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Thread: Psycho-Pass

  1. #181
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Won't the cops want to investigate the cellar of the building, since they know for a fact crimes happened and people disappeared in there? Although if it's up to to the boot licking Gino, I guess nothing will happen. Too bad he didn't die during this incident.

  2. #182
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Psycho Pass - 17 [Commie]



    Between myself and Xel, we predicted this episode pretty much verbatim. It's pretty disappointing that this series became so damn predictable.

    Despite that, it's hard not to admire Makashima here. It was obvious he was going to do that, but he wasn't even the least bit tempted. Why be an official when you can play the game indeed.

  3. #183
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Makishima's work surely got easier with Sybil doing half of it for him. But since all the brains in jars are from aberrations, I guess it's not altogether strange they would behave so stupidly allowing Makishima an easy escape. He also managed to avenge Kagari's death on the side, which was a big bonus.

    I was disappointed in Akane during this ep. She was totally passive and offered no insight or ideas, despite everything that happened.

  4. #184
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    We've predicted the true nature of Sybil system ages ago, but still i enjoyed this episode - probably because i really like Makishima's character.
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  5. #185
    This is so well executed for me that I don't care anymore about the plot. Psycho Pass is cool as it's core and I think predicting the next 7 episodes will prove that.

  6. #186
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Question: Why do fucked up brains rule society so well? How does having an organic panel result in criminals like Makishima having low CC?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #187
    I think they are in the whole Brain Bio computer thingy and also pattern recognition.

    Sybil must be comparing people's patterns to it's own registered set and when it is faced with one that is unknown it's crashes hence Makishima uncalculable PPass.

    But I could be wrong, so shoot your interpretations away Gotwoot.

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    I think they are in the whole Brain Bio computer thingy and also pattern recognition.

    Sybil must be comparing people's patterns to it's own registered set and when it is faced with one that is unknown it's crashes hence Makishima uncalculable PPass.

    But I could be wrong, so shoot your interpretations away Gotwoot.
    I think you make sense. People like Makishima are outliers and the system can't properly evaluate them until it has a similar case imbedded within the system. From that point on outliers like Makishima can be judged properly. the system works fully once again until it finds another outlier dissimilar to the brains it has on file.

    But then again at the same time this episode made it seem as if the former criminals kept some form of their personality and consciousness making me wonder why wouldn't they pervert the sybil system from the inside. Even though it would have seemed out of character for Makishima to take up SYBILS offer if he did I feel that he would have been able to corrupt it given enough time.

  9. #189
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Einbreaker
    But then again at the same time this episode made it seem as if the former criminals kept some form of their personality and consciousness making me wonder why wouldn't they pervert the sybil system from the inside.

    Is it the case of some Sybil supercomputer using the brains as criminal samples, or is it the case of 200 "special" brains voting amongst each other to arrive at a CC, all while masquerading as a system known as Sybil? The episode strongly suggested the second idea, which makes me wonder if I'm missing a link here.

    For example:

    Are exceptional criminals being added something that rarely happens, as opposed to being the norm?

    Do the criminals now suddenly like the feeling of being God, and don't want to break the world they rule over?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #190
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    probably because there is a masterbrain or server that manages them. That's a wild guess
    Also each brain independently can't do anything to hurt the system - it is a collective so it need at least majority agreement - and if thost brains are at least 40% similar to Makishima? no chance for that.

    also - judging by the speech of Sybil system - they feel like Gods.
    also - this system could just use their brains for processing power and as examples of criminals - while giving them outlet of Chief so they don't try to revolt.
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  11. #191
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #192
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This episode looked bad to the point of being hilarious.

    I don't even want to discuss the content of the episode, we should spend the next week cracking jokes at how the budget went to shit on this one.

  13. #193
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    These deviant brains of Sybil really have allowed their power to get to their head. Forcing the dominator to the lethal mode in front of the inspectors seemed more than careless. I suppose Gino isn't quite as hopeless as he has seemed for most of the show, but on the other hand his idea underestimated the chief far too much. Still, at least after this they can be more sure the chief shouldn't bother them that much, since they are untrustworthy. Assuming they will keep their jobs. Though seeing how absolutely undermanned they are, if anything bigger at all happens, kicking them all out could be risky. But since Sybil is made of lunatic brains, "risky" is hardly a word on the top of their minds.

    Like I said earlier, Makishima is having it easier with Sybil doing such fine job undermining itself.

  14. #194
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well Sybil is more than their boss, it's the actual system. It was just trying to ascertain how much of a faithful pawn Gido could be.

