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Thread: Honzuki no Gekokujou

  1. #161
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I don't understand Deliah anyway. Are we to assume that she really thinks the chief priest wanted to help Dirk? She isn't that naive, right?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #162
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I don't understand Deliah anyway. Are we to assume that she really thinks the chief priest wanted to help Dirk? She isn't that naive, right?
    She's naive as fuck.

    I don't think she understands that being a mistress means getting to fuck her.

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  3. #163
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 35:

    Omg, can they just pls kill both the chief priest and that nasty foreign noble?! I swear, if next episode doesn't kill that fucker ...

    But even the head priest was a sneaky ass here. If he just didn't report about what Main and co. technically did wrong, there would have been no need for her to be adopted by someone immediately.

    Adopted by that funny priest, omg. On one hand, it's probably the best choice for our weirdo Main, on the other hand, that guy just is a little too full of himself.

    And now only one episode remaining ,ugh. At least there MUST be another season, right? Phew. This will end up a real long running anime.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #164
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I just realised this entire society all about wizards ruling over muggles.

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  5. #165
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah this episode got Harry Potter AF.

  6. #166
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Action really sucks in this series. The fights in this episode were arranged and paced so terribly, plus things just didn't make any sense. I guess every author will have their strengths and weaknesses, but it would be good if there was an editor who told when things are becoming too ridiculous. Unless this was all the anime's fault, and the director is merely entirely out of their element in every action scene.

    I'm incredibly disappointed by the dark orb not exploding and at least amputating the high priest's hand when it overloaded. It just disappeared into thin air and all that energy was gone, as if it never existed.

    Otherwise this was a nice depiction of how unfair the world mere centuries ago was when nobles had all the rights, even when they were wrong. Although I suppose it's still like that in some parts of the world, even if nobles aren't called nobles anymore.

    I still hate Delia more than the high priest and the ugly foreign noble. The high priest has never pretended to be anything but a petty, greedy scumbag in a high position, and he acts exactly like one, predictably. The foreign noble is just a throwaway villain down to his very looks. Delia, however, is an annoying hypocrite and talentless schemer, a tool hurting everyone around her. Yet she still blames others for all the troubles she caused/contributed to and has the audacity to assume others will clean up the mess, while she acts like the biggest victim in the world. It would be nice if she at least had a chance to redeem herself by sacrificing her own life to save the baby.

  7. #167
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Otherwise this was a nice depiction of how unfair the world mere centuries ago was when nobles had all the rights, even when they were wrong. Although I suppose it's still like that in some parts of the world, even if nobles aren't called nobles anymore.
    You mean like USA?

    Genuine question, how is accountability for financial/political elites in Finland (or your country for anyone else who bothers answering)?

    For the three countries I've lived in, none of them had great accountability, though to vastly varying degrees.
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  8. #168
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    You mean like USA?

    Genuine question, how is accountability for financial/political elites in Finland (or your country for anyone else who bothers answering)?

    For the three countries I've lived in, none of them had great accountability, though to vastly varying degrees.
    No, I was thinking of countries like China, Russia, North Korea, and others where courts of law are just theaters and whether you are guilty or not is decided before you have even entered the room. Of course in the USA a rich person might be far better off being able to hire excellent lawyers and actually having money to see the whole thing through, but the results are still decided in the proceedings.

    Finland doesn't really even have the kind of elite some other countries possess. Accountability is quite high, though of course a random man from the streets would tell you the people in high places can get away with anything. It's partially true as long as those people know the laws really well and have thus avoided breaking any of them, which often isn't the case for a random person planning a quick heist.

    Centuries ago if a commoner and noble met in the court of law and if the case wasn't outrageously crystal clear, the commoner was always wrong and the noble always right. I believe it's exactly like that in the world of this series as well.

