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Thread: TV: Game of Thrones

  1. #241
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    It's going to be so funny when the White Walkers bust down the wall and decide they're hungry for Cersei et. all's face. At that point, does the fight for kingship even matter?
    If them repeatedly ignoring the Night's Watch's requests for more people in the first two seasons is any indication, yes, to them it still does. They'll continue to squabble and lose people through attrition until the White Walkers are banging down the doors to King's Landing.

    Though the pragmatic solution would be to beg for Daenerys' forgiveness and put her back on the Iron Throne. Then her dragons could kill all the White Walkers in a matter of months.

  2. #242
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    Seriously?! That's the part I hate the most. Brienne is way too uptight.
    Of course she is, she's the straight man (woman) to Jaime's awesome jovial prisoner personality this season.

  3. #243
    Why was Cersei laughing at Tyrion becoming Master of Coin? Because being the treasurer is super lame and he'll have a boring deskjob where he doesn't have any action? How does that strategically help her at all? For all she knows, he could secretly siphon funds and raise money for an army against her.

    Hot Pie was smart to ditch Arya, or his ass would probably be targeted by whoever goes after Arya. Being a baker seems relatively boring, though.

    Wait, Robb and that nurse actually got married? Oh gawd.

    Love/Hate... Game of Thrones... The Wire... I’m ALWAYS happy to see Lord Baelish being Lord Baelish and having Baelishy conversations. Was also happy to see the the eunuch.

    It feels so uncanny that they played rock(?) music during Jaime’s hand scene. It feels like some kinda wall was broken, but it was also kinda cool.
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  4. #244
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    From what I remember from the books, Tyrion becoming master of coin was a significant increase of power and influence for him. Like you suggested, he now has control of the finances of the kingdom.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  5. #245
    Love how they did the be-handing of Jamie there. Of course I saw it coming, but they still did it in a way that was shocking, even for those of us who knew it had to happen soon enough.

    People seem to be talking about the ending credits song that played. I think it met the tone pretty damn well for what had just preceded it, and I don't see a big problem with it being a departure from the usual orchestra playing out. I don't expect it to, nor would I like it to, be a recurring way to end the show..... but after gruesomely chopping off someone's hand and hearing them scream in pure agony I can't think of a better time to close with some fast rock music.

  6. #246
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    Why was Cersei laughing at Tyrion becoming Master of Coin? Because being the treasurer is super lame and he'll have a boring deskjob where he doesn't have any action? How does that strategically help her at all? For all she knows, he could secretly siphon funds and raise money for an army against her.

    Hot Pie was smart to ditch Arya, or his ass would probably be targeted by whoever goes after Arya. Being a baker seems relatively boring, though.

    Wait, Robb and that nurse actually got married? Oh gawd.

    Love/Hate... Game of Thrones... The Wire... I’m ALWAYS happy to see Lord Baelish being Lord Baelish and having Baelishy conversations. Was also happy to see the the eunuch.

    It feels so uncanny that they played rock(?) music during Jaime’s hand scene. It feels like some kinda wall was broken, but it was also kinda cool.
    Robb and Talisa got married last season.

    Cersei is laughing because she knows Tywin has given Tyrion an impossible job, a supposition backed up by the fact that Littlefinger was maintaining the realm's finances via heavy, un-repayable debt. Littlefinger was maintaining his facade of being a skilled master of coin by going deep in debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos and the Lannister family. It's obviously not a step up in "power and influence" as he was formerly Hand of the King and basically making all the decisions around King's Landing. He can't "secretly siphon" anything because the kingdom doesn't have funds and hasn't had them for a long time.

  7. #247
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Holy shit they took his hand! The Lanisters are so hated that not even their gold can save them from the deliciousness of revenge.

    I wonder if he'll still be able to use a sword with his other hand.

  8. #248
    Now I'm starting to feel sorry for Jaime Lannister. Although, finally he learned some humility. However, I don't want to see anybody losing a hand, especially after we see him redeeming himself by saving Brienne from getting raped. Oh what a cruel world...

  9. #249
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Yeah, i really didn't see that hand removal coming at all, my first thought when they bent him over the table was "wtf they're gonna rape him now instead?" lol

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  10. #250
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Not going to lie, I expected the same. He saved Brienne, so I figured they'd just use Jaime instead. It didn't cross my mind that they'd take his hand until they stopped holding him down (seconds before).

  11. #251
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Aww shit, that whole final bit with Daenerys got my heart racing from all the awesomeness!

