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Thread: Hunter x Hunter 2011

  1. #1681
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Or use spoiler-tags (we don´t have these here, eh? Maybe an admin should think about including those, would be nice).
    Yeah, what's up with that? That would be perfect in a situation like this.

    I know vBulletin supports them because another vBulletin forum I use has them.

  2. #1682
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Yeah, what's up with that? That would be perfect in a situation like this.

    I know vBulletin supports them because another vBulletin forum I use has them.
    Our rules forbid spoilers, so what use do we have for spoiler tags?

    Anyway, like Bud said already, that's enough about non-HxH stuff. Make a new thread if you want to continue the merry-go-round about this stuff.

  3. #1683
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Make a new thread if you want to continue the merry-go-round about this stuff.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Thu, 02-27-2014 at 09:37 PM.

  4. #1684
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - -- - - - - - -

    Hmm... HxH being such a jolly series, I'll readily give this the benefit of the doubt and trust Killua had some meaning behind all those attacks. But it surely looked stupid to use his fists when he had witnessed the power puncher Knuckle had left no lasting damage with his barrage. Perhaps Killua's electricity did something that isn't yet evident but will play a role later. The other choice would be that Killua isn't worth half of my high estimation of him, and that's the last thing I'd want, no matter how much it looked so in this ep. We saw earlier in this invasion how Killua was cutting ants as if he was cutting cardboard, so that's the kind of attack I was expecting from him.

    Tako cooked up quite an elaborate plan. Too bad he's too weak-willed to finish his opponents. He's not suited for war. Although considering this is a shounen show, executing a sleeping opponent would have been a bit much for a good guy...
    Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 03-05-2014 at 02:18 AM. Reason: Some typos

  5. #1685
    I think that Killua was so shocked/hurt and enraged by what Gon said to him that he lost it and decided to throw some "useless" punch at Koupi taking advantage of his short temp lightning speed mode + Meleoron "safe" escape to vent out the rage. I also think that to active that high speed state he has to "stop thinking" and go like in auto only reacting to the enemy not having a thought process hinder him. When he snaped out of it he freaked and run away.

    Poor Ikalgo really tried hard and didnt get much of a reward. I didnt expect the part of leaving the door a bit open and sealing it so gas doesnt leak in and camouflage the gap. Writer got me on this one. Clever move.
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  6. #1686
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ikalgo's battle was the best part here surprisingly. Killua's godspeed was cool and all, but I can't really get excited watching fights against Youpi. That guy can think so clearly while taking damage that you wonder why he's groaning and wincing at all. I also didn't notice APR around him this week, so I hope it makes him go bust eventually since otherwise everything up till now would have been somewhat wasted. The low efficiency of electricity still gets to Killua I suppose. Back to basics it is with making your aura last as long as you can.

    Well done to Ikalgo. Even if he didn't kill the crayfish, it'll still be trapped down there for a while. If he couldn't kill him he should have gone with the first plan and trapped him between two shutters - only this time by dragging the guy in there instead of luring.

    Morel's on a whole different level of mind-games, hopefully that'll be as interesting as it's always been thus far. Action-wise they kind of dry, but the win's usually so fantastically intellectual that the guy really deserves an applause. Thing is, Cheetu was kind of a dumbass and Leol wasn't the brightest either. Pouf's got the brains, probably the ability and also trumps Morel in terms of intelligence gathering. His one weakness is his emotional instability.

    I wonder if the "unbelievable choice" later on for Youpi would be his challenging the king. If he likes upward battles so much, that's the best way to get it.

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  7. #1687
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Woo! Super Saiyan Killua!

    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    Poor Ikalgo really tried hard and didnt get much of a reward.
    Well, even if he didn't finish Brovada off and take his body, he still trapped him. So he's taken someone out of the fight at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I also didn't notice APR around him this week, so I hope it makes him go bust eventually since otherwise everything up till now would have been somewhat wasted.
    I don't think it's going to come into play anymore.

    Last we saw Knuckle, he said he was taking Shoot to a hospital. Which there shouldn't be any nearby. And we know from Cheetu that if Knuckle gets too far away from APR, it's stops accruing interest.

    So the only way to make Youpi go bust now is if his aura actually drops low enough to hit reach where the counter is already at.

    And the black spot has disappeared, so Shoot has finally lost consciousness.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 03-04-2014 at 11:03 PM.

  8. #1688
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think Killua could have cut up Youpi. Defense is aura after all, and Youpi having so much basically makes him invulnerable.

    Killua's new combo is amazingly deadly against fellow hunters. It just so happens that ants are too durable. But a normal human eating that beating?
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  9. #1689
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I don't think Killua could have cut up Youpi. Defense is aura after all, and Youpi having so much basically makes him invulnerable.
    That shouldn't be true. You have to actively defend yourself, and even then you have to choose which part of your body to defend. At least that's what we learned during earlier parts of the show, from Biscuit. I guess for a nen monster like Youpi it's more relaxed, but let's not forget Killua could concentrate all of his strength on a surface of a few square centimeters and Youpi should be too slow to react. It's like a properly used kinetic penetrator vs an armor. The armor loses. But to continue with the same analogue, Killua was now using an ordinary HE to attack a tank. The HE loses.

    But I might be able to accept Edort's explanation and think this was such a new technique for Killua that he couldn't use it yet in combination with his assassin's skills, thus rendering it largely ineffective against monsters like Youpi. It would have been cool if he had caused some damage by sticking his hand inside Youpi's body through the hole Shoot left behind. But alas, no.

