Originally Posted by
Wasn't the topic, but since you start it: Yes, I'd like to see a different portrayal of rape in anime. It's always done in a way that makes the perpetrator look like a complete maniac, drawing weird grimasses, squeaky voice, and mostly poor decision making that ultimately result in his downfall.
When we have murder stories, the perpetrators often are successful and get away with it (until the very end when they're punished after all). But rapists? Always dumb, instantly punished, and not even being 'successful'. What I want is nuance and variety.
One of my actual biggest wishes for a complex, mature story is that a former rapist joins the heroes' party, fighting for the good himself. Anime is full of mass murderers that get easily accepted by the good guys after they make the switch - let's do the same for a rapist. It's a much lesser crime, but it also is so unprecedented that it'd make for a really fresh, interesting setup.
And now I'll be waiting for Kray to misinterpret the above into ''MFauli likes rapw" -_-