Just hit episode 2. Glad it seems more to my liking now, with characters deliberately describing the goblin slayer as mentally broken and the back story explaining it; his actions seem more reasonable now. I'm going to attempt to coin the term "shoku-ichi" to describe my journey so far: It's a portmanteau of "Shokugeki no Souma" and "one" in Japanese. It refers to the practice of a first episode to, in a bid to shock and entice viewers (leaving an impression), focus on an... unfortunate facet of the style of the show (despair/gore porn here) that is not featured as much in the following episodes. the "edgy" horror shock is over now and we can focus on the actual story... whatever that is going to be. The point is, I loved Shokugeki after the first episode made my eyes roll straight out of my head, and I hope that will be the case here.

As for the adventurers scenes, it might be more accurate to describe them as mercenaries, and to hire oneself out for life and death combat requires a mental fortitude (or defect) that not everyone possesses, but the adventurers here all do. The receptionist also has a moral out in that what happened to main girl's squad isn't guaranteed. The end of episode montage showed that the porcelain crew she was worried about completed their mission safely. It is entirely possible that her party's dissection was an extreme example of unpreparedness. Occupational hazards aren't an occupational death warrant. Electricians are encouraged and trained in safety best practices, but at the end of the day, it is up to each individual to follow them and only complete work they have the skill to do safely. The only arbiter of that standard is 20 amps and an awkward phone call.