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Thread: Customized computer?

  1. #21
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    scct has SM3, Tomb Raider legend REQUIRES sm3 just to enable the next gen mode, basically every game that has hdr ( thats basically every game from now on) is on SM3, or the devs must have been extra nice and include a sm2 path ( which is highly unlikely ), oblivion requires sm3 for hdr also

    and no, if your videocard doesnt support hardware decoding of h264 it doesnt do SQUAT when watching it, it just displays the images rendered out by the cpu, and no its pretty stupid to ask if the 6600gt is future proof, since its now of the previous generation, the 7600gt is a lot faster then the 6600gt, has sm3, has h264 decoding, and is of the latest generation, i call that future proof, even at its price+ the 7600gt has an hdtv out, the 6600gt doesnt have that.
    saying something like "even counterstrike doesnt support sm3" is pretty dumb since css is pretty old already, + valve had a deal with ati, which led to the development of an sm2 path not sm3 ( sm2 and 3 are VERY different from each other )

    and btw how do you know if i dont have a 40 inch lcd that i use as monitor ? :P

  2. #22
    scct has SM3, Tomb Raider legend REQUIRES sm3 just to enable the next gen mode, basically every game that has hdr ( thats basically every game from now on) is on SM3
    Uh, no. There are genres out there other than 1st person or 3rd person, and those games certainly will not support HDR.
    if your videocard doesnt support hardware decoding of h264 it doesnt do SQUAT when watching it, it just displays the images rendered out by the cpu
    So everyone that has an ATI card right now is pretty much screwed when it comes to watching movies?
    saying something like "even counterstrike doesnt support sm3" is pretty dumb since css is pretty old already
    Pretty dumb? My whole point is that CSS has been out for a long time, and it STILL doesn't support SM3.0

  3. #23
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    im not bashing you or anything :P but yeah it is still pretty dumb, cause valve is not gonna make a sm3 path, and seeing how nvidia are lazy bastards too, dont expect a patch from them, css will remain sm3-less for ever, and for hdr supporting games:
    adventure - TRL
    action adventure - Lost Planet
    rpg ( bioware type rpg, like mass effect)
    fps - PDZ
    rts - WiC
    racing - PGR3

    the only stuff left are like.... puzzle games o_O or games that have been ported from xbox or ps2 ( condemned is the only x360 game that made it to pc which supports sm2, nfs most wanted doesnt count, seeing how it was multi platform )
    world in conflict might be the first rts with hdr, that or cnc3
    the games in the above list are all next gen games, and there are much more that support sm3, i cant see how future games wont support it, or even REQUIRE it, like TRL

    i mean would you rather play in ps2/xbox style gfx or x360 styled gfx ( this is the case with TRL)

    oh and no, the x1000 series of ati support hardware decoding, its just the x100 series that dont, so if you have anything lower then x1000 then yes you are screwed, same if you have anything lower then 6000 series ( i consider lower then 7000 series still screwed, seeing how lower doesnt have a hdtv output )
    Last edited by darkshadow; Sun, 04-23-2006 at 12:51 AM.

  4. #24
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    well I for one am not about to install counterstrike or any of the other games you mentioned on my computer. I just want a card that is competent and will support avi files etc.

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  5. #25
    Uh...if you put it that way, a $500 machine will be enough.

  6. #26
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by naruto=pwnage
    well I for one am not about to install counterstrike or any of the other games you mentioned on my computer. I just want a card that is competent and will support avi files etc.
    And you are building why? there is no point in building if your going for basic. Buy one from a local electronics store, it will be easier on you and us
    image fail!

  7. #27
    I wonder what darkshadow has to say about this now. I

    I just want a card that is competent and will support avi files etc.
    I give up on the X850XT

  8. #28
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    i really dont have anything else to add, but since 7600gt accellerates h264, then yeah give up on the x800gto

  9. #29
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naruto=pwnage
    so here is the deal. as of the moment I have a 50Gb laptop in which I got for my birthday. I want to save up some money and have a computer custom madefor me. I was wondering if any of you experts out there know how much the kind of computer I want would cost.
    here are the specs:
    -a 200 Gb hard drive
    -2Gb RAM
    -2Gb memory
    -competent graphics card
    -hi speed wireless capabilities
    -a competent internal DVD burning drive
    -a relatively cheap flat screen monitor
    -laser mouse

    The point of this computer would be for all the anime downloads etcetera etcetera. leaving my portable laptop for schoolwork.
    thanks, peace
    If all you want to do is download anime on it and not play any games, you can build a decent computer for 4-500$. So, what EXACTLY do you want to use the computer for? Do you play games? If so, what games? What games do you plan on playing? Do you do heavy imaging work in Photoshop? Etc, etc. What parts you buy are dependent on what you want to use it for (and thus, the price as well).

