died in episode 34. I am NOT saying that because I hate Kira (which I do), I am saying it because from every single point of view it would have made the series better. Kira has just been "there" in Destiny. HIS ROLE IS FUCKING OVER. He isn't even a character anymore, just a robot which can destroy anything.
    - Nobody should survive explosions
    I actually agree with every single one of those points ( surprising, eh ).

    Heine could have provided some much needed logic and sense into the show. Plus, he had sexy hair and a hot gouf. Djibril could have been so much more. I mean fuck, we never even were told why he hated coordinators so much. He just did, because he was evil. Yzak fighting Kira or Asuran or anybody that isn't a grunt at some point would also have been neat. And yes, I can't help but feel that the whole purpose of death has been greatly diminished in GSD. When I first watched 34, I thought to myself "this is the best fucking shit ever." Once I discovered that Kira was no longer dead it just became painfully pointless.

    Also, I think Kira should simply be referred to as "the giant plot device" in the future. As that is really all his shallow personality amounts to.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  6. #6
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Fucking amen.

    I also noticed that comment of Kira's in ep 46 or whatever. It was like throwing additional salt in the "Kira can own everything" wound. Lame indeed...

  7. #7

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    I will definately agree that Gundam SEED Destiny isn't as good as it should be. And part of the reason is that they have put too much power into Kira Yamato and friends. Though I'm not sure if killing him at episode 34 would have been the greatest idea though..
    Basically if there is a third SEED series, this director should not be in charge of it because of the reason that Terra stated, and that is he doesn't take chances, nor does he change any of the characters.

  8. #8

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    GAH!!!!! wth is Fukuda thinking?!?! Why was ep. 47 a recap!!?!?! Why is this show so much worse than it should have been?!

  9. #9

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Easy changes that could have saved the series:

    - Heine should have been a permanent character.
    - Djibril's past should have been developed, or at least make him more than "generic villain #248142914892 but with lipstick".
    - Yzak should have been used much more.
    - (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT) Kira should have died in episode 34. I am NOT saying that because I hate Kira (which I do), I am saying it because from every single point of view it would have made the series better. Kira has just been "there" in Destiny. HIS ROLE IS FUCKING OVER. He isn't even a character anymore, just a robot which can destroy anything.
    - Nobody should survive explosions
    I agree with most of that. I would rather have no characters from SEED having major roles in this show, even Yzak, and I really think that Kira dying in 34 wouldn't have saved the show, he needs to be gone sooner, I really do think you said 34 just cuz you hate him. The AA crew would have been affected differently I guess, but Athrun would have been the same afterward since he thought he was dead, and as the series progressed and Athrun went back to AA it would have been Athrun on one side with Rey and Shinn on other which would have put AA in an impossible situation in Orb battle.

    I think if you wanna save GSD from Kira you have to get rid of him at a much early point in series. I think GSD would have been much better if Kira and the whole AA crew hadn't been involved like they were. I think the show would have been better if they didn't try to split the focus amoung so many people, and focused only on Minerva with Athrun never joining them. Then we could be getting Shinn developing and eventually turning against the chairman resulting in a battle between him and Rey which would be much better then Athrun and Kira vs Shinn and Rey, if for no other reason then Kira has very little connection to Shinn and Rey other then having battled both at some point. If they really wanted old characters in they could have Shinn run into Kira or someone else make a cameo. Heine could have stayed with Minerva longer, but I still think he should have died but maybe closer to end of series.

    Wow that ended up as much more typing then I intended, and really my ideas are prolly terrible but I would have preferred almost anything that tried to break away from SEED characters and be its own series.

  10. #10

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Actually a good way to use Kira as a character would be to actually keep him as a civillian and just let him get into a crap MS (zaku is ok), to save someone he cared about get destroyed and die happy. Much like Ahtrun getting in that MS in first episode to save Kagari. I mean, wth is he doing on this series? I don't suppose even the Kira lovers actually think he is a good character anymore.

