Well honestly, living in neighbouring country to the Ukraine the atmosphere is jokingly tense - ppl keep joking about Russian intervention...

but deep down are scared that they(Russians) might get a bit too greedy and also intervene in here - especially with all the fishy stuff surrounding exploding tupolev(plane exploded mid-air, on the Russian soil - carrying the most important ppl in Poland), including awkward movements from one political party that gained the most from that(it seriously seemed like they were prepared for that for at least few months), and the Russia - who still hold the parts of the plane, after washing it, and leaving it in open to remove all evidence(no idea if it was done to humiliate us, or because they had to hide something).

whole revolt in Ukraine is weird tbh - situation was dire, but it is literally another minority of voters forcing their ideas on the rest. Situation escalated in a bit too convenient ways for some groups.