1. Eden of the East: By far the most interesting series of the season though I wish it was more then 11 episodes as the movies are a ways off.

2. Cross Game: The Story of this one is quite interesting I'm amazed its going to run 51 episodes as that is way longer then I would have guessed but I'll be watching all of it.

3. Basquash: I expected to like this one a lot less then I have but they really have been developing the characters and its been keeping my interest.

Honorable mentions: K-On! It was decent and can be best described as Beck Light but overall there was just to much fluff to put it in my top 3. Plus they stopped doing those Music Video things as soon as they added a 5th member and the pacing seemed just to rushed with problems being presented and solved almost immediately.

Slight disclaimer: I've yet to actually get to Hatsukoi Limited, Guin Saga or Kemono no Souja Erin.

FMA Brotherhood: Don't get me wrong I loved the original series but 13 episodes in there has basically been nothing new presented and I liked the original pacing better so frankly I can't place it even close to the top 3.