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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 18

  1. #1

    Gundam 00 Episode 18

    Well if you guys are into mediocrity here it is:

    heres Nyoro~n Fansubs:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  2. #2
    Their subs aren't just mediocre, they're just plain wrong.

  3. #3
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    ..the picture quaility is outstanding but the sub is being kicked in the balls and face at the same time =/

    well this was really needed its hard to watch 18 episodes and not have a clear bad guy and i dont care what your reason when you attack unarmed civilians you are EVIL! and man poor Louise and Saji I was at the point wear i was hateing those two but if there is anybody i want to see get some revenge its these two. now lets hope exia can bring the pain and is not just going to get owned.
    Last edited by NeoBear; Sun, 02-10-2008 at 10:36 AM.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  4. #4
    no, the real question is, "could Graham be any more awesome than he is after whupping up Eins with his Over Flag Custom?"

    i'd like to direct your attention to two things in regards to that encounter...

    1. Graham has a Gundam beam saber now, which could be equipped on his Flag to make it even more awesome...

    2. The Flag finally shows that it, when in the right hands (Graham's, that it), is an amazingly well built and dangerously fast mobile suit, even if it does hand out wicked g-force punishment on its pilot...

    in general, Graham's speech about his love of the Union Flag mobile suit tells me he won't be getting a Gundam at any point soon... more likely, he'll get a stylishly badass upgrade to his Flag...


    i must say, the Louise/Saji situation was amazingly well done. the emotion portrayed in that single scene is the sort of thing that keeps me continually interested in G00.

    i did, however, in a blog or something like that, see someone make a very interesting point about Saji... here goes me moving on with that, since i'm feeling pretty secure in my already stated theories regarding stolen Celestial Being/Solar Furnace technology, etc etc...

    alright, so, Louise's entire family is killed and she loses her left hand (importantly symbolic in relationships, since it is the hand a wedding ring is worn on, thus she now feels she can never be married (?) or something of that nature)... his sister is digging deeper and deeper into the Celestial Being organization and all of the odd things having to do with it over the past... she's going to probably end up getting waxed soon as well... and then we've got Saji. poor, nice guy Saji... his life in shambles... what is an engineering student to do? enlist? perhaps talk to his friend/neighbor Setsuna? maybe join up with Celestial Being?

    at the very least, Saji is soon to become notably more relevant, i think...

  5. #5
    Gundam 00 - 18 - [Shinsen]

    Grahm Acre is like unto the Gods. I've NEVER seen anyone disarm a Gundam and then use their Gundamy weapon against them. Utter pwnage, screw Mwu La Flaaga and Zechs Marquise, its' all about Grahm. *drools at the thought of Grahm in Tallgeese *

    And Saji and Louise, that was just plain depressing. Poor Louise never did anything to anyone and now she's like that. And what's worse the Trinity bros weren't even that bothered by what she did. There's no way people who have absolutely no compassion could be tools for stopping war, since they would have no reason to want war to end. This makes me pretty confident that the Trinity's were brought on specifically to accomplish whatever the secret evil mission is and the original Gundams are all just dupes.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    After a while an episode I was pretty satisfied with, and don't have much to complain about. Graham was indeed kicking ass in a splendid manner, and it was made even more believable and in a certain manner cool by the fact how he exceeded the acceleration safety limits in order to win. And yet kept his head cool enough to immediately switch to the Gundam blade.

    The only complaints I could have about this episode are the AEU forces' nonexisting AA skills (like a couple of dozen mobile suits shooting at a practically stationary object and none scoring a hit - wft?) and the passiveness of the governments when their bases and other installations are being wiped out left and right. They should already declare a state of war and mobilize their full wartime armed forces to counter the threat and minimize losses. The longer they wait, the more resources they will lose before anything can happen.

  7. #7
    Wow that was so screwed up, for Louise, her parents, and that married couple. I kinda feel sympathy for them now and if their characters continue to be well written in future episodes like this one I might even start to liking them. I really well it seems to me that Nena might end up becoming the Frey of this series. Also Im surprised Marina hasnt made that much of a appearence the last few episodes considering she supposed to be the leading lady if im not mistaken.

    Just a general question to everyone:
    Has gotwoot been down today? Earlier I wasnt able to get on gotwoot.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I really have no choice but to first mention that Graham is exceedingly awesome, easily the best pilot in this series, and probably most of the others.

    If it was in the comments of a blog, it was probably me that reminded you that Saji and Louise were Aerospace Engineering students in college. I seemed to be one of the only people that remembered. Does that mean that they will be ready to help out someone to kill the Gundams right away? Maybe not, but the possibility exists.

    It's awful that Nena attacked the wedding simply on the basis of thinking that it was unfair for people to have fun because she had to work. Worse, Johan didn't care, and Michael actually thought it was funny.

    I'm betting Nena dies first. It shouldn't be too hard to kill her, since she doesn't seem to have very strong weapons for Mobile Suit combat (more than enough to kill people though). That way, sister-complex Michael will go insane with rage, and be an easy kill for one of the others. Johan might even lose his cool too. That, and the writers have certainly vilified her the most.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I really have no choice but to first mention that Graham is exceedingly awesome, easily the best pilot in this series, and probably most of the others.
    I wouldn't say easily the best. If we believe you, the AEU mobile suit is clearly inferior to the Flag, and thus Ali who has fared pretty well with one would thus need to be an excellent pilot indeed (fighting well with an even poorer mecha).

