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Thread: Fate/stay night

  1. #21

    Fate/stay night

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    No one has said it was bad...
    Well, not in general, but it seems that the majority of the posters consider to comical scenes in the Anime to really blow. XD

  2. #22

    Fate/stay night

    This isn't a comedy series so it shouldn't matter anyways...

  3. #23

    Fate/stay night

    yea... the show isn't bad at all...

  4. #24

    Fate/stay night

    ok let's see if I can post this correctly

    Episode 1 by Mahou H264

    Episode 1 by Mahou Xvid

  5. #25

    Fate/stay night

    Yeah comedy in it is not that good but I did not watch this expecting a comedy
    the action looks like is goin to be cool though hopefully the next episode has more of it.

    by the way wich sub gruop did you guys like the best?

    Signature by Lucifus

  6. #26
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Fate/stay night

    there was comdey in the 1st esp? Anyways the 1st esp bored me

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Fate/stay night

    It was an intro eps. They needed to lead us into the situation before introducing Saber and the main plot. Most of the humor surrounded his surrogate older sister "Tiger"-sensei.

    This really should've premiered with a double eps, but most of the target audience is well aware of the plot in FSN.

    Be patient, it gets better.

  8. #28

  9. #29

    Fate/stay night

    Thanks for the link.
    Now will see if it lives up to expectations

    Signature by Lucifus

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Fate/stay night

    If anyone doesn't like this series after eps 2, they clearly don't have good taste in anime.

    Rin was a lot nicer than I thought she was. Other than that, there wasn't too much to talk about, lots of little things hinted at, but nothing really said.

    And we get to see Saber for the first time.

  11. #31

    Fate/stay night

    Saber's hot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]

  12. #32

    Fate/stay night

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    If anyone doesn't like this series after eps 2, they clearly don't have good taste in anime.
    No joke!!! first was interesting! but this was just great! damn... I'll be following this one for sure!

  13. #33

    Fate/stay night

    Here's Mahou

    Episode 2 Xvid

  14. #34

    Fate/stay night

    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    If anyone doesn't like this series after eps 2, they clearly don't have good taste in anime.
    No joke!!! first was interesting! but this was just great! damn... I'll be following this one for sure!
    nah i still found the first eps boring even tho i watched it like 4 times, but 2nd was good[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  15. #35
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Fate/stay night

    I think I might like this series, both episodes seemed decent, and bleach has gone to fillers, naruto now has a negative IQ, and Suzuka series just ended. I'm gonna stick with this series for now, it seems promising.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  16. #36
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Fate/stay night

    Ep 2 was a good ep, ep 3 look's to be even better. I can't wait to see the look on Rin face when she see's she saved the life of the person that summoned the card she wanted. Also is it just me or does Rin look like the girl on the Wild Arms 4 cover

    P.S. Lucifus pick up Shakugan No Shana.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  17. #37
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Fate/stay night

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    P.S. Lucifus pick up Shakugan No Shana.
    Shana pales in comparison to F/SN. Watch Eureka 7 and pick up Magikano instead.

    I'm sure some people know, if they've played the game (I can't read Japanese, so I haven't), but who do you think Lancer's master is?

    I can't help but think its Sakura's brother, the jackass from the archery club. He's the kind of person I could see being the master of a warrior that bloodthirsty.

    Rin's probably going to be more shocked by finding out he's one of the magicians. She obviously saved him for some personal reason, so I imagine that would overshadow the 'he drew Saber' issue.

  18. #38

    Fate/stay night

    Yea... Shana was getting weird... but last ep was good...
    hell watch em all!
    Eureka 7 is very good and Magikano is funny..
    somehow, Sakura's brother doesn't look like he's a magician... but we'll see

  19. #39

    Fate/stay night

    I wonder how Saber got summoned, cause Emiya certainly didn't do shit...

  20. #40

    Fate/stay night

    Hmm, which is better, Eclipse or Mahou? I know that both are good groups, so can anyone give comments on that?

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