  9. #169
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    My guess is:
    -Head priest reminds Main the reality of this world: you're screwed against a Noble if you do not have the upper hand. Like the backing of a stronger noble or conditions that gets you the upper hand
    -Head priest now has the upper hand because he can just kill the foreign noble as a threat since he entered not only the town but even worse holy grounds with forged papers. I thought he could also use that to kill the High priest, since he could say it was the foreign noble who did this, but the Head priest clearly states it would bring too much of a hassle. So I wonder what other trump card(s) he has.
    Maybe the slave contract with Dirk ? My guess is that it was written by the High priest to the benefit of that foreign noble... That and the forged pass ?
    I wonder if the Head priest can use that to keep the High priest in place and manipulate him for the years to come. Better have a controlled jerk, than a new High priest you have no control of.

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  10. #170
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    -Head priest now has the upper hand because he can just kill the foreign noble as a threat since he entered not only the town but even worse holy grounds with forged papers assaulted not a commoner, but Sylvester's daughter.
    Being Sylvester's daughter was the game changer that meant Head Priest could go ham.

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  11. #171
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    True I forgot to write about that.
    I wonder if Main already is her contracted daughter. After all she placed some blood on that magic item, so it could be she has already activated the contract. Somehow that would feel like a trap. But it also means Main has some level of trust towards Sylvester, probably something he needed to check.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #172
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    True I forgot to write about that.
    I wonder if Main already is her contracted daughter. After all she placed some blood on that magic item, so it could be she has already activated the contract. Somehow that would feel like a trap. But it also means Main has some level of trust towards Sylvester, probably something he needed to check.
    Yep, I'd say her contract started once she put blood on that seal.

    And from what happened this episode where the foreign noble tried to press Myne's thumb onto the new contract, I daresay that contracts take effect upon blood exposure regardless of the person's will.

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  13. #173
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The next question is then why she trusts Sylvester when we know so little about him, so little you can trust.

    On another note Ferdinand mentionned the Royal academy, probably where he met Sylvester.
    I did not think of the simple fact that in that medieval setting with nobles, knights and clergy, there's a royal familly.
    I wonder if Sylvester is from that familly. He's talented but as a noble so carefree it feels like he lacks respect.
    To be that free and not fear some consequences makes me think his status is quite high.
    Also if you remember, greyrobes were pretty frightened when he visited. That might be the case anytime an unknown noble visists, as they have every rights on anyone of lower ranks, or it might be because it was Sylvester's status.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #174
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    The next question is then why she trusts Sylvester when we know so little about him, so little you can trust.
    Sylvester is kind of a goofball, which is exactly what Main herself is as well, at least as far as everybody else in that world is concerned. They ought to get along just fine. And let's also not forget they are already brothers in arms, having gone through a victorious battle together.

  15. #175
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The head priest trusts Sylvester, so Main trusts him as well. Simple as that. Also Main has read enough manga, she know that goofball-characters always are on the good side.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #176
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    MFauli]The head priest trusts Sylvester, so Main trusts him as well.
    Pretty much this. Myne used the seal before she knew what it mean. Now that she knows, it's a toss-up between becoming Sylvester's daughter or having her family (and herself) die. Seems like an easy enough choice if Sylvester is on such good terms with Ferdinand.

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  17. #177
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I forgot how weak the action scenes in this are.