    This show needs drama, not some lame speechs, lame excuses for war and other crap. After 47 episodes of the lack of character development, fanboy's crap, much recaps, I can see Destiny surpassing Wing as worst Gundam show ever. It doesn't matter if the show started well and got worst, cause I would prefer 10x more the other way around as anybody else.

    I would prefer if they just made new characters instead of reusing the same ones. I think Kira was already developed, had nothing more to show. Pretty much AA crew should just vanished and fuck I still can't believe they brought Mwu back to life. If only Fukuda was a good director and not some lame idiot who hear everything a fanboy says.

    It doesn't matter anymore, but if they ever make a new show based on Seed Universe, I hope they just make an entirely new show, with no reused characters, reused scenes or the other crap we all know it's in Destiny...

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    So I'm wondering if we can tack on some kind of Poll Topic, an entire thread dedicated to how: How Can Fukuda Save GSD in 2 Episodes?

    Choices include:
    ^^^^^^Mwu knocks up Maryu and uses his new priveliged position within ArchAngel to pull a Trojan Horse on the ArchAngel and be like, "Bitch, I never knew who the hell this Mwu La Flaga guy is that you always ramble on about when I'm boning you. I'm Neo Lornokke bitch! SLAP. ZAFT firing squad finishes it off.

    ^^^^^^During the final battle Rey and Shinn team up on Kira, and just before Athrun convinces Shinn to come over to their side Rey thrusts his beam sabre all the way through both Shinn and Kira's cockpits, killing them both. Rey gets the best Double Kill award in the Postgame Carnage Report.

    ^^^^^^ EAF suddenly emerges with a brand new, super powerful form of Externals. This time the pilots aren't children, because the new drug can reanimate the corpses fallen veterans of the wars. Auel, Stellar, Sting, Nichol, Heine, everyone comes back and are all brainwashed and used to make a final push for a Pure and Blue World! Azrael leads, naturally.

    ^^^^^^ The Ring of Power is finally taken, through epic struggles on brave Frodo and Samwise Gangy to Mount Doom whilst Aragorn... what? huh? you say that's been used already? Well golly be! I had no idea! Shucks, back to the drawing board!

    ^^^^^^ Quick boss Fukuda is running out of ideas to finish two episodes.
    How about another recap? We still haven't done Talia or Rey-
    No no don't be stupid! You know he never wrote any kind of actual backstory or anything like that for them!
    You know, was in the boss' office last Tuesday.... Don't tell anyone this, I could seriously get fired...
    Come on!
    ...............Well, you better not, not if you don't want me to crap Taco Bell all over the backseat of your Pinto. You know that pad he says he writes "ideas" on?
    Waht about them?
    All Fukuda X Kira yaoi porn...
    That explains everything!

    Seriously I dunno. Where did that come from? Goodnight folks!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: Freki
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Easy changes that could have saved the series:

    - Heine should have been a permanent character.
    - Djibril's past should have been developed, or at least make him more than "generic villain #248142914892 but with lipstick".
    - Yzak should have been used much more.
    - (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT) Kira should have died in episode 34. I am NOT saying that because I hate Kira (which I do), I am saying it because from every single point of view it would have made the series better. Kira has just been "there" in Destiny. HIS ROLE IS FUCKING OVER. He isn't even a character anymore, just a robot which can destroy anything.
    - Nobody should survive explosions
    I agree with most of that. I would rather have no characters from SEED having major roles in this show, even Yzak, and I really think that Kira dying in 34 wouldn't have saved the show, he needs to be gone sooner, I really do think you said 34 just cuz you hate him.
    Yeah or maybe I said 34 because SHINN BLOWS FREEDOM UP THERE. Of course, if someone shot Kira down 20 eps earlier I wouldn't complain. But if they have their duel then why not end him there?


    "^^^^^^During the final battle Rey and Shinn team up on Kira, and just before Athrun convinces Shinn to come over to their side Rey thrusts his beam sabre all the way through both Shinn and Kira's cockpits, killing them both. Rey gets the best Double Kill award in the Postgame Carnage Report."


