Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
Heroes are supposed to help and rescue people. These kids don't know what a hero means. I figure most see it as a way to get rich and famous. Do you have to tell them they can get points for helping people? That's what a hero should do regardless but I am not sure these kids understand that. So being a hero is more like a super powered celebrity. Yes, if they told them, then they would have helped others because in the end it would help them gain points. But can you really call yourself a hero if you expect a reward?
Isn't it work for them? You can't expect the numerous villains to use their super powers to gain profit, yet the good guys to be pure volunteers who risk their lives for free to fight the bad guys. It would also be exceptionally strange for there to be numerous academies training heroes if there were no rewards involved. Most people wouldn't want to go through it. They would just use their powers to their own benefit, amusement, and to protect those important to them, not strangers. A hero has to eat as well. Preferably also live somewhere decent, not under a boat.