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Thread: So I'm a Spider, So What? - Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

  1. #321
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I think her pride skill (or survivor?) is something around : When I only have 1 HP left, I can trade some MP for some HP. The exchange rate is quite high though. I think she first used it against the frog or eel ?

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  2. #322
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I thought her skill was "As long as I have MP I can't die", not "MP is my 2nd HP bar".
    That wouldn't make much sense, as it would mean she was immortal if she didn't blow her mana on spells.

  3. #323
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    "Endurance" or whatever synonym it was, is that classic RPG skill where you die and stay at 1 HP. She burns MP to use it over and over.

    I really do like the idea of draining Araba's SP until he can't fight anymore. It tied back to the much earlier episode where Kumoko almost died because she hadn't eaten in so long. She couldn't beat him in raw strength, but it is one Alpha predator starving the other one out all the same.

  4. #324
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    That wouldn't make much sense, as it would mean she was immortal if she didn't blow her mana on spells.
    Yes, that's exactly what I thought that would do, and hence why it's broken.

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  5. #325
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, but that line forgets to mention that it COSTS MP to use it.

    Which is what we see in this episode. Her HP hovering at 1 one as her MP goes down. Representing the skill triggering over and over again.

  6. #326
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I watched all the episodes from 4-12 in one sweep.

    I gotta say, the 2 storythreads are the most interesting thing about this show and in my opinion, they should've left us in the "dark" for way longer. Unless this is some ridiculous red hering of some kind, the implication of her being the new demon lord this early is kinda rushed in my opinion. Especially as strongly as they did it. In fact, it's so strongly and heavily implied, that it almost must be a red hering

    And it makes me wonder how humanity is able to survive against the demon nation.
    The dragons seem to actually hate humanity from what we saw in that "taboo-flashback" and if teleportation guy is some kind of dragon-warrior, they seem to side with the demons.

    I guess the demon lord is way over the top compared to everyone else, which is why the mage guy was able to defend a fort but some things don't add up there, especially if the hero is not *that* strong. He struggled with that white spider already.
    Not to mention how, apparently rather quickly, that 10th commander deleted everyone.

    I think the biggest mystery so far was that fire-dragon who fell down or was fighting something from that hole in the dungeon.
    It was heavily wounded but we never saw who did it. His body was half rotten too and there were multiple wyrms dead already.
    Unless the spider, which we saw at the very end, was somehow involved in this?
    It would explain why he saw our little MC-spider as a threat immediately, while all the others ignored her.
    "You are one of the minions!" - or something like that.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 03-28-2021 at 11:58 AM.

  7. #327
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I guess the demon lord is way over the top compared to everyone else, which is why the mage guy was able to defend a fort but some things don't add up there, especially if the hero is not *that* strong. He struggled with that white spider already.

    Unless the spider, which we saw at the very end, was somehow involved in this?
    It would explain why he saw our little MC-spider as a threat immediately, while all the others ignored her.
    The spider at the very end is heavily implied to be Kumoko's mother, the W-shape eye pattern matches the shot of the gargantuan mother spider from episode 1.

    I think the takeaway from the hero vs the white spider was that it was extremely strong all by itself. The spiders in the labyrinth are all super strong. Kumoko went up the leveling tree and became a complete nightmare all by herself, to the point that she alone was driving all types of other monsters out of the labyrinth, per the human party she decimated while bitching about them setting her new ~Sweet Home~ on fire.

    But humans aren't slouches either, at least the reincarnation ones aren't. They weren't aggressively gaining skills like Kumoko, murdering and eating everything they come across. Except for Hugo/Natsume. He ended up with a ton, at pretty high level before he was stopped by Oka. Now that he fled school with the big titty goth girl, we can assume he worked twice as hard to gain some back, and it looks like he was about to assault Shun's estate.

    If they focus, they can rapidly gain tons of skills in a similar way to Kumoko. She just has a harsher environment that presents more opportunities rather than the cushy royal circles. The Saint girl was trying to level up her magic in hour and was making steady progress.

  8. #328
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The spider at the very end is heavily implied to be Kumoko's mother, the W-shape eye pattern matches the shot of the gargantuan mother spider from episode 1.
    That might be so and I think so too, but was the dragon fighting her - is the question.
    Someone else used rot on that dragon for sure, it was basically decaying already.

  9. #329
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Good fight, good night...

