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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 21

  1. #1

    Gundam 00 Episode 21

    hrmph. i get to post it two weeks in a row? sweet.


    oh noes!!! coolguy's hurt!!!

    further forward momentum in Saji's character!!

    and... what script writer keeps thinking it's okay to have Graham-less episodes??

  2. #2
    Missing Nin
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    The thing is Nyoro subs are so bad they are unwatchable and they have constantly made major mistakes in translation so nobody posts a topic until atleast shinsen releases a subbed version. Nyoro is essentially no better then posting based on a completely raw episode.

  3. #3
    Raw is betta !

    Then yes, No Graham WTF.

    So .. I don't know what to think of this ep yet. I'll have to wait for the Shinsen HQ.

  4. #4
    this ep from Nyoro wasn't that bad (then again... that wasn't a very hard ep to sub). and its done fast!

    good ep overall...

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Why did Lagna commit a suicide? You would think a railroad tycoon of that magnitude isn't some idealistic who would kill himself once his role was finished. And neither would he be, should somebody disagree, the sort of person who would simple let someone kill him. I mean, he was building Gundam clones in secrecy so he's not exactly your average gullible fool. Maybe he used a fake body to fake his death.

    And why on earth did 19 vs 4, then 19 vs 3 fight turn out like this? The CB should have been wiped out in mere seconds. The defenseless ship in even less time. I mean, if all the defending Gundams were kept busy by a few clones, why didn't any of the UN forces sneak behind their back and aim a few well placed shots at the ship? Whoever planned this operation should have his ass kicked out of the military. Or perhaps it was a shitty operation simply because it was under the UN flag (nothing will change there in the future)...

    Well, I'm sure there was something good in this episode but it wasn't the lack of Graham and Ali.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Why did Lagna commit a suicide? You would think a railroad tycoon of that magnitude isn't some idealistic who would kill himself once his role was finished. And neither would he be, should somebody disagree, the sort of person who would simple let someone kill him. I mean, he was building Gundam clones in secrecy so he's not exactly your average gullible fool. Maybe he used a fake body to fake his death.

    And why on earth did 19 vs 4, then 19 vs 3 fight turn out like this? The CB should have been wiped out in mere seconds. The defenseless ship in even less time. I mean, if all the defending Gundams were kept busy by a few clones, why didn't any of the UN forces sneak behind their back and aim a few well placed shots at the ship? Whoever planned this operation should have his ass kicked out of the military. Or perhaps it was a shitty operation simply because it was under the UN flag (nothing will change there in the future)...

    Well, I'm sure there was something good in this episode but it wasn't the lack of Graham and Ali.
    I absolutely believe Lagna was killed. He didn't seem crafty enough to be making the GN-X drives behind Alejandro's back. Alejandro (or Libbons) leaked them. The same way the Professor was. Well, Kinue was more of a anarchistic slasher (Ali), but still. All three got to close, or in Lagna's case, was already close. Alejandro seems very motivated to cut out any liabilities as soon as possible. The Professor when he would have interrupted the need for the delivery of the GN-X drives by his own discoveries, and even more specifically, whatever information he determined right at the end. All perfect moves on Alejandro's part. I fucking hate the guy for so many reasons, but if you're going to be ruthless and try to take control from behind the scenes, this is exactly how you should do it.

    The only thing he didn't calculate was Sumeragi would come out of her alcoholic stupor quickly enough to create a backup plan. I suppose Alejandro can thank Nena and her brothers for that. They were aggressive enough around the other Meistars to make Sumeragi and Tieria suspicious.

    It seems two operations have been involved for a long time. Aoelia Schenberg's original, well-intended plan, and the Corner family's ambition to take control of everything by betraying them. I wouldn't be surprised if Alejandro's family has been involved from the beginning of CB, and only now has found a viable method of exploiting their ambitions. That would of course be "his little angel" [*shivers*], Libbons. Who I am equally convinced approached Alejandro the same way the Corner family probably involved themselves with Aoelia Schenberg. Libbons will betray Alejandro later for his own twisted ambitions.

