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Thread: What's your choice beverage?

  1. #1

    What's your choice beverage?

    Post your favorite beverages. Any beverage goes, if you drink it, its game.
    Edit: OH yeah forgot alcoholic!! Thanks for reminding me Terra.

    Non-Alcoholic: Diet Dr. Pepper, but I like Coke more.

    Alcholic: Not too picky when it comes to Alcohol... I love tequila. That shit gets me fucked up good and proper, but I love it for the feeling I get when I drink it. Nothin but straight tequila. crown and coke... thats all I can think of right now.
    Last edited by IFHTT; Mon, 03-20-2006 at 03:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Non-alcoholic, definitely Pepsi Max. And I do mean definitely. It is the ultimate substance. No sugar, and tastes beyond awesome. In fact I'm addicted to it, and sometimes drink 3 litres a day. I am probably going to die from cancer or something since apparently you get that from sugarfree drinks.

    And when alcohol is involved, I enjoy whisky. It doesn't taste very good, but I like it nontheless. It's probably in my blood (scottish waaaay back) + my dad loves it so I'm kinda, uhh, grown up with the concept.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Non-alcoholic, healthy: Water. Yup, the solvent of life baby. I drink it by the gallon. And I hate all those over-priced flavored bottled kinds like Fiji and all that. Just give me plain water for cheap (or, if you can where you live, from the tap).

    Non-alcohlic, not healthy: Root Beer. I am actually notoriously known for ordering a massive order of late night munchie foods and replacing everyone's drink of choice with root beer, claiming its a mistake and drinking them all myself. Obviously I'm not allowed to order very often anymore...

    If I could drink one beverage until the day I died, it'd be Root Beer. Soooo sugary and sweet it's like a party on my tongue! Too bad it's got even more sugar than Coke/Pepsi!

    Honorable mention: Ginger Ale. That shit is the best readily available, inconspicuous cure for a upset stomach/hangover after a night of drinking way too much.

    Favorite alcohol: Whiskey. Get the fuck out of my sight if you have any problem with that. I will finish this bottle of Jack and crack it in your face otherwise.

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  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Non alcoholic i have to go with Pepsi max, tastes to fucking good.

    I'd like to mention mineral water with lime/lemon flavour, that shit is just awesome when you don't feel like drinking Pepsi max.

    Alcoholic i have to go with Beer. There aren't many things that can beat a cold beer on a hot day. It works almost all the time, you simply can't go wrong with beer.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Non alcholic: Pommac. Terracosmo knows this one...

    Alcoholic: cloudberry liqueur. Or just Coke with rum (or is it rum with Coke).

  6. #6
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    cold sky juice ! ...

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  7. #7
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I'm with Masa on this one. There's nothing so awesome as a glass of water. The best part is that it's free. I take my Nalgene full of water with me wherever I go.

    In terms of not so healthy, I really love Dr. Pepper. And for a while I was addicted to Vanilla Coke. It was weird. The first time I drank it I hated it, and then after a while, I really loved it, and then after using it as my beverage of choice to keep me awake while writing all-night lab reports (cause I don't really like coffee or tea), I can't say that I like it as much anymore.

    As for alchohol, I'm fairly partial to peach schnapps and Sprite, as well as rum and coke. I usually have beer though.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Non alchoholic: Ice Tea, especially Nestle's brand. Can't get enough of the stuff. Sweet, and non fizzy. I hate drinks that are too fizzy. I sometimes shake up my coke bottle to remove some of it.

    Alchoholic: I enjoy vodka and Coquito (I'm sure none of you know what I'm talking about )
    Last edited by Deblas; Sun, 03-19-2006 at 09:14 AM.

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  9. #9
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, i do like water...except for the fact that it has to be either filtered or bought; but more specifically, im a fan of green tea with honey and ginseng (for strength heh heh).

    And as for alcohol; i tried to stop drinking, but my ankle is killing me and i need some sort of pain relief. SOO...with that said, i'll drink almost anything, but if i want to get f-ed up and dont care about the taste, ill drink malt liquor or soju. I prefer a fine whisky, white tequila, grey goose vodka, congnac when its time for the "get down",a nice smooth gin, bacardi 151, Malibu with pineapple, kahlua with milk, or either of the russian drinks and if there's nothing else around, ill drink isopropyl alcohol.

    ...I'm not an alcoholic, Really.

  10. #10
    Non alcoholic: Coke light or limon cold tea. It depends on the situation. But I have to say that I have never tried that pepsi max your talking about.

    Alcoholic: well I have problems with this because I dont like almost any alcoholic drink. And the few I tolerate have to be mixed. So I would say apple or peach liquor with lemon or orange for my favourite (it has to be cold), liquor 43 with chocolate milkshake my second and for the common beverage coke with wine.
    Last edited by Edort4; Sun, 03-19-2006 at 09:20 AM.

  11. #11
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    coke with wine?? how did you come across that?? that's worse than grape pop and jim beam.

  12. #12
    Hahaha it is a very popular drink here, its called kalimotxo. Culture here is playing in group while drinking so its needed a beverage wich can be drank massively and not going comatose, it also has the advantage of the price. You can buy it in 0,75 litres cans (called katxi) for 3€ while a coke-whiskey 200ml galss is 5-6€.

  13. #13
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    coke with wine?? how did you come across that?? that's worse than grape pop and jim beam.
    Have you tried red wine and orange juice?

  14. #14
    Where's my whiskey? I'm 'bout to get tore up!
    Yes, We shall acquire some whiskey on the way to the mall.
    And get tore up.
    And pass out in the hot sun.

    Take two of these muchachos and call us in the morning. Yeah, call us, we'll be drunk.

  15. #15


    My favorite 2 drinks would have to be coke and water. I dont like Pepsi that much, Dr. Pepper is alright, Cream Soda and Root Beer a really good, and Sprite is alright.

  16. #16
    Coke, simple as that.

  17. #17
    I dont drink soft drinks and I dont alcohol (dont like the taste). i drink water and juices. But I do like the taste of root beer. Does tea counts too?

  18. #18
    If I could change my name
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    Non alcoholic: Coffee, Tea, and Dr.Pepper. Course this all depends when in the day I'm drinking this. This combo has helped me though alot of days that generally sucked

    Alcoholic: Umm... well that always depends on the day. On the Vodka side of things it's a Black Russian,Screwdriver,Sex on the Beach, as well as straight. On the Rum side it's Bacardi 151, Flaming Dr. Pepper, Cherry Rum, Corkscrew, Zombie, and Rum & Dr. Pepper. There are more but at this time thats all I can remember
    image fail!

  19. #19
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Im not a fan of red wine, so i cannot say that i have had the pleasure of that experience.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    non alcoholic: water, pepsi, mountain dew(once in a blue moon), and gatorade.

    alcoholic: hypnotic and bacardi 151.
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