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Btw this anime greatly shows one big issue with anime, at least when it comes to SJWs/woke people/the pc crowd: TWELVE years are supposed to have passed between past and present - and the MC's older self looks like he could just go back to the past like that. There is zero outward difference between his younger and older self, outside of hair color and clothing.
I'm not mentioning this to criticize this anime, it just was super conspicuous here due to the time travel theme, and I hate how non-anime fans from the west often love to call anime for pedophiles and shit, only because they don't understand that in many, if not most, popular artstyles you cannot discern anime characters' ages between, say, age 13 and 25. There is no difference in body in that age range for most anime. The only difference will be hair styile and clothing, as this anime demonstrates. So all those "ohhh, you like underage girls!" accusations I see being flung around in the West are just pure bs. Anime characters have a certain range where they all look timeless. To criticize that is to criticize anime as a medium, and that'd be really ignorant.
Just my 2 cent