Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
and then some other guy drives around all over Japan to use his superior pick locking-skills and enters players´ house to inject them stuff? While wearing a death gun-costume.
This was the best part of Kirito's theory. No doubt.

I have to admit I skipped the beginning of the episode. The emoness level of Kirito and Sinon feeling competitively sorry for themselves was so far over 9000 that I couldn't take it. Especially with the latter half of the previous episode already being full of the same shit. I wonder when exactly Kirito is going to tell Sinon that he hasn't been dwelling on his past (self-defense) deeds because he has been too busy flirting with his rich and beautiful girlfriend, entertaining a harem of other girls while building his own virtual world, and generally being hailed a hero and an all-around good fellow by all the people who know him, to the point of the government itself relying on his help. As opposed to Sinon who has the past of being bullied in school and shunned by her parents, living in loneliness, in addition to her own severe psychological trauma that's almost stopping her progress in life.

It's like a millionaire and a poor man meeting at a gas station, both lamenting the rising price of fuel, while for the millionaire it's actually nothing but a theoretical problem of principles, for the poor man it's a matter of being able to buy all the necessities to feed and house his family.