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Thread: Why Tobi ISN'T Obito

  1. #1

    Why Tobi ISN'T Obito

    1. Obito is dead

    2. Madara knows Tobi (Read chapter 560-561)
    - Madara died shortly after his fight with Hashriama (or around the time period that Hashirama was alive)
    - Obito died in the second shinobi world war, so its impossible that he knew Madara
    - Chapter 512 "This is something i grew from living tissue i stole from him during our battle" Talking about that huge plant with Hashirama growing out of it. So if he isn't part of Madara, he's obviously an accomplice that Madara had known.

    3. The Rinnegan belonged to Tobi
    - If Tobi is Obito, then Obito unlocked his rinnegan while he was under the rocks, and was able to give it to Nagato who used it in both of his eyes, while Tobi only had 1 eye.
    - So far everyone who was able to use the rinnegan (aside from Nagato because it was given to him) had both Senju and Uchiha DNA, making it impossible for Obito to have the Rinnegan.

    4. Tobi fought Minato
    - Obito was able to survive that rock slide at his age, find and control the Kyuubi, control Yagura, come back to Konoha and fight the 4th? What grudge did he have against Konoha?

    Please share your thoughts, tell me where i went wrong.
    Last edited by b1gdawg; Wed, 07-18-2012 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
    We really don't need another thread for this. It's been discussed to death, and is currently being discussed in the chapter thread.

    We don't need a new separate thread for you to share who you think Tobi is either.

  3. #3
    if u have a problem with it, whyd u click it. all u have to do is look at how many posts i have and ull see that im new to the website, and its not really being discussed on the new chapter thread

  4. #4
    I clicked it to say "We really don't need another thread for this. It's been discussed to death, and is currently being discussed in the chapter thread. We don't need a new separate thread for you to share who you think Tobi is either. " I thought that was evident by the fact that I said it.

    I do see that you are new to the website, that's why I'm letting you know not to make more threads about this. Read the forum rules instead of acting tough and getting defensive.

  5. #5
    well its not really being discussed, it seems to me that most people are starting to believe that Tobi is Obito because of that one line in the past chapter, i just made this thread to prove to everyone that it can't be Obito. I won't make a thread on who i think it is because im sure thats been brought up many times, but people seem to forget after a bunch of chapters.

  6. #6
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    People aren't starting to believe tobi = obito, they are just being idiots; just ignore them ;].
    And welcome to the forum.

  7. #7
    Why should you care what other people believe? It's not up to you to impose your beliefs on others or try to stop people from believing something. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe. It's called an opinion, and not everyone is going to share yours, no matter how convincing you think you may be.

  8. #8
    great points bigdawg and love your theory on how tobi could be sasuke from the future that would be an awesome twist to the whole story line not sure if kishi wants to go that route but the facts youve stated here should more than shut anyone up who even begins to think tobi is obito (it would be such a bad story if that were the case anyways)

  9. #9
    Good job having your friend (brother?) make an account to post in agreement with you.

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I can see this thread title from the main page and I don't like it...

  11. #11
    lol idk who that kid is.

  12. #12
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    You're going to be banned pretty soon for making a bunch of shitty threads and dupe accounts. Also, Tobi is at least partially Obito. Hope this clears everything up for you.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    This kid is hilarious, don`t ban him please.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  14. #14
    Am I the only one who refuses to believe Tobi = Obito?

    It's great to share your opinion and all, but you have to stop bringing in these friends or brothers of your's with awful grammar and writing skills. There's absolutely no way a new guy's opinions and insight can bring in 2+ new accounts to agree with your non-detailed thoughts - on this forum, anyway.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by enkoujin View Post
    Am I the only one who refuses to believe Tobi = Obito?

    It's great to share your opinion and all, but you have to stop bringing in these friends or brothers of your's with awful grammar and writing skills. There's absolutely no way a new guy's opinions and insight can bring in 2+ new accounts to agree with your non-detailed thoughts - on this forum, anyway.
    That's not me.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    You're going to be banned pretty soon for making a bunch of shitty threads and dupe accounts. Also, Tobi is at least partially Obito. Hope this clears everything up for you.
    (a bunch of shitty threads) I made 1 thread, and 1 account, i don't see how thats bannable. The admins can see the IP Addresses of the accounts and yah im not getting banned. Whoever is making those accounts is pretty pathetic, and i could care less what happens to him.

    I'm convinced that Tobi's right eye belonged to Obito because it has similar powers to Kakashi's.

  17. #17
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Aside from the dupe accounts, double posting is also not acceptable.

  18. #18
    It's been fun and all, but let's get back on topic and stop with the shitposts. And stop with the fucking dupe accounts.

  19. #19
    My main reason why Tobi isn't Obito. Since Obito and Kakashi had both 13 years when Obito "died". Now that would make Obito 14 years old because Tobi fought Minato 1 year after Obito died because Kakashi is 29-30 years old and Naruto is 16, the fight took place 16 years ago so 30-16 = 14. Kakashi was 14 when the fight took place thus Tobi can not be Obito.

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