Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
also: in hindsight, i'm much more positive towards the fullbring saga, it wasn't great, but they were trying.
My problem with the Fullbringer arc was that they spent the entire arc introducing and training Ichigo in these new powers, only to take them away and just give him back his shinigami powers right at the end. Making the whole thing completely pointless.

Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
I won't necessarily agree that that's what happened, but I understand the argument).
in what ways did the 'EDITORS' kill his manga?
The implication is basically that he's difficult and disrespectful to his management. So his management didn't support him. And these people have control over literally everything he does. There's countless ways they could have negatively impacted his work.

I'm mean, shit, if you want to get conspiracy theorist about it. They can post whatever they want as the popularity rankings which determine what get's cancelled. In it's last year, Bleach is literally in last(13th) place. Even if the quality goes way down, I'd expect a drop in popularity. But all the way to the bottom?