  13. #13
    Missing Nin
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    First off I'd like to state killing Kira would be pointless and is only being called for by those who have obvious hatred for him for any number of reasons.

    That said, having the characters actually develope would have been a far better solution.
    - Not even including Rey in the series as he has absolutely no point aside from allowing them to further rehash the Gundam Seed story.
    - Shinn needed to be less of a whiney bitch overall developing his character and having closure on issues like his family dying would have been great. Nothing with Shinn has changed from episode one until now.
    - Athrun should have not gone through the EXACT same developement as Seed. Yes the pacing is differn't but he is almost 100% identical to how he acted in GS
    - The EA should have actually had some new mobile suits that were not cannon fodder. I'm sorry but why have Destroy if they are just going to die like Zaku's and the other mobile armors make no sense for the EA. A large military should not have a relatively small amount of troops in uber mechs as it makes zero sense from any sort of standpoint.
    - Considering the existance of Astray it would have been nice to see some interaction with the characters from it. A random cameo would be fine. I just would have liked to see any sort of tie in as Astray is something that really interests me.
    - Shinn should have at some point been either captured or defeated. I mean he has no motivation at all in this series. Stellar frankly was pointless and there was no reason for her to die. If he's going to use random girls to instill him with his seed ability. I just wish they bothered to do some sort of developement that didn't involve his penis and a retard.
    - Lunamaria and Rey should have been either killed off or developed more. You all complain about Kira and Athrun being resurrected. Yet nobody mentions that Rey AND Luna also blew up in there Gundams and yet magically survived. Luna has done nothing but look cute. In her gunner she was virtually useless and now in Impulse she still can't aim. Yet for such a dry character why on earth would she be in a mobile suit with such a name to begin with.
    - There should have been a stated limit to the number of fliers that the Minerva contains. There was no excuse in 34 for Shinn to cannon fodder parts of impulse when chances are there is no factory making him more of them. They stated that Savior was to specific of a design to get replacement parts so why should he get to blow up half a dozen parts of impulse with NOBODY blinking.
    - After the battle with Stellar in destroy the fact that Zaft tracked down AA with a HUGE force when they just had several cities worth of units destroyed just didn't work for me. Not only should the AA have been underwater to begin with but there was no excuse for them to move in that many troops after Minerva was sent in ALONE vs the MS that had just massacred several cities.
    - Calgari and Athrun or Kira and Lacus should be married by now. Why are we rehashing established relationships. I mean come on you've been dating Lacus for over 3 years Kira by now you should be doing more then a occasional hug. As for Athrun is was good to see him basically get engaged to Calgari but whats with her political wedding in the first place Orb isn't freaken England and I see no purpose in her ever having been set up in a arranged marriage.
    - Meer should NEVER have existed. We certainly don't need 2 of Lacus. One is more then enough and everything about Meer simply felt like a waste of time. Episodes 46 and 47 made me feel the same as the back to back recap episodes in seed around episode 25 and 26.
    - For the love of god there should be no recaps after the halfway point in a series. This is the second one in the last 10 episodes and right now the plot should be in high gear with positions established. It shouldn't be sitting in quicksand with Dullindale announcing the Destiny plan and Shinn for the first time thinking.
    - Heine should have played a more major role in the series.
    - The druggies should have either been killed off later OR they should have been replaced. The EA seemed essentially pointless in this war. Seriously the entire planet had what 3 elite drugged up soldiers and a mind wiped Mwu. Nobody else from the EA put up any sort of fight and even the Doms are random Zaft pilots.

    Thats enough for now I'll post more later.

  14. #14

    Fukuda Rants & Rave


    Kira dying would have been a major boost in the series. I don't care that there are X number of kira fanatics, it would have made the series go into new and fresh ground for a gundam series (again, unless someone can cite a series where this has happened already).

    If you play the Fukada/safe/stupid way, then yes, you keep Kira alive despite the impossibleness of it (what, is Kira related to Mwu now?["I make the impossible, possible!"]). Then the Kira fans can go wet themselves @ regular intervals whenever he winks or smiles all knowingly.