    In any case I seriously hope this won't become a pure Gundam vs Gundam show from now on. The politics of the world (and extensions) were one of the most interesting aspects of this show and if the three powers are sidelined, 75% of the interesting stuff would vanish right away.

  10. #10
    Awesome ep, but I got a question.

    Why is Graham having internal bleeding ? Has he been injured like his friend, the mechanic or is it only about the G he's taking while flying ?

  11. #11
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    He was coughing up blood b/c of the G's his body was taking.

    Pretty nice episode, despite what happened to Louise(her and her bf are the show's punching bag). I'm really starting to not like the trinity sibs. Them going around claiming to want to stop war while killing pretty much everyone(it was probably them who shot that guy in the street) is the "evil" way to do this.

    They need a serious ass kicking, unfortunately Setsuna sucks and can't do anything, and enemies never kill each other the first time around(according to the anime bible). It was still a nice ending though.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  12. #12
    I have to admit, I got choked up during the Louise and Saji scene.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    They need a serious ass kicking, unfortunately Setsuna sucks and can't do anything, and enemies never kill each other the first time around(according to the anime bible). It was still a nice ending though.
    That doesn't really matter in the bigger picture. I sometimes wonder if Setsuna even knows about the ultimate goal. Probably not. He seems like a person who has been told they are there to stop wars, and likely that's the only thing that could have made him interested, considering he's from a stock of simple minded fanatics. However, Setsuna taking action will hopefully force the rest of the CB to do something as well, regardless of whether they initially just wanted to sit on their hands hoping they can adjust their plans accordingly, no matter what the Throne does or not. Right now the ultimate goal, especially since it hasn't been clearly stated, is still a bit abstract to be considered of much use to the plot in practice.

  14. #14
    Excellent episode, I'll echo everyone's thoughts on Graham Acre, and how in the span of only 17 episodes has surpassed almost any gundam pilot i've seen in the past. He's essentially the "anti-kira", all skills and no ub3r advanced gundam that kills everything with one button ( I'd like to see a fictional battle involving him whipping "god-mode" kira lol)

    Now that the Union has the beam saber, and part of Throne's arm, perhaps they can somehow reverse engineer some upgrades to make the flag more on par with the gundams.

    Quote Originally Posted by kraco
    the passiveness of the governments when their bases and other installations are being wiped out left and right. They should already declare a state of war and mobilize their full wartime armed forces to counter the threat and minimize losses. The longer they wait, the more resources they will lose before anything can happen.
    I completely agree with this, it seems the political leaders are still in a state of shock and disarray after the last battle (since everyone seems to be contemplating getting over old grudges and forming alliances), but that's no reason to not go to defcon 3 or something, mobilize and fortify their military installations and get some defense squadrons in place. Maybe we will see the world mobilizing their militaries in the next few eps, that is certainly very probable.

    As someone else pointed out, the Thrones will most likely have the exact opposite effect. When you attack civilians indiscriminately and the bases of the world's superpowers, the reaction they incur will be anything but the elimination of war, which questions what their true purpose really is......

    I'll echo the comments on Louise and gotta say it was really well done, showing how war can affect innocent civilians who weren't even involved in it at all.
    Last edited by DeathscytheVII; Mon, 02-11-2008 at 11:53 AM.

  15. #15
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunslinger_BlaQ
    1. Graham has a Gundam beam saber now, which could be equipped on his Flag to make it even more awesome...
    No, it just shows that the Trinitys are retards for allowing top secret weaponry into the hands of the enemy. That one saber has the gundam technology in it, even if it isnt as good as the original. That one saber could reverse engenieer a lot more than a saber for Union.

    And yes, Graham pwn's

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  16. #16
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Was that an explosion or an impact on the ground were the arm fell?

    There is a chance were the brown, long-haired glassman (who apparently has alot of engineering skills) add it to Grahams Custom Flag.
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  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought the Throne dude self-destructed the arm so that the Union wouldn't be able to retrieve and study it.

  18. #18
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    i could be wrong but it looked like the arm completly blew up and or was detonated. i find it hard to beleave they would just leave it behind. and even then who cares without a doubt the gundams are constructed on another level, but im pretty sure the main reason they kick so much ass in this series has to do with the solar reactors?
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't think it would matter anyway. It's my understanding that the Gundam beam weaponry in Anno Domini relies entirely on GN particles. All of Exia's blades supposedly have a thin layer of the particles projected over them, enabling them to cut very cleanly despite looking like an airplane wing.

    Since Billy won't be able to create a Solar Furnace, or probably even a copy of one like the Thrones have, the stolen beam saber won't do any good. We should really be amazed that the GN particles stayed in Johan's blade long enough for Graham to cut the arm off.

    I'm a bit worried about Kinue though. If the AEU pilot was shot right after their meeting for divulging that information, whomever is behind this (undoubtedly Alejandro and the Thrones) will have her on their list now too.

    She hasn't had her chance to shine yet, and I fear it will probably be a blaze of glory...

    And I also assume Marina's role is next to worthless now.

  20. #20
    I think everyone will agree with me when I say that Gundam matured with Ep 18. Breaking the "Gundam Loop".( Powerup Hardship Powerup Hardship Powerup )

    Adding a new faction that is yet similar to the principal, yet an enemy is well done.
    And finally some well done drama.

    With that, I think now we can say that Gundam 00 is not only about Mecha and lasers.

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