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Luffy finally got a single lucky punch through after getting his ass kicked by Bellamy episode after episode. Bellamy had really gone a long way, from the weakling with a big mouth to somebody who could totally overpower Luffy. If Bellamy hadn't been so wounded, he would have wiped the floor with Luffy.

Good thing Law apparently got finished. Maybe that will teach Luffy a lesson about priorities, assuming Luffy's rubber brain is able to learn anything new. Law was an interesting character, so it would be a pity if he really died for good. Hard to say at this point. He was the only pirate ally Straw hats have (not counting Jinbei the Crewless), which would make it double the pity. Although I suppose one could count Bartolomeo as an ally as well...

Zoro vs Pica was jolly good, as expected of Zoro. Pica was a highly annoying opponent, and I think the solution to that was very stylish. It's a bit surprising Pica could pull off full body armament haki, which was Vergo's unprecedented killer move, but on the other hand I'd also imagine the soprano dude was very superficial. He kept thinking the bigger, the better, so I bet he thought simply acquiring haki would make him invincible, without realising someone serious would hone a tougher haki ability.