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Thread: Lycoris Recoil

  1. #61
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Majima's ability not getting fucked by gunshots will never stop pissing me off.
    I tried to ignore it the last time, but agreed, media in general has a misconception about how loud gunshots are. I tried to rationalize it from the perspective of maybe the Alan Institute gave him some additional hardware parts too like Chisato, maybe even after she blew out his eardrums 10 years ago, and whatever aural implants he's got level it out.

    Did the animation become shit this episode? The action was choppy, and a lot of the art was shoddy. Are they saving money for the next one, which I assume is the climax?
    The animation was a little worse overall, but also had some nice details, particularly the parts where Chisato was climbing the wreckage and when she almost fell off it just barging through the door.

    Why is the Lycoris organization so inept? How can they be fucked over so many times by Majima and one hacker? How did they not even think Majima would bomb them AGAIN? Did no one really wonder why the fuck vacuums were just running around during a shootout? My first thought upon seeing one was "oh bombs again."

    At least we know what the backpack inflatables are for that we see in the OP. That was pretty cool to see. Fuki, Sakura, and the redhead got theirs off in time, but I'd guess the other squads are pretty much done.

    I guess Sakura isn't nearly as stupid as she comes off. She was the first to realize it and her first reaction was to direct the others even before she warned them why.

  2. #62
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I agree with the hubris idea. That leader really needs a punch in the face. So fucking arrogant and smug. If the top is like that, it wouldn't be a surprise that most leaders are the same.

    I do like that Majima is a legitimately strong and smart villain, yet at the same time not utterly despicable. Those are getting harder and harder to find nowadays.

    The loli is extra cute this episode.

    Did Yoshi escape? Or did Majima somehow rekidnapped and hid him?
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  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Did Yoshi escape? Or did Majima somehow rekidnapped and hid him?
    He scooted off to temporary safety and to recover the replacement heart.

    My guess is that the actual conflict next episode will be Shiinji vs Chisato vs Takina over the heart. Majima interrupted Shinji's plan to force Chisato into killing people. Majima happily used the guy as bait because he doesn't really like him to begin with, and it is a good way to sideline Chisato from his own operation which is now a complete success.

    Shinji's last resort was to destroy her heart, while he already had a replacement in the works for when she hit her 10-year time limit anyway, and was going to use it as a bribe to get her "back on track" killing people.

    The problem is that not only does Chisato consider him her 2nd father, she also knows he is her savior and the one who set her out on her outlook. The question is how completely Shinji considers Chisato his daughter as much as Mika does.

    My guess is the duo knock out Majima, then Shinji reappears and demands that Chisato personally murder Majima. Chisato doesn't care if she dies, and isn't willing to give up on her ideals, but Takina won't want to lose her. Setting up a second emotional conflict between Chisato and Takina directly.

  4. #64
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Takina should just use the non-lethal gun and shoot Yoshi, get the heart, and have it transplanted into Chisato. AFAIK, the heart itself is what is special. The surgery itself doesn't need Alan level skills.

    I still have no idea why they can't just give her a normal human heart from a brain-dead donor. I know those are hard to find, but it's like they didn't even consider it.
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  5. #65
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Because DA and Alan Institute both want her as a top-notch killer/operative until she hits her Lycoris retirement age.

    Heart transplants aren't great due to the autoimmune issues.

  6. #66
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I meant the black dad and the rest of her team. Why didn't they try that path and only looked for Yoshi?
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  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Weaker animation to go with a weaker episode, as noted above. Majima's part in the story is all but done, so hopefully he can contribute one final sakuga fight before becoming the crux of Yoshi's proposition (agreed with Ryll; that is the most likely way this plays out).

    I'm kinda disappointed that there exists a mcguffin to save Chisato. The series ending with her dying or approaching it would be less marketable, but make her personality and way of living hit harder, for me at least...

  8. #68
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Chisato grew on me BECAUSE of her death sentence. She behaves like that because she knows time is limited. But that's also why I don't want her to die.
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  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm just here liking the happy music as Majima gets kicked in the face.

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  10. #70
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 12


    Optional Boss (Chisato) appears.... everyone backs off..... and she gets baited with a puppy. xD

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  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm just pleasantly surprised that I was kind of correct on the overall theme, but horribly wrong on all the specifics.

    I like being surprised by how narratives play out without any asspulls or deus ex machina elements.

    And they addressed deafening Majima's ability with gunshots!

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    And they addressed deafening Majima's ability with gunshots!
    No they didn't. The distance she was shooting from in the previous episode versus shooting near his ears makes no difference if his ability is to be hypersensitive to sound. A normal person's hearing would've been messed up by both. You can't claim hyper-hearing and handpick your threshold per situation.
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  13. #73
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But they didn't ignore it completely. I'll take it.