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  12. #252
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    The first time I read how they took Jaime's hand in the book I was like WTF happened? I'm really happy on how they did it on the show. Also this is one of my favorite moments of Daenerys. She's so damn cool when she ordered her unsullied to slaughter the masters.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  13. #253
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Damn, I'm so used to seeing Sansa's upset/sad that when she was smiling with Margaery, I thought she was a different actress for a split second.

    Also, Diana Rigg as Lady Olenna has to be one of the best casting decisions of all time, in all media. She is absolutely owning that role. For a character introduced this season, she feels like she's been involved in the King's Landing backbiting the whole time. Must be all about experience.

    Brienne telling Jamie to stop being such a woman...hah. The pair have really been a highlight.

    And Daenerys, that part of the scene where she speaks to the unsullied means she's heard and understood everything, every insult, ever traitorous comment that the slave-dealer has spoken. Hilarious. The translator's shock more than gave that revelation away. He doesn't even realize it until later. It's impossible not to root for Daenerys.

  14. #254
    Okay, I love Daeny and all, but she needs to calm down. I really wouldn't want her crazy ass to be queen. I mean burning the shit out of EVERYONE in the town just because the pompous slave guy calls you a bitch a few times? All right, when I remember that he was ripping guys nipples off, it seems pretty justified. But Daeny is seriously going to turn into the mad queen too if she isn't careful.

    Actually NONE of these contestants in this game of thrones seem like competent rulers in any way, shape or form. I'd rather move to the north and become a wild jungle bitch and try my luck against the Others than have to live in poverty under these wack jobs. Hell, I'd rather JOIN the Others. They look like they're having fun. People are either scared shitless of them or have no idea they exist.

    Eunuch and Tyrion's conversation was so hilarious. He was probably planning to tell Tyrion about the fact that he caught the evil sorcerer who ruined him no matter what Tyrion came to him with. Wise sage segue skills.

    Agreed w/ Ryl, Diana Rigg is a badass actress. She is fire. I knew that from the second I saw her. So that's what being the master of your craft looks like, huh? She was GORGEOUS back in the day, btw. Admittedly, I'm loving every single role, though. HBO handles their casting perfectly. (Not counting True Blood...).

    The guy from Misfits plays the guy who has Theon captive in this show. He's all pasty and scary and plays fucked up psychological games. A future Joffrey, perhaps? Joffrey -wishes- he had the balls to torture someone with his own hands.

    None of Tywin's kids feel the love from Tywin at all, do they? I imagine Jaime gets the most love, and I also imagine Jaime cares the least. Foolish Cersei and poor Tyrion got the short end of his love. :/ Tywin's still really awesome, though. I'm so glad they have all these sexy elderly powerhouses in the show.

    I almost feel sorry for Sansa. If she had the good sense, she'd realize that she's being pulled between Littlefinger and the Tyrells. She should go with Littlefinger. He genuinely loves her, or at least her mom. Otherwise she'd just be stuck with Loras, and that means no getting laid + getting dragged into the Tyrell's affairs and conniving (and possibly discarded by them). Margaery is one of the best characters in the show, but it's pretty obvious she's using Sansa's stupidity to her advantage so her family can gain control of the north.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    Okay, I love Daeny and all, but she needs to calm down. I really wouldn't want her crazy ass to be queen. I mean burning the shit out of EVERYONE in the town just because the pompous slave guy calls you a bitch a few times?
    Didn't she say to only kill anyone with a whip, and no children?

  16. #256
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire View Post
    I almost feel sorry for Sansa. If she had the good sense, she'd realize that she's being pulled between Littlefinger and the Tyrells. She should go with Littlefinger. He genuinely loves her, or at least her mom
    Say what?! You really think she should trust him after the way he backstabbed Ned? :/
    Also, I don't find littlefinger so cool anymore after finding out he is been putting the whole kingdom in a shitload of debt. I like Varys a hell of a lot more. They could make a whole show about the conversations between Tyrion and Varys.

    Also, was it just me or did Danaerys look 10x hotter in this episode. Maybe it was just a consequence of all the epicness.
    Last edited by Splash!; Tue, 04-23-2013 at 12:10 AM.

  17. #257
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The dynamic between Varys and Littlefinger is even more apparent now that we know Littlefinger was secretly bankrupting the realm. Varys, as he was saying a lot in season 1 to Ned in the dungeons, is the "servant of the realm". His machinations are in service of the stability of the kingdom (if also at times self-serving, such as capturing the sorcerer who gelded him as a boy). Whereas Littlefinger only serves the realm by accident in pursuit of enriching himself, and as this season reveals has actively worked to screw the realm over badly (he could hardly be unaware of the consequences of borrowing so much money)

  18. #258
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Welp, Daenery's plan was so fucking obvious. Even if she didn't know the language from the get go the slaver even gave her an interpreter, how did he not see it coming? That and i found it a little too unbelievable how they all decided to keep following her after she dropped the whip. I get they're grateful but that was pretty quick for years of brainwashing.

