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Thread: Psycho-Pass

  1. #61
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Akane looks like she never left high school. It won't be that hard.

    Kougami says he trains to make sure Akane won't have to be the one who pulls the trigger on a suspect. I'm not going to be surprised that it was foreshadowing if infiltration is the route they go.

    Sooner or later, Akane is going to have to kill someone. Her whole career can't always be marshmallows and good feelings.

  2. #62
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    She looks nowhere near as young as the girls there.

    Though i guess infiltration via holograph is also possible

  3. #63
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    You're all assuming getting into the school will be a simple task, i don't think all those rich parents will be too keen on letting latent criminals have any sot of contact with their kids.
    If anything, the Sybil system seems to have increased the cops' authority, so I'd expect even rich parents won't have much to say about a murder investigation, especially with gruesome victims already in existence and more people missing, plus the old case that also took place in the same school. It's a different thing how they are going to conduct the investigation, but I also agree with Ryll on Akane being good material for less glaring infiltration. With some holographic aid, nobody will notice a thing.

    Besides, what kind of a parent would allow their child to normally attend a school with a wanton series killer on the loose? The least they would do is to encourage a subtle investigation. It's one thing to allow the school's reputation to be sullied, but it wouldn't really matter anymore if the kid herself was dead, now would it? They would probably sue the school for big money...

  4. #64
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  5. #65
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's now undeniably proven that basic detective work has taken a gigantic, and possibly critical, hit due to this Sybil system. As a result it has made life far easier for the rarer but all the more dangerous people who can actually take advantage of the system. With no human minds behind the police work, they are free to leave any amount of such traces that won't be processed by computers without a worry. Now I'm starting to reverse my original opinion of not wanting to see the destruction of Sybil... That might still be a stretch, but I'd want to see them start a critical governmental review process of their current law enforcement and what is expected of it. Because clearly traditional crime investigation work in addition to Sybil would bring them far better results. However, as long as Gino is in charge, that's a lost prospect. That man is a drone.

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gino sucks as a detective because he relies solely on finding random bits of evidence instead of assuming suspects to be guilty until proven innocent. Also, his pattern recognition sucks. I can only conclude that all the criminal psychology courses went out of business after Sybil appeared to be the perfect end to it all.

    Gino is closer to a scholar (or an archeologist?) than a detective.

    At least malicious intent is picked up 100% by Sybil I suppose. Those murder-tool-suppliers must also have crazily high psycho-passes and are just evading scanners.

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  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You give Gino even more credit than I do. I don't know what he was like in the beginning, but I suspect he might have been a bit like Akane: Really good grades out of school and believing everything the books told him. However, he wasn't lucky enough to have somebody like Kogami to demonstrate concretely what a real detective is like. Instead he witnessed somebody like the past Kogami to get too involved, too crafty, and ruin his psycho-pass. As a result, I believe, he shut his mind even more to the outside world and got stuck to thinking inside the box (only following the textbooks) and keeping his feelings, including intuition, strictly locked away during working hours. So, he became a walking proxy of the Sybil system.

    I'm still not altogether sure the Sybil system is 100% foolproof. I won't believe that before Makishima is scanned. Possibly also the tool supplier, but he might be just an ordinary thug following instructions.

    I wonder if the teacher (or was he even the principal) got fined because he obstructed a law enforcement officer.

  8. #68
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - - - -- -- - - --

    A part of the reason why Gino's is so self-crippled was explained, in a sufficient way in my opinion. However, I still don't feel it's justified. The system itself is flawed, of course, and looks more like a bubblegum and duct tape solution than something that should serve as the nations police force. Basically while the Sybil system made things considerable harder for the average criminal, it also ruined the cops. Then to have "doomed" cops serve as enforcerers and have wooden inspectors (who must not be interested in solving crimes at all but only concentrate on guarding their own psycho-pass) to keep an eye on those enforcerers is sheer stupidity. Yet at the same time it's strangely realistic, if you imagine how things might turn out, should such a remotely mind analysing system be developed and employed. While I'm happy Akane isn't satisfied on serving such absurd terms, unlike Gino, I still can't help but hope she won't fall like Kogami, either.

    The old full-body cyborg geezer sure is a creepy dude. The interviewer should have asked if he isn't at all bothered by the fact how he's resting right at the bottom of the uncanny valley when he was pressing her for confessions. He isn't made any better by the human bone pipes. Somehow I doubt he would have much of a chance against Kogami. But he must be pretty smart all in all, though, and probably has devised a way to fool psycho-pass scanners with his cybernetic body. Maybe he has shielded his brain and has some external emitter sending a prerecorded, perfectly normal signal that the scanners will catch instead.

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kogami will hunt him back in the end, but I'll think the old guy will give him a pretty hard time. He's a seasoned hunter, after all.. though the quality of his prey is questionable. Plus, he seems to release those cybernetic dogs instead of doing some real hunting.. so I have no idea where he gets this "thrill" from.

    If it was instead the excitement from holding something made from taboo human parts as trophies, that's more believable.