  14. #74
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I understand what you mean, so this next part is just my personal gripe and not in any way a criticism of your take on that scene.

    I actually would've preferred if they just pretended that Majima's superhuman hearing can somehow block certain frequencies or volumes. Sure it would be supernatural level at that point, but so is Chisato's gun dodging ability. Neither of them make sense in our reality, so just saying Majima can ignore loud gunshots but still hear other frequencies and volumes is consistent with how Alan children work.

    Instead, they created a scene where he CAN get deafened by gunshots, meaning he had to have been hearing them in full the whole time, just that it somehow wasn't close enough. I understand shooting that much closer increases the damage even for normal humans, but the problem is his ability is actually super sensitive hearing, because if he could block out sound like my first premise, he wouldn't get affected by any gunshot at any range. If he can hear pin drops and breathing, he should have definitely been having a lot of trouble with gunshots right on his chest area.

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  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    While the fight was anything but satisfying, this final episode did put real effort into cleaning up the remaining plot threads and character arcs while also giving a plausible and sustainable 'afterward' snapshot. They could make more if they wanted, and if they don't nothing will diminish the quality of the product we have here.

  16. #76
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This is an excellently executed show with a very simple premise. You would be surprised how much time they had to pour into the world, the background, the characters, the technology, etc. in order for this to make this much sense. The only real gripe I have is Majima's hearing ability. You know what would've fixed that? A simple ear plug that is designed to block higher decibel sounds. He'd still be able to catch other sounds, but gunshots won't hurt him, unless it was right up to his ears.

    Chisato really grew on me. I didn't like her in the episode where they did the 2v2 mock combat, but her heart-on-sleeve personality fits her viewpoint of having a very limited lifespan. Bothering with niceties is pointless when you won't have to deal with the consequences for very long anyway.

    Oh and another gripe, how the fuck did Majima survive that fall? He should've just fucking died. We can have a new villain in the next season.

    The black dude's fake cane schtick was ripped directly from the Sharin no Kuni VN, so it didn't surprise me at all. In fact, I would've been disappointed if it didn't happen.

    I hope Takina and Chisato become an official couple. I'm sick of all this Sappho and her friend bullshit everywhere. We need more Kannazuki no Miko.
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  17. #77
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I hope Takina and Chisato become an official couple. I'm sick of all this Sappho and her friend bullshit everywhere.
    I have read that Japanese twitter noticed Chisato and Takina are wearing matching gold bracelets in the Hawaii epilogue.
    "Look like maile leaf bracelets which have meanings like 'peace, friendship, love,' but are also 'used at weddings to unify couples.'"

    So there's a strong indicator to have it mean whatever shippers want.

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I have read that Japanese twitter noticed Chisato and Takina are wearing matching gold bracelets in the Hawaii epilogue.
    "Look like maile leaf bracelets which have meanings like 'peace, friendship, love,' but are also 'used at weddings to unify couples.'"

    So there's a strong indicator to have it mean whatever shippers want.
    I did read that. While I agree that they're matching bracelets, I struggle to call them resembling leaf designs at all.

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  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The black dude's fake cane schtick was ripped directly from the Sharin no Kuni VN, so it didn't surprise me at all. In fact, I would've been disappointed if it didn't happen.
    Heh. That brought back some old memories... Did Shinji's lady assistant get killed as well, or did Mika leave another witness to his leg ploy?

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Oh and another gripe, how the fuck did Majima survive that fall? He should've just fucking died. We can have a new villain in the next season.
    Hopefully he'll get a partner or something to restore his menace. He was a good enough joker style villain, and now we don't have to spend recap time on his backstory in our imaginary second season.

    A few other random thoughts that came to me too late:

    Why, I wonder, did he not follow through on using an actual bomb? Is it because his plan had already succeeded and just wanted to create context to fight Chisato?

    It was interesting to note that apparently Takina is a better shot than Chisato, straining her 'super soldier' image somewhat. Is her kinetic vision the only thing that separates her from a regular Lycoris?

    While the animation never got bad, it seemed to drop a bit in these last few eps, but I appreciate the cuts they had and feel the studio(s) did their best with 'what they had to work with'. Again, really enjoyed this.

  20. #80
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I did read that. While I agree that they're matching bracelets, I struggle to call them resembling leaf designs at all.
    Specifically maile leaf. They're the things they make lei out of. Those bracelets share a pretty standard design (read: cheap tourist trash) for couple's bracelets based on the tradition of using lei in marriage ceremonies. While they're a bit indistinct in this episode, I'm willing to be the bluray corrects that to make them more detailed.

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