    If you play the innovative and, admittedly, gambling way, then you kill Kira off in episode 34, which polorizes Athrun et al (and the kira fans) against ZAFT, and you stop having 10 episodes of "well.. I dunno what to do... I want to not fight but I blah blah blah blah blah." It gives it direction (revenge for Kira, stopping a psychopath, preventing the Destiny Plan, whatever you want to call it). We're supposed to be 2-3 episodes from the end of the series, right? how much are they going to leave unexplained? unless they make them hourlong episodes @ least, there's very little chance of resolving much of anything. If they had killed Kira off 13 episodes ago, there would have been much more time for plot development around 2-3 characters, namely Athrun, Shinn, and Rey(maybe him, that's iffy), instead of this stagnant shuffle that we've had since then.

    Other than that, I agree with most of what you posted.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    @ Jurojin
    In a gundam series its a fact they do not kill off the main character. This is mainly due to the fact very very few Gundam series have had a true sequal. Aside from Zeta I can't think of any although many of the UC series reused characters.

    If you really want to see a series where they kill off the main characters for no real reason watch Kare Kano(AKA his and her circumstances) where they arbitrarily kill off all the main characters and start over about 2 episodes from the end.

    The main issue with Killing Kira is that its simply not believeable that Shinn would manage that. Your talking about someone who is genetically better then him with FAR more battle experience. It was bad enough that Shinn had unlimited MS parts for impulse. Considering he blew up the suit 3 or so times. (Why would you have so many leg and chest fliers yet have no replacement core splendors meaning if the pilot is dead the MS is useless).

    I think the fight itself was absolutely useless. If they wanted to show Shinn's growth he wouldn't have gone psycho over Kira doing his best to avoid killing Stellar. I mean her body was undamaged and she was still alive when Shinn got to her. The least that Shinn could have done in such a case is to not go out of his way to kill someone who just saved his life. I'm sorry but that entire battle was just absolutely retarded and pointless as it represented a situation that made absolutely no sense on any side. All it served to do in the long run is introduce more Models and have Kira and Athrun lose to EXACTLY the same attack from shinn.

  16. #16

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    In a gundam series its a fact they do not kill off the main character
    And you think this isn't a problem why?

    I forgot that arguing this point with you is like like bashing my head into a brick wall. It gets nowhere and just ends up giving me brain trauma. You're not going to let go of your Kira plushie and your "Fukada pwns j00" poster, and I'm not going to change my opinion that Kira should have kicked the bucket, for good reason, when he faced off with Shinn.

    By not killing A main character (it could very well have been Athrun and Meyrin that could/should have died), this makes the series absolutly no different than the previous incarnations of Gundam. Which is very sad from any perspective.

  17. #17
    Missing Nin
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    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    And you think this isn't a problem why?

    I forgot that arguing this point with you is like like bashing my head into a brick wall. It get's nowhere and just ends up giving me brain trauma. You're not going to let go of your Kira plushie and your "Fukada pwns j00" poster, and I'm not going to change my opinion that Kira should have kicked the bucket, for good reason, when he faced off with Shinn.

    By not killing A main character (it could very well have been Athrun and Meyrin that could/should have died), this makes the series absolutly no different than the previous incarnations of Gundam. Which is very sad from any perspective.
    First off Shinn is widely HATED by the fanbase. For him to kill the most popular character of both series. It would cause the absolute death of Gundam Seed francise. I don't like Fukada at all for your information. I loved Seed I found it to be a fresh and insteresting take on the Gundam line despite what it reused the series still felt fresh. Gundam Seed Destiny has on the other hand been terrible from start until now constantly going down hill. I don't feel that Fukada shouldn't have taken some drastic steps but killing a character like Kira is certainly not the way to do it.

