saman, it's not really that difficult. I started learning because a friend of mine started to get really into it, and I wanted to keep up with her. The first thing I ever knit was a dishcloth. In fact, I recommend dishcloths as the perfect starting knitting project. You can learn all the basic stitches, finish relatively quickly, and it doesn't matter if you mess up. One website that was a HUGE help to me when I started was They have video tutorials of everything, and it makes a lot more sense when you can see someone doing it. I tried to learn something new on each successive knitting project I attempted.

In terms of patterns, there are a ton on Knitting Pattern Central but you often have to sift through tons to find something nice to make. My favourite place to find patterns right now is Knitty. That's where I found the pattern for the binary scarf and the fingerless gloves (both the type I made for my mom, and the type I made for myself). Otherwise, anything that's plain old stocking stitch can have a pattern put on it, as long as you've drawn out the pattern on graph paper beforehand. It's pretty straightforward!

Here are the fingerless gloves I knit for myself. This was my first time modifying an existing pattern, as well as my first time knitting in the round instead of on straight needles. I've never been able to wear gloves before due to my lack of pinky finger (well, I CAN wear them, they just look weird) so it's nice to have a pair custom-made for me. The yarn isn't as stretchy as I thought it would be, but it's cozy nonetheless.
Pattern: Knucks from Knitty
Yarn: Bernat Denim Style
Time to complete: One weekend plus two days