Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
It was a village of 600 ogres, so they ate like 580 of them. They're allowed to be generic, but the fact that it didn't transform them into beings as strong as ogres is disappointing.
How do we know that it didn't?

All of Rimuru's ogres were probably unique badasses to begin with. For all we know, the orcs are exactly as strong as a generic ogre.

Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
Unless ogres fighting in marshes are greatly outmatched by lizardmen, which would be even more disappointing for ogres.
Well, Gabiru's plan did revolve around hit-and-run tactics and not going toe-to-toe with them. So that might be exactly the case, that without the webbed feet, the orcs couldn't catch the lizardmen and make use of their superior strength.