    ...That aside, I have never been clear on the power dynamic between the head and high priest. Which one outranks the other? This behavior suggests the head is above due to waiting for his absence, but if so, why has he been allowed to run amok until now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I don't really care about what happens to her. Even if she died or ended up in a brothel. She's the "Something bad happened to me in the past, so now it's my moral privilege to care only about myself, even at the expense of others, the world owes me that" kind of character. She utterly fails to acknowledge how well Main has been treating her, despite her status as a hostile spy. Because she has maxed out her selfishness attribute. The way she treats Dirk has an echo of her looking at him as her own possession. On an emotional level he's of course connected to her trauma. So, he's a remedy for her. If she still could think of what's best for him, it might not matter, but she can't. She had no troubles letting the rotten, corrupt high priest handle Dirk's case.
    A little late, but this is an interesting interpretation. I always saw Deliah as a damaged little child protecting herself the best she could. She is self-centered, but I never saw her have any appreciable contempt for others unless they stood in her way, which is pretty normal. She's only seven years old or so, right? I doubt she fully grasps where her aspirations are going to lead her, and so long as she compares them to the miserable orphanage experience, it must surely be better. I though her maternal caring for Dirk went a far way in redeeming her for me. She seems to have a genuine care for his well being and a real attachment to him that can clearly be manipulated to bring her to heel against her better judgement. She respects the High priest and thought he must surely be arranging the adoption for Dirk's good, right? Seven years old. I just can't bring myself to hate her like that.

  18. #178
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    A little late, but this is an interesting interpretation. I always saw Deliah as a damaged little child protecting herself the best she could. She is self-centered, but I never saw her have any appreciable contempt for others unless they stood in her way, which is pretty normal. She's only seven years old or so, right? I doubt she fully grasps where her aspirations are going to lead her, and so long as she compares them to the miserable orphanage experience, it must surely be better. I though her maternal caring for Dirk went a far way in redeeming her for me. She seems to have a genuine care for his well being and a real attachment to him that can clearly be manipulated to bring her to heel against her better judgement. She respects the High priest and thought he must surely be arranging the adoption for Dirk's good, right? Seven years old. I just can't bring myself to hate her like that.
    Haha, yeah. I reckon I did ignore her young age. Maybe because many of the other kids are acting well above their age, with Main being an adult in a kid's body. But if you think of Lutz, he's also very mature, in fact more mature than some of the 18 years old dudes I saw in the army. It's not like Delia would have lived an easier life than Lutz, either, so acting spoiled shouldn't apply to her. She's also dead set to becoming a concubine. Even if she didn't know exactly everything that means, she would still know a lot, due to living in the middle of girls of varying ages in the same position.

    All things consider, if you only think of Delia as a child, she should be more naturally attracted to people who treat her well and fairly, but instead she's only following her greed by sticking to the high priest, and she's actively looking for any info she could deliver to the scumbag. Normally a child in her position would find comfort in Main's company, seeing how other people are living pretty secure lives under her, and how Main for all intents and purposes saved everybody in the orphanage. But no, Delia deliberately seeks to only further her own agenda, and she couldn't care less about what happens to anyone else, save Dirk, now. I can't just view her purely as a young kid not knowing what she's doing. Because she clearly does know. Even if she's half the time fooled by the high priest.

  19. #179
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 36


    lol, so Sylvester was the biggest backer Myne could have.

    I remember last episode that old priest missed the memo or something because he's not a noble (or so Ferdinand said), but he's the uncle of the lord.. eh, whatever.

    A bit sad, but they seemed to make the adoption as light as possible. Technically Lutz and Benno shouldn't have been able to hear the explanation from Gunther (like he promised) but instead from Ferdinand or something. They did just sign a contract after all.

    And yes Sylvester. Killing that family is a very bad idea. Not killing them is like... the whole reason Myne did this.

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  20. #180
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sylvester being the lord was kind of a cinderella twist for Main. Of course it does explain how he can act so freely. It all feels like a bit of a stretch for realism, but on the other hand, once Sylvester heard about and witnessed Main's magic power, it's obvious he would want to keep her as close as possible. Sylvester being aware of Main's innovations should have made it an even easier decision.

    If Main now needs to attend the academy to learn magic properly, I reckon she will have less time for workshops. At the very least I doubt she will have time for priestess duties, so I expect that life to be over for her. Not that she would have enjoyed it anyway.

    High priest getting sent to a very personal meeting with the headsman was high justice. No doubt trying to slither out of all responsibility and even manipulate Sylvester sealed the deal. Realistically the foreign noble wouldn't get executed, but having to empty his coffers for a ransom would make sense.

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