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Thread: Psycho-Pass

  1. #281
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I finally managed to finish this season. No wonder it took so long with this miserable thing pretending to be a second season of a good show. Now in retrospect I'm actually happy Kogami didn't appear as more than a ghost imagined by Akane in her moment of need. He would have just been ruined by this travesty. Equally jolly I didn't need to suffer through more than 11 eps to get this off my unfinished list.

  2. #282
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    How was it inferior to the first (season), exactly? I thought what we got here was a wholly competent follow up.

  3. #283
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    My biggest large problems with it, aside from the numerous weaknesses meantioned before in this thread, were that Kogami never appeared. Not counting the ghost summoned by Akane. He was the best character of the first season. While Akane had really improved a lot and you could see she was clearly Kogami's spiritual apprentice in the second season, what comes to detective work, it only made it worse he never returned.

    The second reason was that Sybil was so random and worked against its own purpose half of the time. There was something along those lines in the first season as well, but those were more like poorly chosen actions Sybil still thought would serve the purpose. Now we had the crazy mother and son, who somehow enjoyed turning Inspectors black as a pastime.. Uhh... Right. Not to mention the conclusion worked against everything established before. When it got rid of the criminal brains, it would also stop recognizing a bunch of abnormal brains, thus allowing more latent criminals continue to walk around freely or become real ones.

  4. #284
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Has anyone seen the movie yet?
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  5. #285
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Has anyone seen the movie yet?
    Well, I just downloaded the BD version of Psycho-Pass 2, so not yet. Seems like the movie has the return of Motohiro Katsuyuki as director, who I don't think was involved in season 2. More importantly, it seems like Gen Urobuchi did the screenplay (Fukami Makoto as well who was also involved in the first series, but not in the second) so that's a huge plus for story potential.

    Anyways, with this knowledge that this came out already I'll be looking into catching up with the series soon then.

  6. #286
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Not happy with the movie at all.

    It didn't suck. It just wasn't what I expected or wanted from a sequel. I really hope this is just a setup for a proper season 3.
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  7. #287
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Not happy with the movie at all.

    It didn't suck. It just wasn't what I expected or wanted from a sequel. I really hope this is just a setup for a proper season 3.
    Honestly, I never have high expectations from movies story wise other than eye candy (well animated action sequences, etc.), but it's disappointing to hear that this might not be up to snuff.

    Guess I'll find out later on myself.

  8. #288
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I saw the movie as kind of the finality of what they can meaningfully explore in this concept (though I would love to be wrong); how Sybil measures up to the rest of the world's systems. Worth watching but now, a few weeks after, kind of difficult to remember.

  9. #289
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What on Earth happened to the world in Psycho-Pass? I always thought it strange the Japanese would willingly subject themselves to the Sybil system, making themselves little more than slaves to the black box, but this movie suggests the rest of the world might be no better, being nothing but one big battlefield of a never-ending war. Sounds kind of dubious. But of course it's the only plausible explanation for a system like Sybil to be implemented. In the end it's just a choice between two dystopias: Be free but live and die in a constant fear and fight, or be a slave living peacefully in a fake happiness. The common factor between those two is that in neither situation people have any rights.

    I fully agree with Shinta: I'm not happy with this movie. It did have some good action and technology. The action was most of the time annoyingly one-sided, but that's a very common sin in any fiction. What frustrates me the most is that nothing happened between Akane and Kogami. Akane has developed hugely as a character throughout the series, but it seems like she's destined to develop only as an inspector and detective. She should have done something for herself for a change. She hates Sybil so much that it shouldn't certainly stop her. We went through the second season without Kogami at all, and now when he finally was there, at the end of the movie the situation is exactly the same as at the beginning of it. Of course this is just my personal bias, wanting to see poor Akane (and poorer Kogami) experience something romantic. For those not caring for such stuff, this movie probably was much better.

  10. #290
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's not just that. It's ridiculous how Akane beat Kogami in melee combat (the quick draw part), and how Kogami got beaten up pretty much the entire movie. I was expecting him to own, not get owned.
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  11. #291
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, I can't say I would disagree. Although I don't mind Kogami losing to the mercs. They were clearly superior skills wise and far more ruthless, and above all, there were many of them. Kogami did handle the government troops quite fluently, though. Hard to judge the Akane case. It's possible Kogami has been working as a sniper most of the time, so maybe he's rusty with his pistol. All in all considering he was fighting the whole army, if things got to the pistol level, he would be screwed in any case. So, I'll forgive him that isolated case. It's not like Akane wouldn't have trained, and the only thing she ever trained were melee and pistol.

    But yeah, it's a story problem. His role ended up being a punching bag, which wasn't cool at all. At least he did save Akane once. That hopefully gave Akane a bit of doki doki.

  12. #292
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I liked this movie.

    What I didn't like so much that Kogami didn't really do all of this because he had a goal. He sort of just fell into the role while trying to save his ass from Sybil after he was no longer compatible with it.

    Akane's growth and training just allowed her to beat Kogame once. I doubt she could have fought anywhere near as well as him against the merc. It makes sense for Akane to be better at the quick-draw as well. Those dominators take so long to verify you'd be dead if you were any slower.

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  13. #293
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You must be an M.
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  14. #294
    Season 3, episode 1 is out.

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