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Thread: Log Horizon

  1. #381
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    People of the Land don't respawn. He'd need to think hard before he does it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #382
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    For those that have no ambition to return to our reality that should be a big topic.
    Actually it shouldn't even matter if they eventually want to return or not. They are mostly young people, so they ought to have certain urges. Of course lunatics like the Odyssey Knights are a different thing. While we won't see the actual actions of such kind in a shounen show, there's nothing preventing showing the results. Demikas is already living with a cute wife and months are rolling by (without anybody caring about Crusty's fate), so at some point we might suddenly see Demikas with a baby.

  3. #383
    Episode 22 is out.


    So we finally get to see what is in the letter.
    As I expected, Roe2 is an alt. Though the explanation...

    Shiroe: "It wouldn't make sense if we were transported to some other world that was just like the game. And it is impossible for us to be sucked inside the game with current technology. So apparently, it is aliens!"

    There wasn't really going to be a satisfying explanation, so I guess this is okay. I wonder if the magical empathions are used by the aliens to stop entropy.

  4. #384
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No, it's not okay. If that was all the author could come up with, assuming Shiroe is correct, then he should have just left it a mystery. Madoka could still make it somehow work, especially in retrospect, because it was such an intensive and wholesome package all in all, but this show, which seems utterly incapable of concluding even the most basic of its plotlines, is no good. It's just one more goofy detail in the mess of dozens of details the story keeps pushing out, with seemingly no intention of putting them to any sensible use.

    This second season really was a huge disaster. If the Japanese producers have any wits, there won't be a third season. I can't understand how the LN publishing company let things proceed like this. Maybe they have no editors whatsoever.

  5. #385
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #386
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 23 is out

    i want to complain about this so much. why did we have to bear all those filler-ish episodes that added nothing to a coherently progressing plot, yet NOW suddenly the moon reacts? This is such a forced "weīre at the seasonīs end, so we have to have an ending"-thing, irritates me to no end. :| Had all those past episodes used better, we could have had a well-narrated story. Now it is a mess. sigh

    Also, Iselus is adorable (as much as i hate that word, its fitting). If I were Isaac, Id declare myself his primary knight :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #387
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    If I were Isaac, Id declare myself his primary knight :>
    Isaac is a black knight, not a white knight. I kind of doubt he could suffer being stuck to such a boring job for much longer. His guild is one that specialises in quality over quantity and heavy fighting. In other words, his own guild has no weaklings at all.

    This whole second season was totally wasted. Many good manga/LN go unanimated or only get a single short season, but this one spent 25 eps on nothing at all. Two eps left and with so much stupid shit going on, I'm beginning to doubt very much I'll be seeing the one thing that has kept me watching this wreck and not dropping it: Crusty coming back and teasing Lenessia once again.

  8. #388
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I mean, is a 3rd season confirmed? Because this whole 2nd season makes NO sense whatsoeveratall if there is no third season. Itīd be extremely bad writing, but ... that way it could all be excused as being a setup for the things to come. However, from what I gather, popularity has dropped significantly and a 3rd season might be unlikey. all these sighs ...

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #389
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Whitty all the thirteen in a dozen anime coming out every season, I wouldn't pretend to know how the producing works in Japan, but even then it would be extremely hard to understand how this second season could encourage a third one. Like you said, this was nothing but a setup. That is, 25 episodes of setupping new plots that were then always promptly forgotten in the next episode. Absolutely nothing is concluded, except for a few magic bags for the newbies, and even that might have been filler.

  10. #390
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So, I've held off on watching this for months now. Should I just quit while I'm ahead?

    Are there no more cute Akatsuki moments, Shiroe Aizen moments, or other interesting RPG mechanic usage?
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  11. #391
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    So, I've held off on watching this for months now. Should I just quit while I'm ahead?
    Wait until we know if thereīll be a season 3.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #392
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Are there no more cute Akatsuki moments, Shiroe Aizen moments, or other interesting RPG mechanic usage?
    No, no, and conditionally no, depending on what you consider interesting. But as has been made evident, this season has been so poor that anything interesting has been mere details lost in the sea of meaninglessness. Sure, there have been a few good scenes, but all in all I can't imagine anybody would be watching this season for any other reason but to finish what they started.

    Akatsuki has been rendered as useless as everything else. Dunno if you stopped watching before her arc, but even that was exceedingly unsatisfying. After that she's doing nothing but hanging in the background with a few tricks she keeps repeating, adding nothing to the show.

    Shiroe won't have any Aizen moments because this show no longer concludes anything. A plot begins, maybe Shiroe analyses it for a bit, but then by the next ep the whole thing is forgotten and a new plot introduced. Maybe far in the future in the LNs some of them are finished, who knows, granting Shiroe again a reason to shine. Or maybe nothing will be solved since they suddenly started to concentrate on getting out of the game.

  13. #393
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 25 Final - HS

    -- - -

    What a waste of animation budget. I wish they had used the money animate more Mondaijitachi or something instead of this. Unless the LN source is totally different and this adaptation simply sucked more than a vacuum cleaner with a 3kW motor.

    So, Crusty is back, mysteriously together with Kanami. The game world replicates the entire Earth in a smaller scale, yet Crusty mysteriously was able to locate Kanami after reappearing who knows where. Quite a lucky dude, even if they both were crossing the Chinese server lands to reach Japan and even if the lands were quite barren considering there are basically no players but a few stragglers outside of Japan. But it's still a huge place.

  14. #394
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    so, what now. i want a third season, but damn, make it much, much more focused!

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #395
    Well, they managed to have a pretty decent conclusion for this season after kind of crapping along for a while.

    I love that Crusty has to carry around that one girl's arm with him and it still twitches every now and then.

  16. #396
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah not like he isn't using that for anything >_>;

    So basically different servers are just different countries?

  17. #397
    Just managed to watch the final 15 episodes, and man this season sucked major ass. What a huge disappointment, but going by what I've read, you guys pretty much felt the same.

  18. #398
    So... impact on potential season 3?

    NTV News 24 reported on Tuesday that the Tokyo District Court found Daisuke Umezu — the real name of author Mamare Touno — guilty of tax evasion on Tuesday. The court sentenced Touno to 10 months in prison, although the sentence is suspended for three years so he will not serve time if he remains on good behavior. The court also levied his rights management company m2ladeJAM with a 7 million yen (about US$63,000) fine.

    The 42-year old author of Log Horizon and MAOYU was charged last April with tax evasion and violation of the Corporate Tax Law for allegedly neglecting to file about 122 million yen (US$1 million) in royalties in the three years since the fiscal year ending in March 2014. Touno owes the Japanese government 30 million yen (US$270,000) in taxes.

    Shortly after being charged last April, Touno released a statement that said, "The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau notified me about the investigation on my tax reports, and I cooperated with their investigation. I have filed and paid my back taxes and completed the necessary paperwork, and so the Bureau has concluded their investigation."

    Touno was placed under house arrest last December.

  19. #399
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Does anyone even care? This flopped so bad recently.
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  20. #400
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The second season was so bad that the whole series is best left forgotten. There are worthier titles around waiting for sequels or their first anime production.

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