    Like the way it played out, but the absurd skill stacking in this show (walls of text to rival my seasonal top 3 posts) means I can no longer even pretend to be able to track the interactions, and have to rely solely on the narrative exposition to explain the battle state to me. Not inherently bad, but not my preferred style of taking in battles in anime. I'm also only more confused at this point as to who I am even supposed to believe is whom, spider and demon lord, speaking. The intrigue isn't quite interesting enough for it to matter, so it just feels... muddy. Glad to hear we are getting another twelve episodes.

  10. #330
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Like the way it played out, but the absurd skill stacking in this show (walls of text to rival my seasonal top 3 posts) means I can no longer even pretend to be able to track the interactions, and have to rely solely on the narrative exposition to explain the battle state to me.
    Quite a bit of the wall of skills are passive ones, like resistances, so it doesn't really matter most of the time, and will surely be appropriately mentioned if Kumoko is attacked using some specific element/condition, and she happens to be nearly immune to it, or vice versa. Even at this point, it still feels like remembering that fire=bad is almost enough.

  11. #331
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I usually focus on the "titles" as they tend to imply what the monster or individual did or is about.

    "Kin Slayer" - "Master of Pride" or whatever etc. etc.

    Even the level or HP is hardly relevant because the levels don't stack up but get reset everytime they evolve. That means you don't truely know what "lvl 54 Dragondoggo" means when they evolve at lvl 60 to a lvl 1 "Dragonwoof"

    The evolution is random too, it's not always every 10 levels or every 20 levels, so it's really just unnecessary noise and absolutely pointless to include, aside from creating geek-bumps for some nerdy individuals who think "THIS IS JUST LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT" (or "insert random korean grinder game") even if it's totally not.

    Stuff like that always makes me think that the authors never actually played any game whatsoever.

    Like the way it played out, but the absurd skill stacking in this show (walls of text to rival my seasonal top 3 posts) means I can no longer even pretend to be able to track the interactions, and have to rely solely on the narrative exposition to explain the battle state to me. Not inherently bad, but not my preferred style of taking in battles in anime. I'm also only more confused at this point as to who I am even supposed to believe is whom, spider and demon lord, speaking. The intrigue isn't quite interesting enough for it to matter, so it just feels... muddy. Glad to hear we are getting another twelve episodes
    I'd actually go as far and call it "bad". If you can't really tell who is winning or losing and not even make a guess based on stats, it's just poorly done. Lets face it.

    When the enemy has 4000 Speed and is still *much* slower than the 2000 speed Kumoku when she was weaker, it makes no sense to even include the speed stat (or any stat). They are just throwing around numbers without any meaning.
    What's the difference between 4000 speed and 8000 speed? You'd think someone is twice as fast then, but that's clearly not the case in this show.
    This game-mechanics-thingy is more or less just there for the sake of it being there so they can do this whole administrator storyline and some people might be able to properly self-insert that way.

    I'd argue though that the whole story itself would've been told and done better if they didn't focus so much on that skill-nonsense.
    You know, Goblin Slayer style, which has D&D vibes with "gods throwing dice" but never actually show it. The new skill Kumoko got from Administrator D could've been a great scene for something like that.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 03-29-2021 at 09:23 AM.

  12. #332
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    The evolution is random too, it's not always every 10 levels or every 20 levels, so it's really just unnecessary noise and absolutely pointless to include, aside from creating geek-bumps for some nerdy individuals who think "THIS IS JUST LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT" (or "insert random korean grinder game") even if it's totally not.

    Stuff like that always makes me think that the authors never actually played any game whatsoever.
    No, what it ACTUALLY is, is Pokemon. Like, exactly. The point of it is to give you more stats and abilities, while making you look cooler. And they don't happen at specific level increments. Different evolutions have different requirements.

  13. #333
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I meant the levels are pointless to include, not the evolutions.

    If you have earthdragon level 90, you think he's powerful because you see a lvl 90.
    But then you notice that a lvl 1 earthdragondoggo is much stronger, because it's the the second evolution, which you didn't even know existed before seeing it.

    Since stats are so hard to measure in this, the least they could give us is some kind of linear level curve that means "higher level = higher class individual"

    Overlord did it way better with Character-Level and Job-levels.
    The stat window, as mentioned by netflight already, is really pointless to include like this.
    Even that weakass deliquent guy had like 500 skills. And he sucked big time.

    Or remember when the school-class fought that *earth dragon* and little Fei cut through him like butter?
    She is an Earth dragon herself, isn't she? If it evolves towards that kind and she already has ~800+ in every corestat... the earthdragon they fought probably had way over 1-2k+.