    Frankly there are a lot of characters from Gundam Seed that in Destiny could have been killed allowing for a twist and a increase in popularity to the series given a proper death. Where as making a whiney bitch like Shinn out to be the most powerful quardinator out there by having him kill Kira. If anything at 18 Kira is better then he was in Seed even if he hasn't touched a MS for the last 3 years he still has far greater experiance then anyone could learn in times of peace on a simulator. Also no matter what battles Shinn has gone through it wouldn't make him able to surpase the "ultimate coordinator" after only a couple of weeks or months.

    Athrun and Calgari have both been reset as if this was a alternate universe and magically we were at the begining of Seed all over again. Either one of them would have been a much more realistic person to kill off in place of Kira who essentially if beat would make Shinn the strongest warrior in the entire Seed univers. I didn't care for him winning in any way in 34 after going out of there way to tell us he was a complete underdog stating that anyone using freedom would have a advantage due to the suit but Kira was virtually uncermountable. This goes along with the Fliers being launched and linking up with Impulse with absolutely ZERO delay. This made the fight a worthless plot device and nothing more. Killing ANY main character or even a sub one like Yzak or Deakka in a battle like that would be completely worthless.

    To me the issue with this series not being new is that there has been no new group of any kind introduced. Perhaps having the junkers from the Astray series involved in the war or anything along those lines instead of setting up the same EXACT sides as we had in the last war. What makes it even worse is they brought back Mwu as Neo and had him fighting another clone aka Rey. Whats the point in having the series start over and do the same thing all over again.

    This basically leaves that the entire problem hinges on that they started with Shinn and tried to make him Kira. This made Kira unable to be develope as he had nowhere to go. This made Athrun, Calgari, (Neo/Mwu), yzak, Deakka, Rey(Raul) and the Chairman(rauls other side) all to also develope in exactly the same way. Your issue with the shouldn't be why didn't they kill Kira. In fact it should be more like why wasn't there a group of individuals that are members of faith working in the background to uncover the truth as there suppose to be independant in the first place. Heck why even have faith if all it meant was that Athrun was left be the chairmans bitch all over again.

    Every single aspect of the story which could have brought life to GSD was ignored and in the end all we have is Gundam Seed all over again this time with more models. I'm sorry if you have issues with the concept that someone doesn't have to be a fanboy to disagree with you. The fact remains that your head is simply to far up your arse for you to even imagine that perhaps they should have started the story in a completely differn't way where each character could grow OR each character could simply show up to do what they do in the first place. I'm sure even you would have been ok with a group working behind the scenes and perhaps having Kira and Lacus end up hiding them for a time where Kira might actually train the newbies in some way and then having him show up as a Allie in the final battle. As opposed to having Kira and Lacus as the driving force to the war where Kira is set up as once again the only roadblock that is preventing the annihilation of the human race.

  18. #18

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Mark Twain said:
    Don't try to treach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
    DDBen said:
    Oink oink.

    *sigh* Look, I agree with -most- of what you're saying in the many different ways they could have started off the series, and pulling a Dallas with Mwu/Neo was one of the worst things they could have done.

    That being said, you're an idiot if you can't let go of the preconception that killing off a main character from SEED(Kira/Athrun/Cagalli/Lacus, take your pick) would "kill the Gundam Seed franchise." Pure and simple. G. Gundam was where it was supposed to be fantasy/mecha, so almost nobody dies unless it's thematical, and even then they find ways of coming back (DG cells anyone?). Gundam Seed is *supposed* to be a Drama/mecha anime. To keep playing it safe, and not kill off main characters, (or even more sickening, bring them back from a positron cannon blast) takes away the emotion and drama from a series that's supposed to focus on emotion and drama.

    In Seed, we had Fllay's father die- tragic, and it drove her off the deep end. Tolle dies a *senseless* death, and drives Kira into a rage. Cagalli's father blows himself up to prevent the EAF from getting a hold of the Mass Driver, and Cagalli matures into a more solid character, not just crying all the time.

    Best example: Nicol dies. Was he not a main character in the begining of Seed? And what lasting effects that made the middle of SEED as good as it was came from those fights, where friends of Athrun and Kira died at the other's hands?