  10. #1690
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    One thing that bugs me is that Killua was already amazingly fast anyway. When he fought the Rhino guy with the tough skin, he was disappearing all over the place anyway. Sure, he wasn't as fast as what he's doing right now, but it was probably fast enough. On the other hand, he had to repeatedly land blows on the guy's chest to get through to him using electricity.

    Given that Youpi's soft, he shouldn't have quite as much trouble.

    What I'm trying to say is, autopilot + speed is good. I'd love to see Killua jump into a mob and just waste them all with reflexes. Something more deliberate and planned would have been better against Youpi. Like Edort says though, it's cool for blowing off steam. Slap him silly.

    I don't think Killua actually stops thinking when he uses the ability. He just can't control how he'll react, nor does he want to since the reaction will be his strength in this state anyway. Right before he powered down, he was surprised at Youpi's reactions.

    The "can't think" isn't entirely out of the issue though, since the needle/remote-control guy from Phantom has a similar autopilot-SSJ ability. On the other hand, that guy can't recall his actions while Killua can.

    Killua was scared because his aura's gone, not because he suddenly came to his senses and realised he's facing a monster.

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  11. #1691
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    People keep saying that Youpi is soft, but ants (especially the 3 guards) aren't tough because of their carapace. They are tough because of their aura. Nef was hit by the king's tail right on the face (which looks nicely soft and supple) but it didn't get blown off. The king even evaluated Nef as strong based on that.

    Youpi having a ton of aura, he can just keep a layer all around him for good defense all the time. I imagine if he becomes nimble enough to concentrate that aura into specific parts of his body, those parts would be impossible to damage using human aura levels.
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  12. #1692
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Question: Will Knuckle´s ability keep adding interest when Killua hit Youpi, or does it only count when Knuckle himself inflicts damage?

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  13. #1693
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think only if Knuckle gives his own aura to the opponent.
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  14. #1694
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think that's right.

    But, if taking damage and using his own power lowers his own aura, then it should eventually drop to the point where it gets below APR.

  15. #1695
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    FACT: Pitou is a guy.

    Every ant, except the queen, is a male. Every ant has a penis and is capable of procreating with females from other species.

    Pitou looks like a girl because of phagogenesis. The queen ate females and laid his egg. Pitou calls himself a male.

    And also remember that real life male house cats have "feminine curves" compared to our human standards. So a cat-like male would look girly to us.
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  16. #1696
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Scorpion girl talked about becoming the new QUEEN, not king. Not all ants are male, confirmed.

    Pitou has boobs.

    She has a girl-ish voice.

    She uses "boku" as a quirk, but has never addressed herself as being male.

    Conclusion: Pitou is female at best, neutral with emphasized female features at worst.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #1697
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    HxH wiki says that there are female soldier ants. I dunno how accurate that is though.

    There is also some information about the confusion regarding Nef's gender.

    The only concrete evidence we have to determine Neferpitou's gender appears in the official databook "Hunter × Hunter Character and Word Data Book." In it, Neferpitou is referred to using the pronoun "彼” (kare) which is usually translated to “he.”[22][23]
    When speaking, Neferpitou uses the pronoun “boku,” (translated to “I” in English) which is used by boys and young men, but it's also used by some less femenine sounding women.

    Neferpitou is shown naked with a flat chest.[24] Later in the manga, Neferpitou is described like a "mother" protecting a child.[25]
    In the cover of Volume 28 which is implied to be based off the coronation of Virgin Mary, Neferpitou takes the middle position which corresponds to Virgin Mary's.
    From all this, it should be assumed that Neferpitou does not have a specific or “confirmed” gender. Because of this, this article uses non-gendered pronouns such as "they/they're."
    In the manga, Neferpitou's chest is totally flat. In contrast, the 2011 anime may depict Neferpitou by giving it a prominent bust.
    So, it is possible that Neferpitou's gender in the manga differs from the anime.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Tue, 03-11-2014 at 03:16 PM.
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  18. #1698
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    Every ant, except the queen, is a male. Every ant has a penis and is capable of procreating with females from other species.
    Ants also don't have turtle shells, and and penguin beaks, and a million other parts from other creatures.

    They aren't ants, they're mythical creatures. And trying to apply real ant logic to them is ridiculous.

  19. #1699
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    @new episode: Haha, massive indirect hype-up of Gon. Two royal guards on him

    Still wondering what Pouf is capable of. His splitting up-ability is great for gathering intel, but is worthless for battle. He even explained how Morel could have easily squashed him, had he known about his state during that moment within smokey jail.

    And I still hate how Youpi´s explosion continues to NOT harm those near him. Come on, you cannot jump/run from the effects of an explosion when you´re THAT close. sigh. Reminds me of BTOOOM.

    Nice to see Bizeff alive and kicking. He might be a bit of an asshole, but it´s kinda nice to observe a normal human guy trying to survive inmidst of all those human/non-human monsters. He´ll probably die, even though I´d like him to survive.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #1700
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And I still hate how Youpi´s explosion continues to NOT harm those near him. Come on, you cannot jump/run from the effects of an explosion when you´re THAT close. sigh. Reminds me of BTOOOM.
    It would probably do considerable damage if people decided to hug him when he was exploding. But there likely aren't too many stupid enough around for that. For these hunters, a second is a long time to put some distance between themselves and Youpi. If they couldn't survive an explosion of that scale without any fragments from a distance, they would have no business invading the King's castle and fighting royal guards. They might not be as absurdly resilient as Youpi and Pitou, but they are still tough guys with their nen mastery.

    It's nice Gon just continued sitting without a reaction, that murderous expression on his face, not giving a shit about Pouf approaching. That's how badass he is these days. Like a pro.

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