    And it's impressive how the Night's Watch lasted as much as they did, you starve and insult a bunch of thieves and murderers and expect them to follow through with the ideals of an organization they were forced into in the first place? I wonder what Jon Snow will do now, is there even a Night's Watch anymore?

    What's the point of Sansa anymore? Or better yet, what was her point in the first place? Every time they change the setting to her i find myself thinking it would be time better spent elsewhere. She's the most uninteresting Stark in the show and it's not like her Status Quo has changed much ever since the start of season 2.

    These are overall just small gripes though, the show itself is as interesting as ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    The dynamic between Varys and Littlefinger is even more apparent now that we know Littlefinger was secretly bankrupting the realm. Varys, as he was saying a lot in season 1 to Ned in the dungeons, is the "servant of the realm". His machinations are in service of the stability of the kingdom (if also at times self-serving, such as capturing the sorcerer who gelded him as a boy). Whereas Littlefinger only serves the realm by accident in pursuit of enriching himself, and as this season reveals has actively worked to screw the realm over badly (he could hardly be unaware of the consequences of borrowing so much money)
    Oh shit, you're right! It's brilliant how he worked all these years to fuck the system from within so he could take it all from himself. Now i really get what Varys meant when he said he'd burn the realm to rule over the ashes.

  19. #259
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Welp, Daenery's plan was so fucking obvious. Even if she didn't know the language from the get go the slaver even gave her an interpreter, how did he not see it coming? That and i found it a little too unbelievable how they all decided to keep following her after she dropped the whip. I get they're grateful but that was pretty quick for years of brainwashing.
    Look at it this way. The Unsullied are trained to follow the symbol of their master. Which is a more potent symbol: the whip, or the dragons of the queen who just incinerated the head slave master and burned and sacked Astapor? Dany doesn't need a dorky freakin' whip to show she's their master now.

    And it's impressive how the Night's Watch lasted as much as they did, you starve and insult a bunch of thieves and murderers and expect them to follow through with the ideals of an organization they were forced into in the first place? I wonder what Jon Snow will do now, is there even a Night's Watch anymore?
    There were men left behind at Castle Black, as well as men at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the other one I don't know the name of. But this is a heavy blow for the Night's Watch. Who knows how many of these men who remain loyal will even make it back alive, and Castle Black is the great Night's Watch stronghold. Also the big problem, as you state, is that it used to be a great honor to join the Night's Watch, and now the only people who do it voluntarily are those who are lied into believing it was some grand defense of the kingdom like Jon. The rest are the worst dregs of society, hardly worthy of forming the "shield to guard the realms of men".

    What's the point of Sansa anymore? Or better yet, what was her point in the first place? Every time they change the setting to her i find myself thinking it would be time better spent elsewhere. She's the most uninteresting Stark in the show and it's not like her Status Quo has changed much ever since the start of season 2.
    Sansa is pretty much a window into parts of the world in King's Landing. She is definitely one of the most uninteresting characters, either in the book or the show. Catelyn is another Stark who pretty much makes the same kind of super depressing speech every time we see her but otherwise contributes little.

  20. #260
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Look at it this way. The Unsullied are trained to follow the symbol of their master. Which is a more potent symbol: the whip, or the dragons of the queen who just incinerated the head slave master and burned and sacked Astapor? Dany doesn't need a dorky freakin' whip to show she's their master now.
    I can get behind that. My problem would be if they suddenly started thinking and acting as free men, but i guess Daenerys little speech was more for her own benefit than anything else.

    There were men left behind at Castle Black, as well as men at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the other one I don't know the name of. But this is a heavy blow for the Night's Watch. Who knows how many of these men who remain loyal will even make it back alive, and Castle Black is the great Night's Watch stronghold. Also the big problem, as you state, is that it used to be a great honor to join the Night's Watch, and now the only people who do it voluntarily are those who are lied into believing it was some grand defense of the kingdom like Jon. The rest are the worst dregs of society, hardly worthy of forming the "shield to guard the realms of men".
    Yes, but without a leader what good are they? Jon Snow's plan was to be the inside man but now what good is he in his position? There's nobody to stop either the White Walkers or the "king beyond the wall", unless they stop each other.

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