And just like that, everyone's favorite females are under the same household. That seemed to be the only positive to draw from this episode.

The entire fight was bs again as you said. Reiji didn't even destroy the second round funnels. she could have reactivated them. We also see that Aila is a complete novice who can't dodge a single punch. Maybe she will get better when the show does the eventual second season. That doctor clearly didn't learn his lesson. I expect to see him back with a new pilot if they do another season unless he reconciles with Aila and the old man before the season ends.

The next episode will hopefully be good. Meijin vs Qan[T]. If the Renalto bros were any indication, I expect to see him struggle throughout the match against one of my favorite suits. Also looks like the pilot is a Graham/Mr. Busido look-a-like so that is a plus for me too.

Edit: My bad, not the qan[T] but the Exia Repair.