    Death is pivotal in war dramas. In GSD, there have been many chances to kill off important characters that would have had lasting effects on all of the episodes from the begining to the end. Did they explore them? Hardly.

    But as for the KiraxShinn debate, you mimic every single voice of Kira fans out there. Constantly. So either accept your fandom, or admit to the fact that Kira is not God and can be beaten by Shinn. Otherwise, well, you're just proving the point.

  19. #19
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    That being said, you're an idiot if you can't let go of the preconception that killing off a main character from SEED(Kira/Athrun/Cagalli/Lacus, take your pick) would "kill the Gundam Seed franchise." Pure and simple. G. Gundam was where it was supposed to be fantasy/mecha, so almost nobody dies unless it's thematical, and even then they find ways of coming back (DG cells anyone?). Gundam Seed is *supposed* to be a Drama/mecha anime. To keep playing it safe, and not kill off main characters, (or even more sickening, bring them back from a positron cannon blast) takes away the emotion and drama from a series that's supposed to focus on emotion and drama.
    First off I didn't say Killing a main character would kill the series. I support killing Athrun, Cagalli or Lacus. Basically because none of these people are set up as the best MS pilot in existance. If Shinn killed Kira that would result in unbalancing the GS world in general. You take out the #1 Pilot on episode 34 now what do you have left to do in the series. Shinn is already with Zaft who is winning the war. Athrun is not as good a pilot as Kira(note he is exceptional but he's never managed to beat Kira in any of there fights). Now given Killing any of the other 3 besides Kira gives him a excellent reason to get truely involved in the conflict and a reason to hate Shinn. Killing Kira makes Shinn a unsurpassable God in GS and the only way to make it remotely even is either numbers or having Rey suddenly turn in Raul.

    Also note that at this point my choice for who to kill off to have furthered the plot would be Calgari. She's been useless for the ENTIRE series. However by having Shinn Kill her off in the defence of Orb you give Kira and Athrun true motivation having lost a sister and a fiance(well if she still is). This also leaves room for Meyrin to replace her and gives Lunamaria a reason to turn her back on Shinn if not also leaving her dead for trying to betray her letting Shinn's last shred of sanity go away.

    Note my reasoning for Kira having to survive until atleast the end of the series are that he's clearly the fan favorite in every single poll I've seen and that in the end he's the #1 threat in a mobile suit. Letting Kira live through Freedoms destruction I do agree was stupid but then again I feel freedom should have survived and been retrofitted with the upgrades making it Strike Freedom or it should have been a hand me down upon the completion of Strike Freedom. I also happen to stick to the fact making impulse have unlimited replacement parts just hurts my head its so pointless. Anyone could win if they were a exceptional pilot with as many cannon foddar suits as they needed. Given Destiny as a mech also seems to be a horrible version of impulse, as it gives up every advantage that impulse has (quick repair time, unlimited lives, the capacity to always have some sort of weapon, The ability to use multiple packs at once) and what does it gain lasers in its hand?

    All of that being said knock off the pointless flaming PSJ it will get you nowhere and this is a thread for rants reguardless.

  20. #20

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Well, I love these type of debates, both sides bring up valid points. Since there is no obvious right or wrong answer, I would say a compromise comes into effect.

    Bottomline: this is all Fukuda's fault.
    I blame him for everything that has gone wrong with this series.

    I blame him for my cold right now.

    I blame him as the reason that Terra is so hot-headed as he is.

    I blame him for the fall of Rome.

    I blame him for the rise of Hitler.

    I blame him for all the nerds out there that can't get laid.

    I blame him for Kira becoming as stale as bread.

    Kira blames Fukuda for the way that Kira is, especially since he hasn't been able to hit that (in terms of Lacus).

    Shinn blames Fukuda as the real reason his family is gone.

    Masamuneehs blames him for all those nights that he gets wasted and for starting that alcohol thread.

    Everyone blames him for the discord he has caused all of us. So if there is any compromise, it is that Fukuda is the ultimate villian, period![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

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