  15. #195
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 19 - HS

    -- - - - - - - -

    The episode revealed some interesting facts about Japan in this show. Facts that certainly explain a thing or two. Apparently the whole country is totally closed off, apart from some communications channels. No human or goods traffic, by the looks of it. That sufficiently explains why the people would continue to suffer the oppressive system and conversely the kind of conditions that would have allowed the system to develop. When they were talking about almost all of the food being from a single plant, I thought it a huge stretch, but then they told how the country is totally isolated and it made perfect sense. It would take an extremely delicate system to make Japan work with no outside trade yet still maintain the high looking material quality of life we have been seeing. And all that with a declining birth rate. Yeah, it's easy to see they need something like Sibyl to make sure everybody able to work is working and there no disruptive masses of unemployed or disgruntled people around. They sure need all those robots as well, of course.

    Even though Makishima is an uncaring scumbag, I still hope he succeeds before he's killed. Nobody deserves to live in a giant prison like that.

  16. #196
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Looks like even Sybil thinks Akane is peace-loving enough to support them after revealing everything to her.

    It's pretty wild to think that Japan has the ability to feed its population with just the hyperoats (and all the resources required to sustain that growth), but it's not so unbelievable that I can't swallow it. With that perspective in mind, it's actually stranger that there'd be unutilised areas like the one the professor resides in, given that Japan must need everything that it can get.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #197
    I'll stop fussing about inconsistencies in a show when it satiates my hunger for entertainment.

    Psycho Pass gets a fuss free pass because you have to admit that aside the crappy CGI and a plot with two competing villain with one obviously more badass that the other, that PPass is awesome. The ideas behind the show, the execution might not be IGP standard but it just flows so well ...

    I've put this episode next to Robotics' on my playlist and all I got from MPC is smiley face.

  18. #198
    Psycho Pass - 20 - [Commie]
    Psycho Pass - 20 (720) - [HorribleSubs]

    This episode basically summed up everyone's philosophy and reminded us of the three main affiliations in conflict with each other. Pro society with Sybil in Akane, pro society with or without Sybil in Kogami, and anti society with (and perhaps without) Sybil in Makishima.

    In my judgement Akane probably has the best position overall, support the system for its benefits and accept the dirtiness that comes along with it. However I think society and Sybil need Kogami to kill Makishima more than they need Makishima plugged into the hive. Makishima is the opposite of everything Sybil stands for and I suspect even if he was plugged in his input would only ever serve to go against the grain of the system and get ignored at best, or pull it away from where it should otherwise be going at worst.

    Another thing that occurred to me this ep is that Sybil is confined to Japan, so there's probably a whole outside world where people live free the way Makishima claims he want's them to. With that, his behavior comes across as even more despicable since it means his all his shenanigans are purely about him trying to force his viewpoint on everyone in Japan rather than leaving them to their dull lives and emigrating somewhere that is more suitable to him. When I thought Sybil was everywhere in the world I could at least give him credit for championing a more robust and hardy lifestyle for humanity as a whole but if it's just one little pocket of humanity that wants to live this way and isn't bothering anyone else I can't give him that and he just looks like a sociopathic jerkass who wants to make people miserable because he'd enjoy it more that way.

  19. #199
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    However I think society and Sybil need Kogami to kill Makishima more than they need Makishima plugged into the hive. Makishima is the opposite of everything Sybil stands for and I suspect even if he was plugged in his input would only ever serve to go against the grain of the system and get ignored at best, or pull it away from where it should otherwise be going at worst.
    I think Sybil becomes better at recognising aberrations with every abnormal brain added to the hive. So, even if they ignored Makishima's suggestions as such, Sybil might be able to judge a few more one in a million cases. Plus it would shield itself from terrorism better, since Makishima seems to excel at that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura View Post
    Another thing that occurred to me this ep is that Sybil is confined to Japan, so there's probably a whole outside world where people live free the way Makishima claims he want's them to. With that, his behavior comes across as even more despicable since it means his all his shenanigans are purely about him trying to force his viewpoint on everyone in Japan rather than leaving them to their dull lives and emigrating somewhere that is more suitable to him. When I thought Sybil was everywhere in the world I could at least give him credit for championing a more robust and hardy lifestyle for humanity as a whole but if it's just one little pocket of humanity that wants to live this way and isn't bothering anyone else I can't give him that and he just looks like a sociopathic jerkass who wants to make people miserable because he'd enjoy it more that way.
    Maybe he's just a true patriot, you know! Anyway, it seems like Makishima really believes in what he's doing, so he's not doing what he's doing to be a jerk and make people miserable. He's trying to save his countrymen, after his own fashion. Like they say: One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

  20. #200
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    We don't know if leaving the country is that easy. We know that Japan is going for isolation policy and for example might be shooting down any ships and planes near its coast.
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