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Thread: 86: Eighty-Six

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I think those are the main implications, yes. Seemingly the electronic brains have a shelf life, but there are potentially way more machines lying in wait, preparing for a massive attack with the shepherds?

  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Alba military brass are right, the Legion hardware has a time limit.

    But their handler levels at least (Majors and down) are not aware that the Legion AI figured out a workaround, which is to just scavenge any neurons they can find. Conveniently people are the best replacement, and intact brains are actually even better than the original hardware.

    Mostly intact brains (dead or still alive at the time they were incorporated TBD) are shepards, dead and broken brains are ghosts and don't do much more than the original electronics.

    The shepards have been holding the mass of the Legion back to assault the 85 districts once 86 is finally exhausted and get all the replacement "hardware" they need.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Episode 7


    I have no idea what the Alba military is planning or thinking.

    Considering how limited the ressources are that are available to them. Their plans seem to be so wasteful right now.
    I understand that they are delusional, but that's more on the "common soldier" command level, right?.

  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I have no idea what the Alba military is planning or thinking.

    Considering how limited the ressources are that are available to them. Their plans seem to be so wasteful right now.
    I understand that they are delusional, but that's more on the "common soldier" command level, right?.
    There's an argument to be made that 86 is honestly just a rehash of Muv Luv Alternative with less gore and less fanservice with a few other war based scifi series. It is starting to converge on exactly that with this episode and I'm honestly a little disappointed.

    Total Eclipse and Schwarzenmarken were both bad, but the proper series is coming this year, with early 2000s physically-impossible hair styles and everything. 86 is reusing the suicidal squad from Schwarzenmarken, and the separation of the culturally elite angle from Total Eclipse as well. It's also grabbing elements from the main series I won't elaborate on.

    The Alba in 86 are wholly incompetent unless there's another twist coming like they are fully aware and are just desperately hoping to have the Legion commit genocide for them. They're probably just blind to it all outside of that particular range. Maybe it is a mix because they are so deathly afraid of putting their morons on the back lines for propaganda purposes that she can't get artillery support and the 86ers have never seen them used to begin with.

    Well, wouldn't you know? The author lists Muv-Luv, Screamers, and Code Geass Akito as her inspirations for 86. I suppose I'll concede to some of the things I said since they're open about it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 05-23-2021 at 10:02 AM.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Yeah, the whole 'we know we're not getting reinforcements' reveal fell a bit flat. We all saw it coming, but the opportunity to make it gripping was the twist of the reason why, but even that was limp. Them being sentenced to die fighting (and seeing enough good in the Alba to want to save some of them; hence no surrender) feels contrived to make this scenario feel a bit too hopeless, without the emotional weight to sympathize with these characters. A stronger, more utilitarian revelation as to why they continue to fight, like their families being 'detained' or something, would have been much more interesting than some mere sentimentality for people they openly despise.

    Maybe the Alba and its brass really do believe the war will be over after the two years?

  6. #26
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 8


    I guess the only real surprise this episode was Henrietta was Shin's neighbor, and that she personally finished the Para-RAID. The rest of this was stuff spelled out items that have been easy to piece together for quite a while now. The atrocities, the racism, the deliberate extermination, Shin's brother losing his shit, etc.

    But it does seem like the military has no fucking clue that the Legion reinforces itself with dead bodies. They won't listen to the 86 outside the walls obviously, so they have no idea that they're going to lose horribly once the 86 are all dead or incorporated into the Legion.

    My guess is Lena has been quiet because she's working out how to get the big artillery batteries working again.

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oh wow, that last scene was absolutely awesome.
    It's quite interesting that Henrietta knows Shin too.

    My only gripe, once more, is that te military is so dumb about how they waste their "ressources" (in this case, 86ers).
    I just can't believe that they have no clue about what's happening outside but maybe it's more believable than I'd like to accept.

    Such a lame attempt from Henrietta to shame Lena btw. Her arguments made no sense.
    How is she to blame that she uses the PARA-RAID system when she didn't even know about how it came into existence. You can't even blame that one on ignorance.

    Super hyped about any future development regarding the world building.
    Which countries are alive, is it a AoT scenario or is there other stuff going on.
    How do other empires fight against the Legion and stuff like that.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 05-30-2021 at 09:08 AM.

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 9


    Alright, that was a really good episode.

    I was right that Lena was trying to get the mortars working again, but I was pleasantly surprised that she was bullying Annette into helping her actually do it. Overall, Annette's arc has been kinda short, a little abbreviated, but really good nevertheless. They're certainly not wasting Sugiyama Riho's vocal talents and range here.

    The nanite ghost hands were really fucking weird though.

    Hopefully Lena won't get in too much trouble because she and her forces did manage to kill a Shepard, which puts the Legion at a significant disadvantage for the near term. But then again, if the goal is to use military service to exterminate the 86ers, she's probably going to get in a LOT of trouble. I wonder if she might even get thrown out into the 86th district. We only learned a few episodes ago that there are or at least were some Alba out there.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Uff.. that last scene was pretty impactful.

    Made her really feel like she can't do anything for them all over again.
    That's just too sad.