    As for the whole guarding-psycho-pass idea, I think it's just Gino's take on things. If it was actually something Inspectors were supposed to keep in mind, it would have been part of the basic training even Akane received. The training modules might have programmed the Inspectors indirectly by explaining that Inspectors are only interested in results but not the how of a crime, but even that's a guess at best.

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  10. #70
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Kogami will hunt him back in the end, but I'll think the old guy will give him a pretty hard time. He's a seasoned hunter, after all.. though the quality of his prey is questionable. Plus, he seems to release those cybernetic dogs instead of doing some real hunting.. so I have no idea where he gets this "thrill" from.
    He's doing it the European aristocrat way. Those are "fox" hounds. They do most of the work, and the "hunter" casually blasts their prey with a crossbow, rifle, or whatever, at the point where the prey is so injured there is no way they could possibly miss. That's exactly what he did to the girl. She was already wounded to the point of helplessness before he ever approached.

    It was never real hunting, it is hunting for sport.

    Masaoka or Kougami are real hunters. The old cyborg can't compare.

  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    He's doing it the European aristocrat way. Those are "fox" hounds. They do most of the work, and the "hunter" casually blasts their prey with a crossbow, rifle, or whatever, at the point where the prey is so injured there is no way they could possibly miss. That's exactly what he did to the girl. She was already wounded to the point of helplessness before he ever approached.

    It was never real hunting, it is hunting for sport.
    Hmm, indeed. I wrongly thought that the hound ripped the girl's head off last episode, but he did indeed come down to deal the final blow.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #72
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's true Kogami might face problems if he needs to deal with more than one robot dog at a time. I doubt the geezer would want to face him where the Sybil system works, so Kogami wouldn't be able to blast the robots into smithereens with his dominator. Despite smoking, he has looked tough enough to kick their metal asses if it's a duel. Like has been said, the old man himself won't be a problem if Kogami can still fight, with or without a dominator. Anybody needing robot dogs and shotguns against a schoolgirl won't hold a candle to a real hunter.

  13. #73
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I hope Akane kills the old man.

    Being killed by a helpless bunny would be his just desserts.
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  14. #74
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suppose that wouldn't be bad, either. As long as it's not Akane saving Kogami's life in the process. That's something I don't want to see. Although I wouldn't particularly mind if Akane never needed to kill anybody. In the end that's an enforcer's job. It might make Akane's psycho-pass cloudy, and she's cuter this way, even if she can't exactly remain innocent for too long in a job like that, no matter if it's her pulling the trigger or somebody else.

  15. #75
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't need Akane to personally kill anyone, but what I would like to see is her putting the professor's profiling lectures to good use and become more useful. I don't really mind whether we have an issue with her psycho-pass deteriorating or not (it would hopefully be well-played either way), but I do want her to ultimately remain clear as per Kogami's prediction.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 10

    [ASL]_Rin_Toshite_Shigure_-_Psycho_Pass_OP_-_Abnormalize [FLAC] [MP3]

    [ASL]_EGOIST_-_Psycho_Pass_ED_-_Namae_no_nai_Kaibutsu [FLAC] [MP3]

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  17. #77
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    This episode was awesome. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time.

    How Kogami figured the antenna might be in that girl's underwear is beyond me. Forced fan service I guess.

    Also, how did asshole Gino come to the conclusion that Kogami deceived Akane so that he could "run" away? Wth would be running away from anyway? I hate Gino so much. My guess is his Psycho Pass will become clouded somewhere down the line.... but the group will save him and thus disproving the system. Just a thought.

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    How Kogami figured the antenna might be in that girl's underwear is beyond me. Forced fan service I guess.
    He figured she was part of the game.. and that keeping her with him would somehow play a part. From there, it's simply coming to the idea that something of use can be found on her and to unwrap his present.
    Also, how did asshole Gino come to the conclusion that Kogami deceived Akane so that he could "run" away? Wth would be running away from anyway?
    He'd be running away from confinement. His current life is one similar to being under house arrest.

    I don't blame Gino for assuming Kogami's run away. They do not have a clue on why someone would capture Kogami/Akane. Based on facts alone, Kogami (an individual with an illegal psychopass-rating) has gone missing for unknown reasons.

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  19. #79
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I do blame Gino, because he knows Kogami.

    He was basically ignoring everything he knew about the person just to satisfy his by the book investigative decisions. Pathetic. I loved how much of a child he looked like when he was being tossed around like a rag doll.

    Kogami, you are bad ass.
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  20. #80
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think he believes in the psycho-pass system to the point where he'll trust that over his own instincts (reflected by his conversation with Kogami before about their differing methods, as well as the Dominator idea from this episode). It's cold, but it works with regards to this society and his role in it.

    I took his immediate (and rather enthusiastic) command to send in as many reinforcements as he can to be a sign that he still cares greatly for Kogami.

    It's kinda funny how those mechanical dogs were inferior to real dogs as far as odour-tracking goes. Kogami seemed to be able to outrun them as well.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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