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Thread: Naruto 314

  1. #21
    I always thought the reason Naruto learned the types of jutsu he did was he sucked at controling his chakra...and altering it's nature sounds like the most complicated form of chakra manipulation. Other examples probably inculde The First creating trees from chakra, the second creating water from chakra, and the Third creating fire from chakra. However an elemental Rasengan would probable be quite boring, so hopefully Naruto will somehow learn a much more useful way to alter his chakra then just making it elemental.

    And screw you Kishi for the gay "Not to draw this out..." --Cut away till next chapter shit, that wasn't funny, just irritating!

  2. #22
    Naruto Kamehameha anyone?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Naruto Kamehameha anyone?
    lol, that was funny. but i think Naruto will go with fire element since the Kuuybi was fire tails demon.

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    However, wasn't that Zabuza's bingo book alone? It seems, it wasn't one issued by his country, merely Zabuza keeping list of Ninjas worth noticing.
    I'm pretty sure he said it was from when he was a mist ninja.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25
    Alright, this is now the 3rd chapter with two akatsuki running around killing random newly introduced 1-chapter-characters. I'd like to have some sort of big picture added.

    And i'd say Narutos training will somehow involve this 'genius technique'.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Konohamaru
    meh I had a feeling Asuma was the son of the third. Same Surname and all and they look kinda similar. What is with Hidan man? Thats twice he's ending up half beaten in a lil prayer circle. Perhaps he's got some special self sacrificing jutsus where he uses up a lot of his blood or something. His parnter always appears unhurt. I know he's the slowest member but jeez.

    So whats this about Asuma leaving Konoha?
    Yeah had that feeling too, like Asuma was his son or nephew. Can't wait for the next chapter, just hope Naruto's new technique isn't something shitty. He should show of some new tricks or learn new jutsu's.

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    This Super-A class assassination jutsu needs more burning
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #28
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    On a somewhat related note, I hate Kakashi now.

    Fuck him for obtaining mangekyou for no explained reason.


  9. #29
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    hmm yeah lol i knew asuma has sarutobi in his name but the third was his dad? that was random. i wonder if asuma is konohomarus dad or uncle.

    haha i love hidan's group. ones a religious freak and the other a money maniac ! ah lol and the random zetsu who pops up to say hi every now and then.

    edit: oh my bad i read the chapter too quickly.
    Last edited by msmush; Fri, 07-07-2006 at 10:06 PM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by msmush
    hmm yeah lol i knew asuma has sarutobi in his name but the third was his dad? that was random. i wonder if asuma is konohomarus dad or uncle.

    oh another jinchuurrukki was killed in less an a chapter.

    haha i love hidan's group. ones a religious freak and the other a money maniac ! ah lol and the random zetsu who pops up to say hi every now and then.
    The monk they killed was not a jinchuuriki; he was someone who was in their Bingo Book that had a bounty on his head. They killed him for the money.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    On a somewhat related note, I hate Kakashi now.

    Fuck him for obtaining mangekyou for no explained reason.


    Hopefully they will explain something about how he obtained it. I have this sick feeling sasuke is gonna have the MS also. kishi will have to come up with something besides killing your best friend to obtain the MS.

    We'll maybe not sasuke haveing it cause i would think that would put him above orochimaru. If that occured orochimaru wont have a new body.I doubt he will allow sasuke to train him self in some way to awaken the MS.
    Last edited by bxgreatone87; Fri, 07-07-2006 at 09:49 PM.

  12. #32
    The prerequisite for Mangekyou was to see your best friend die before your eyes. For Kakashi - a person who has copied countless jutsus and invented one himself, I'll just assume he figured it out after those three years. Why insist on an explanation? Did you need an explanation for Shikimaru's new shadow jutsu, or anyone else's for that matter? To save time, you'll just have to make some assumptions and use your imagination.

    Naruto's training these past few years has been more perplexing to me. What did Jiraya teach Naruto exactly? All we saw was the beserk kyuubi which isn't anything new.

  13. #33
    Akatsuki has a treasurer? what next the ferocious class secretary ninja and his minute taking skills, le sigh.

  14. #34
    The only thing we've seen evidence of Naruto learning is how to willfully draw out Kyubii power and maybe some amount of control to keep himself from going too far...i.e. four-tails. Since However since Naruto failed at keeping it together while using Jyubii maybe there is something else that he was sucessful in during those two and a half years. Whatever it may be I don't think we've seen it yet.

    What sucks the most is that nothing about new current Naruto makes me feel like he's any different from the old Naruto. The other charachters show some amount of growth, like Sakura having that strength and knowledge or Kakashi's Mangekyou or Sasuke's even colder sttitude and steroids and new jutsu. But what has Naruto done that he'd never done before...jack. and now he's going to sit in front of Kakashi and learn in a few hours what he couldn't learn in two years...I'm just so thrilled!

  15. #35

    ANother boring chapter.

  16. #36
    Don't double post -MOD
    Last edited by Deadfire; Sun, 07-09-2006 at 12:03 AM.

  17. #37
    I still liked it enough. I've been watching the anime since the beginning, and only recently started reading the manga (when I came to these forums and saw the link to it). Perhaps I forgive a chapter or two for being boring...

    Though I will agree that it seems like everyone grew a bit more than Naruto; however, I am still interested in seeing his advancement now.

  18. #38
    Student viper00's Avatar
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    I admit that this chapter was a little boring except for Asuma being revealed as Sarutobis' son and maybe being Konohamarus' dad or uncle.

    One thig I dont understand is that Kakashi said he is going to teach Naruto a new jutsu that only he can learn/use, so how would Kakashi know how to teach Naruto this jutsu if only Naruto can learn it and use it? Someone correct me if i'm worng

  19. #39
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Kakashi said that Naruto is going to develop it himself, not teach him one.

  20. #40
    Kakashi > Teach > Naruto > How to come up with jutsu = Naruto's very own jutsu!

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