    I'm all with you on the 19-4 fight. We know that the Meistars were not well trained, especially Setsuna. Maybe Hallelujah at best, being a Super Soldier. Well trained, equally equipped SOLDIERS should have annihilated them. I suppose they were being cautious, and rightfully so after the Gundams restarted and the muscled operator (for lack of a name right now) shows up in a fighter plane we never knew about.

    I do get the feeling that Saji will want to wipe CB off the face of the earth and space. Kinue gone, Louise will never be the same ever again, all related to one organization. He can't be a pussy forever...

    But maybe he'll take the Kinue approach and find out Schenberg's true intention as the Professor did.

  8. #8
    Lol GN Arms ftw, Lockon getting owned by Mr. Fail ftl Normally I'd be lambasting the UN for running away after just one new unit approached, but considering the outcome the last time new units interceded in a odds on win for the allied superpowers I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. They'd already lost 2 currently irreplaceable units and 3 limbs and they had no idea whether the fighter would take out more with what appears to be superior agility and firepower or if another would show up. And hey, they managed to fuck up one Gundam, (though not through any actual skill on any of their parts) so that's at least something.

    One thing I've really got to give this show credit for is not going for the one laser hit = a kill battle philosophy so prevalent in the last Gundam incarnation. Having the laser shots blockable by armor brings a new dimension to the fights, since you have to land good clean hits to really take out a target.

    I was also pleasantly surprised that Kinue was actually dead, but this does give Saji a good reason to grow a pair for part 2.

    As to Corner, he's kind of boring me at this point. The evil guy who wants to take over the world is just so done. And he's not even sinister really, he comes across more like a smug, spoiled kid who expects control of the world to just be handed to him and thinks he's hot stuff when he really hasn't done anything. Hopefully when his boy toy turns on him he'll redeem himself somehow.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I absolutely believe Lagna was killed.
    Yeah. Even I know he was killed, but because of:

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    As to Corner, he's kind of boring me at this point. The evil guy who wants to take over the world is just so done. And he's not even sinister really, he comes across more like a smug, spoiled kid who expects control of the world to just be handed to him and thinks he's hot stuff when he really hasn't done anything. Hopefully when his boy toy turns on him he'll redeem himself somehow.
    I thought his death like that was a real cornerstone in the house of ultimate lameness. Like Yuki said, this boss villain of the series seems to be a yuppie who doesn't actually do anything by himself but just walks a path smoothened by the script writers. If some screentime had been used to show him plot and manipulate people and that sort of things, to make him look truly evil and villainous, I might have thought offing Lagna just like that was fine. But now even Lagna seemed more nefarious than this upstart Corner kid yet got killed.

  10. #10
    Corner should go Bwhahwbahwahwaaaahaaa *Evil laugh*

    And the First Lieutant (A Black guy in Japanese Anime that does not die in the first season, O lord ... Can't be true) together with Graham should kick ass or at least able to destroy one Gundam.

    As for the 19-4 or 5 including mothership. It should have been a complete wipeout BUT no one is going to let 00 end this fast, right ?

    About Libbons, 00 writers could still be surprising us, that betrayal towards the CB could be a plot by Aeolia to spook out possible greedy people trying to profit from his plan and ...
    No way this is actually the case ...

  11. #11
    So the GN Arms are basically METEOR attachments? Lame.

    Sorry if this has been asked, but whats with Tieria and all this "human, human" talk. Are they hinting that he's some kind of cyborg?

  12. #12
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Maybe not cyborg but more an very,very nanomachine implanted human.
    But maybe I am the one that can't define the actual word "cyborg".

    I'm also gasping hardly on Lockons fate. They just kill him, just like that? What about his drama queen plot, twin brother thingy?
    So sad that they actually really did kill Kinue. I find that amazing. Poor Saji though.