    She said she is on the weak side for a dragon and she has already beaten the school-kids in stats (and was way above the deliquent guy)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 03-29-2021 at 04:17 PM.

  14. #334
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's almost like the systems were set up arbitrarily.


    Seriously, the administrators are petitioned to do absurd shit. Need to remove everyone's skills and respec them by force? Ask the admin. Want an absurdly OP skill that drives natural born residents insane with power lust seeing it on the appraisal? Ask the admin who appears to be actively torturing you for her own amusement, and if she's interested enough in your accidental request, she'll give you one.

    Why do I think the system is arbitrary and fucked up? It almost certainly is. Also why I don't pay attention to it too much.

  15. #335
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    No episode this week?

  16. #336
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nope. Next episode is the 9th.

  17. #337
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, I guess the OP clears that up.

    Kumoko isn't the Demon Lord. I wonder if it's her mother.

    Poor Kumoko, she showed restraint on those humans, but she's gonna get lumped in with the ones that came after.

  18. #338
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    Kumoko isn't the Demon Lord. I wonder if it's her mother.
    I'm still not sure about that. Their fighting each other doesn't rule this out. Kumoko has 4 minds already and they talk to each other within her headspace. OP being unofficial aside, it's not too farfetched to draw both her forms and have them train against each other.

    Mother being so controlling does seem slightly out of the blue. She didn't care about what Kumoko was doing prior until she left for ground, but then has no qualms about sending an entire army above ground to fetch her (evidently keeping spiders hidden underground wasn't that great an agenda).

    The episode itself was great. Kumoko being happy-go-lucky for the leisurely parts while still causing humans grief, but actually planning her attacks well when they happen.

    Fei looks like a feathery Labrador.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #339
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Don't watch the OP. It's still pretty dense on visual spoilers. The ED is fine this time, at least if you can't understand Yuuki Aoi's ultra speed raps. The spoilers were in the lyrics last time, not so much the visuals.

    The post-credit stuff is more interesting for me. The "Present Day" Arc has been getting exponentially more interesting.

    I guess I was wrong about Hugo and 'Big Titty Goth Girl' (lolfang, possible vampire) attacking Schlain, but only in terms of location. He attacked the school, not Schlain's palace, ensorcelled Katia and Sue somehow, and on top of that all, Schlain's shady as fuck brother is in on the whole thing as well. No wonder the brothers seemed barely phased when Julius died.

    The elves seem a bit shady. They also spent an inordinately long time focusing on the half-elf maid's earring? I'm guessing she's a spy or something, but apparently not for the elves. Oka's 'father' didn't recognize her and appears to also be a bit of a racist.

    Kumoko's scenes are fine, but weren't special yet. She seems to have no concept of how strong she is relative to humans. She killed them on accident last time, tries to hold back and seems to manage this time, but then still fantasizes about villagers attacking her? She certainly could have gone into the village, raided a bakery and confectionary, and left without anyone really having any chance of harming her.

    She's being attacked by end-level evolutions of her kin now.

    I'm glad they finally showed the evolutionary chart, but the format was kinda shitty.
    This was apparently shown in a PV for the anime, not sure when, but now that it has been directly shown in text form, here's a more legible evolution chart. In the episode, her body is sitting in front of the "Arachne."

    edit: Buff, I would guess that Mother has "orders" to maintain. Unlike Kumoko killing dragons, which brought on a demon lord, or her eventual leveling of Heresy and Taboo and breaking into the system. Mother maybe has a compulsion to keep all her offspring underground? The humans kind of talk like spiders don't appear above ground and it is a shocking disaster every time it happens. Kumoko also got so strong she was driving things out of the labyrinth. But she was still underground.

  20. #340
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The elves seem a bit shady. They also spent an inordinately long time focusing on the half-elf maid's earring? I'm guessing she's a spy or something, but apparently not for the elves. Oka's 'father' didn't recognize her and appears to also be a bit of a racist.
    In my eyes it seemed like the elves know too much. We've already seen the teacher/elf princess definitely does, so if it's her father (in this world) who has been telling her stuff, the elf king himself obviously would also know. So, he would be jaded and cold like that, possessing a deep understanding of what no mortal should know. Being disgusted by what the religious organisation is doing is natural, as probably the leader over there would also know a whole lot, yet is making the members hunt taboo holders, bereft of any information, among other things, just for some greater goal, which probably isn't any good.

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