    The spider lily didn't help either... I remember reading up on them a while ago because they appear in quite a lot of anime.
    Aside from their connection to death, they are also said to bloom when you see someone for the last time.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 06-06-2021 at 03:04 PM.

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm a big dummy. Someone please break it down for me. What is the significance of the 86es actions after the fight? Did they go AWOL? The way they were speaking sounded like they were not, but they weren't destroyed, either, so I don't get what was going on. What is this sorrowful BGM and framing that sounds like something bad happened/is happening?

  11. #31
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    They are continuing the suicide mission they were sent on. If they try to return to base, they will be treated as traitors and killed. So they decided to go through with the mission into enemy territory, knowing they will not survive.
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  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Gotcha, thanks. What confused me is that controller girl was acting like somehow their situation had changed, or like some new revelations upset her. I guess she wasn't thinking ahead after this battle that their situation wasn't any better. Kind of odd to me that that realization gets the 'season finale' treatment.

  13. #33
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As she was running across the city, I was starting to wonder if the twist was going to be that the 86th district is far outside the other 85, and they were approaching the city and would be executed by artillery on the walls. Meaning that the Legion is between the city and the 86ers, and the Legion isn't attacking the city for whatever reason, and it was all a front to exterminate the other "races." Mostly because she freaked out when they mentioned the spider lillies, and there were some on the banks of the river inside the city as she approached the bridge.

    Thankfully, I was wrong, but that scene was really confusing. What point did it serve that Lena was running across the city?

    Then I realized she was scrambling to stay in range on the Para-RAID.

  14. #34
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I'm not feeling this anime. I'll finish it now that it's almost over. But the cheap animation and generic character designs really hurt it imo. I wish this had a more distinctive style like, say, Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans, so I'd feel more attached to each individual. But as is, they're just random anime characters to me, including the pretty girl with the silver hair. Also while the story is going for some plot twists, the whole thing is just too shallow for my taste, starting with the genius that survives every battle.

    The story had potential, but imo failed to make use of it.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #35
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Honestly, I'm more intrigued than ever. There's a second season coming up, and I have no idea where the story is going to go because right now it feels like it is wrapping up or headed for a reset (e.g. all but Shin dies, who hides in the outlands for a year or so, Lena gets a new bunch of death-sentenced operators to command).

    Are the remaining spearheads going to die? We don't even know the background of two of them as it stands. Will the survivors of spearhead go back once they find something huge? Are they going to make it fully past the Legion's borders? Is there anything out there, or is the whole region an isolated lockdown by the rest of the world? Are the 86 districts of the republic all that's left? Is Lena going to get court-martialed? Will the military that knows the truth (if there even is any) be happy with her that she was leading her forces in battle and they managed to kill a Shepard? Will they try to silence her, we know the racists MPs and propagandists are already furious with her because she openly refers to the processors as humans. Will she leave the safety of the city like a few of the very early Alba who wanted to fight alongside the 86ers the racists cast out as fodder.

    Tons of unanswered questions right now. Knowing that the series is openly inspired by the franchises it is similar to, rather than being a derivative copy of them turned me around on the series.

    The supply robot getting blown to bits after the credits this episode, 15 days from now, was rather sad, considering its own backstory was being left behind as the sole survivor of the last group it was deployed with.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I forgot about the handler girl. I expect she will be in the next batch of juggernaut riders for her insubordination, and will be the character who has seen both sides. I expect she will struggle with the next as her peers until Reaper somehow returns to help when things get the most dicey. Anime 101.

    I guess the 86 are just living on the lamb for now in legion territory, right? They have no actual reason to press forward with their suicide mission?

    The way my brain works, I just do not follow dates on a screen as a valid time reference. Thankfully the time jumps here aren't too non-sequential, but it would lose me fast if they were.

  17. #37
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    86 - Eps 11 (season 1 end)


    Well that was kind of a bummer end to this season. Guess we'll see in the next cour.

    I did like it overall though. So far at least, it isn't anything particularly amazing, but it is both brutal and consistent throughout.

    Interested into seeing what Lena does in the next two weeks of this to match up with the Spearhead's timeline.

    I guess the robot didn't "die" after all, he just can't be fixed by the remnants of Spearhead. So if Lena or her new squad gets out that far, they might figure something out about their final moments.

  18. #38
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I have no idea what happened in this episode. The most "whatever" finale I've ever seen. So Shin and everyone just died. And pretty princess soldier feels guilt again, uhuh.

    I guess for magical reasons, Shin and the others will keep their consciousness even when they're turned into machines, so that some drama can happen.

    Will not keep watching, unless I'm seriously bored.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Sometimes, a show being thoroughly solid (having no major weaknesses) is a great strength. 86 is such a show.

    We're not raving about the story, characters, or execution, but it is very competently directed and made, and the premise is being slowly fulfilled. The second season is an easy 'yes' from me.

  20. #40
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I have no idea what happened in this episode. The most "whatever" finale I've ever seen. So Shin and everyone just died. And pretty princess soldier feels guilt again, uhuh.

    I guess for magical reasons, Shin and the others will keep their consciousness even when they're turned into machines, so that some drama can happen.
    Or they didn't die, and that's why there is a 2nd season?
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