    Overall, episode theme song, wierd. Otherwise this episode were fine but a little suspicious on some part.
    Oh, a small, small detailed thingy, the red haird brat ace's suit is more purple colored in some parts.

    Yay the variation...
    Yay more model kit...
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  13. #13
    Missing Nin
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    Lockon isn't dead thats a given there would be no way Haro survived being in front of lockon in the cockpit for Lockon to actually die. He's likely to be useless for a bit but I highly doubt they would have killed him like that. I mean the body's intact so unless felts going to run off and drop it in a lake its just quite unlikely.

  14. #14
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There have been rumors floating around about Lockon's fate. Ones that seem somewhat fitting, but I will not repeat them here.

    If you want to know, poke around some anime blogs.

  15. #15
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Oh noes! not Lockon! Although there was a bit of foreshadowing when he was talking to Tieria, i kind of felt something bad was going to happen to him.

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Seeing how this series has been willing to let characters be killed left and right, I don't think it's impossible some CB personnel would die as well. Though I'd have assumed it would be some minor characters (first), not meisters, but it's not impossible. I'd say it would be even realistic, but since realism has got no foothold whatsoever in the chambers of Gundam script writers, that'd be a moot point.

  17. #17
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    For me it feels wierd not having Lockon dead. His cockpit got cut open ny a lightsaber and his helmet's visor is broken, it has a hole.

    It's space, vacuum!...He should be sucked out to the eternal space.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  18. #18
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    For me it feels wierd not having Lockon dead. His cockpit got cut open ny a lightsaber and his helmet's visor is broken, it has a hole.

    It's space, vacuum!...He should be sucked out to the eternal space.
    Well lets not forget in Gundam Seed Destiny they went back and edited out Mu's broken helmet that was floating in space without him and decided he was alright.

    Or in Gundam seed where "The tiger of the desert" Had his suit blow up with him in it and got out with minor injuried because his girlfriend jumped on him.

    They wear pilot suits for a reason and his visor is only cracked not destroyed. There was blood from somewhere but not enough to mean he has to be dead.

    Its possible they would kill him off but letting Haro survive and letting them recover a body is pretty rare when it comes to a main character who's dying. The only reason for doing that is if Felt takes over for Lockon or even more randomly Sanji because they are the only ones we know of right now that are likely to take over in Lockons Gundam. Both of those replacements are insanely unlikely though. Or I guess we have the new guy in the GN arms as a possible gundam pilot but still thats very unlikely to me at least.

    Of the ending could be read either way Lockon is holding the scissors which drop followed by a wave of blood but we see him in the ending after that point of course then the final scene is the scissors and haro alone without the blood. So really that can mean pretty much anything you want to guess.

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The only reason for doing that is if Felt takes over...
    My dream come true!

    Now that I think about it, that wouldn't be too unlikely. If Lockon is crippled or otherwise incapacitated, she very well could. We know that Feldt is the daughter of two previous Meistars (current fate unknown, presumed dead) and it wouldn't be totally out of the question for her to be partially trained in the basics. She's an "Army brat" for lack of a more appropriate term. "Gundam whelp?" She was born into Celestial Being.

    Coupled with her close-ish relationship with Lockon, the big brother, little sister sort of thing, and how much the CB Haro likes her, it's not totally out of the question.

    Then we'd have two female Gundam pilots, both with Haro's, on either side of this. Could she match Lockon's abilities? Probably not, but he's fairly computer assisted himself, and between Feldt and Christiana's programming abilities, they might make a decent system to accommodate.

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm thinking somewhere during the last two episodes of this season, Trinity's gonna join up with CB. Maybe with Wang Liu Mei's help/influence. I believe Tieria is a cyborg. A chip implant in his brain is enough to be called a cyborg, and that's what I think he has. Soma and Allelujah, besides being super solders, also have nanomachines inside them "maintianing peak performance", but they don't count. If only menclave were a week or so faster, we could have enjoyed this in HD glory. (and decent subs.)

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