  10. #30
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    this is what I want to use the comp for:
    -anime downloading [hence why I want a big hard drive]
    -photoshop and other adobe products..[hence why I want alot of RAM]
    -I will not be thinking of installing any games since they usually don't interest me
    -anime viewing..
    hmm. yeh. pretty basic for what I want. I'm a complete noob when it comes to building so all the help has been appreciated. what I'm saying is.. I want my laptop for school and this new comp for the downloading and photoshop things that my current computer canot handle very well.

    oh! also I want to be able to burn quality DVD's of the anime I download

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  11. #31

  12. #32
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    that canadian dollars?
    [also, since what I want seems to be so cheap, is this a good hard drive?]=>
    Last edited by naruto=pwnage; Mon, 05-08-2006 at 08:58 PM.

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  13. #33
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naruto=pwnage
    that canadian dollars?
    that's american dollars. i don't think newegg ships to canada. did you ever tell us you were canadian?

    anyway, just go find those parts at some canadian site.

  14. #34
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    oh. dang. well.. IS Maxtor a good reliable HD company?

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  15. #35
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    maxtor is fine but i prefer WD.

  16. #36
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    i have an old Maxtor 14g, and it never failled me for 6 years, and i had a WD 80g and it crashed after less then 1 years

    just choose watever fit you, don't take something just because it cost less, and that hard drive.. look fine to me...

    and i already said this.. but... if you realy want to build a computer... (and the price is in canadien dollar)
    go there:
    so you will be able to order, online (i already made business with them, the service is good)

  17. #37
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Just because you had one drive die on you doesn't make them all bad.

  18. #38
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    This always comes up... people always use crappy anecdotal evidence in their drive planning. "I had a maxtor die, so I'm not going to buy maxtors anymore." "I had a WD die, so I'm not going to buy WD anymore". "I had a seagate die, seagate sucks".

    I've had maxtor, seagate, western digital, hitachi, and fujitsu drives die, in and out of warranty. I've never had a drive die in less than 2 and a half years, and the only drive that I've had die in less than 4 was an extremely "budget" maxtor that gave me 614 days of powered-on spun-up time before the first error.

    To quote myself from this thread about hard drives:

    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Basically, there's 6 manufacturers making hard drives right now: Fujitsu, Hitachi, Maxtor, Samsung, Seagate, and Western Digital. Fujitsu mainly (by which I mean only) makes scsi and sata stuff, and are generally enterprise-targetted, which generally means uncommon for home users. Hitachi is still fighting the "IBM DeathStar" name, but makes a quality product these days. Maxtor is everyone's favorite "my maxtor disk failed" anecdote, because they make so damned many disks that they're everywhere -- of course you'll find more failures in a larger sample. Samsung .... well, nobody has much to say about them. Seagate's well-trusted but makes slightly slower disks in general. Western digital is known for noisy but functional and reasonably fast disks.

    So basically, of the 4 real choices (discounting fujitsu for not making IDE drives, and samsung for being memory-price-fixing sonsofbitches), there's not a whole lot of difference. Western digital drives may be noisier. Maxtors may be hit or miss. Seagates may be slower performers on average. Hitachis have an undeserved bad rep.

    There's no real difference between any of them. Get one of those four brands, and your chances are as good as if you got any of the others. Just make sure the interface is the right type, and that it's got a decent buffer size.
    Long story short, if you're asking "is drive manufacturer X any good" the answer is always "yes". If you're asking "Will this drive fail on me" the answer is also "yes, eventually." That's just how things are.

  19. #39
    Get two of the WD "JS" or "KS" series and set up a RAID 0. Pretty good storage if you get two 250 GB drives, and pretty decent performance along the side.

  20. #40
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    Exclamation A Good Choice?

    a while ago I asked for advice on costumized computers and what would be wise to get. well, while browsing through a future shop ad I found this would you say this is a good computer? it would seem to fit all my wants and desires but before I decide I want it I want some professional opinions. will it be fast? will I be able to make capable of wireless internet? and if I wanted to add another hard drive to it would it be able to handle it? all suggestions are appreciated

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

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