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Thread: KitKat's Thread o' Knitting

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  1. #1
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    saman, it's not really that difficult. I started learning because a friend of mine started to get really into it, and I wanted to keep up with her. The first thing I ever knit was a dishcloth. In fact, I recommend dishcloths as the perfect starting knitting project. You can learn all the basic stitches, finish relatively quickly, and it doesn't matter if you mess up. One website that was a HUGE help to me when I started was They have video tutorials of everything, and it makes a lot more sense when you can see someone doing it. I tried to learn something new on each successive knitting project I attempted.

    In terms of patterns, there are a ton on Knitting Pattern Central but you often have to sift through tons to find something nice to make. My favourite place to find patterns right now is Knitty. That's where I found the pattern for the binary scarf and the fingerless gloves (both the type I made for my mom, and the type I made for myself). Otherwise, anything that's plain old stocking stitch can have a pattern put on it, as long as you've drawn out the pattern on graph paper beforehand. It's pretty straightforward!

    Here are the fingerless gloves I knit for myself. This was my first time modifying an existing pattern, as well as my first time knitting in the round instead of on straight needles. I've never been able to wear gloves before due to my lack of pinky finger (well, I CAN wear them, they just look weird) so it's nice to have a pair custom-made for me. The yarn isn't as stretchy as I thought it would be, but it's cozy nonetheless.
    Pattern: Knucks from Knitty
    Yarn: Bernat Denim Style
    Time to complete: One weekend plus two days

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I can't believe it only took you a weekend to knit that cap or only a little more for those gloves (and you have probably got even better since then!).

    Well, I have a preliminary design ready, but I will still try to perfect it. I'll see if I can get it to a state I'm really happy with in order to send it to you today like I earlier promised.

  3. #3
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    KitKat, the reason i'm jealous is because i've been knitting on and off for as long as i can remember, and you're still better than me :S i've never really tried any formal patterns though, just simple things like scarves and such. i do know about the knitting pattern central website, but i'll definitely have to check out the others you mentioned, especially thanks!

    also, do you crochet at all? because since you like knitting so much, you might like crochetting too

  4. #4
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    Quote Originally Posted by saman
    KitKat, the reason i'm jealous is because i've been knitting on and off for as long as i can remember, and you're still better than me :S
    Ridiculous! I may be more adventurous in the patterns I try, but my tension always changes as I knit, and my cast ons and bind offs are wretchedly terrible, being either way too tight or too loose. I'm willing to bet that if you knit one of the same patterns as me, yours would look fantastic. Two-colour projects merely look impressive, when in reality they're just plain stocking stitch.

    i've never really tried any formal patterns though, just simple things like scarves and such. i do know about the knitting pattern central website, but i'll definitely have to check out the others you mentioned, especially thanks!
    Yeah, following actual patterns that people have written out really clearly is so awesome. They do all the work of figuring out what stitches go where, and how to make it look good, and all you have to do is knit according to directions. I love that there's a lot less old-lady-ish patterns on the web these days and more things that I'd actually wear.

    also, do you crochet at all? because since you like knitting so much, you might like crochetting too
    I've been wanting to learn, but haven't gotten around to it. My mom crochets a lot, and I might get her to teach me at some point. I remember the one and only time I tried crocheting was when I was about 7 years old, and I tried to make just a rectangle, but it turned out looking like a mouse. It was the most deformed rectangle you could possibly imagine. I never did any crocheting after that.

    @ Kraco: A weekend usually means about 5-7 hours of knitting each day, since there's a lot more free time (or anime time) whereas on weeknights I may only have an hour or so to knit.

  5. #5
    I can't wait for my scarf to come in, the anticipation is growing day by day. I will send you a picture with my phone (Not High Quality, but it works, 1.3 Mega pixel i think) when I get it. Someone should put NOS in the delivery Truck.

    EDIT: Your Right, it wasnt what I Expected, I thought my name was going to be on it lol. Oh well, I love it anyway!! it is comfortable. Picture Time:

    Sorry if the image quality is bad, i did it with my phone.
    Last edited by Spiegel; Fri, 03-23-2007 at 01:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    Hehe, it was an experimental scarf. I'm glad it arrived ok, and I hope it keeps you nice and warm next winter. Here's a pic I took before I mailed it away:

    Yep, it's a dna scarf. I'm on the other side of the continent to where I normally live right now, so I won't be able to post the specs till I get home, but I should be back in a week. I also finished the Black Mage and Space Invaders scarves (finally!) and will probably start my next project when I get home (to where my yarn stash is).

  7. #7
    KitKat it is very generous of you to give up your free time to make something for people on this forum. I just looked at some of your designs, and you seem very good for someone who has just started out. I looked at the mage design scarf, and it is actually quite beautiful. It's colour scheme is perfect for the winter too. I remember doing some stitching work at school when I was 10, and I did enjoy watching my work come together from just scraps of cloth... guess that was the engineer in me at an early age!

    Would it be possible to add me to your request list as well? I know you already have 11 people on the list, so if you don't have the energy for more requests I will understand totally.

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