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Thread: Music: METAL!!! \m/

  1. #1
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Music: METAL!!! \m/

    Okay, time for a Gotwood metal-head roll call! Everybody post their favorite bands, metal styles, concerts... whatever... get the ball rolling and stay freakin' metal!

  2. #2

    METAL!!! \m/

    Metal rulez. I listen to Disturbed, Drowning Pool, 8 Foot Sativa, Rammstein, Korn, Rob Zombie, the list goes on...
    But my fav would probly b Disturbed

  3. #3
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    METAL!!! \m/

    ewwwwwwww, i prefer hip-hop, but it is fun watching those guys make fools of themselves and beat each other up.
    to post below:well i didnt really say anything bad about metal, other than ew, but tahts the first time iver heard hip hop called pansy music. i guess people can relate to different types of music.

  4. #4

    METAL!!! \m/

    Argh, i personally think hip-hop is pansy music lol, no offense, everyone has their own preferences. But you never get the same vibe Metal tracks hav to offer

  5. #5
    ANBU hiddenpookie's Avatar
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    METAL!!! \m/

    can u dance to rock no? can u dance it hip-hop yes.

  6. #6

    METAL!!! \m/

    Dance to techno/trance. Anyway, who needs to dance when u can just go mental with metal

  7. #7

    METAL!!! \m/

    Originally posted by: hiddenpookie
    can u dance to rock no? can u dance it hip-hop yes.
    Umm correct me if i'm wrong but didn't Terra say this was a Heavy metal Thread not a "I dont like metal, give me Dance music thread" So if you dont have anything to say about Metal music then dont post it.

    As for me, I love Distrubed, Metallica, Drowning Pool, Hatebreed, the list goes on and on.

  8. #8

    METAL!!! \m/

    tru metal band is metallica, then black sabath. but my all time favorites are metallica, ozzy, and disturbed

    btw nice sig destiny

  9. #9

    RE: METAL!!! \m/

    probably the most retarded thread, but whatever [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    i like goth rock, which could be, in a way, classified as metal. nightwish, after forever, stuff like that. also, prog metal like tool and stuff. i like classic rock the most, the who and jimi.

    'can you dance to hiphop'? maybe. you sure can dance to hip pop, though. 50 cent is not (read: NOT) hiphop. him, eminem, ja rule (recent crap), nelly, all those idiots, are backstreet boys with gold chains and a curses.

    if you like 'hiphop', i suggest you check out groups like jedi mind tricks, binary star, outerspace, talib kweli (his stuff with hi tek), and ye olde gangstarr and wu tang.
    just say no to mtv, you just might avoid going to hell [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    METAL!!! \m/

    lol i dont understand how this thread is even the slightest bit retarded. I get your point about hip-hop though.
    I'm not sure if it fits in the same catagory (probly more rock than metal), but my all time favourite band Linkin Park is definately worth mentioning. Their tracks are just awsome and their live performances are even better.

    btw: cheers Uzumaki [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    RE: METAL!!! \m/

    linkin park live performances? hehe.. i respect your taste and likings, but you've got a lot to see and learn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] compared to some bands, LP looks like n'sync onstage. hmm.. dream theater and opeth, anyone?

    by retarded i half-jokingly meant the spirit of the thread, 'WOOHOO YEAH ROCK!!!", regular teen stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] it's just how it struck me when i first read it.

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    METAL!!! \m/

    Get the fucking hip-hop crap out of my metal thread you fags!
    Only metal-heads need apply here, the rest of you can create a thread of your own; especially with an argument like 'you can dance to hip-hop'. Well, can you headbang to hip-hop? It's just as stupid to say. In any case, get out.

    I'm not much for nu metal (Linkin Park, Korn) whatever... I prefer power/symphonic & melodic death, but I guess only people who read about metal knows what I'm talking about.

  13. #13

    METAL!!! \m/

    In Flames 4 life clayman rulse it all, everything before clayman is super alsow. cob follow the reaper and somthing wild are number 2... other wise i just started listning to Devildriver, good alsow... \m/Ò_ó\m/ o saw in flames in stockholm the best anyhow... later...

  14. #14

    METAL!!! \m/

    yeah Terra... I know what your talkin about... I'm having a local cd converted to mp3... I'll send you some, to see how ya like it if you want.

    I'm more of a Metal Core kinda guy... but death metal is good for waking up.

    AFI (sue me... they were great in concert)
    Atreyu (really nice, try "A vampires Lament")
    As I lay Dying
    The Agony Scene
    AgnostiA... they are local, but totally awesome.. I think the lead singer moved to atlanta to start a band there, anyone in that area... I can get more information on request.

    Other local bands... but I won't waste post space.

    I was more into death metal.. but that just gets repetitive after a while...
    Cradle of Filth's heavier stuff, but I don't really get into the trippy stuff

    Now, about your fucking hip hop. Its nothing. Everything has been taken from old songs, most of which, old rock songs. Old rock has evolved from what it was to pretty much different forms of metal. Punk is dead (if you don't believe me turn on mtv) So the "mad beats" you "sick gangsters" play, are just remixes on the stuff that your parents listen to.

    Basically I'm saying there's no innovation, there's just gangsta rap, and there's Hip Hop/r and B...
    Old Rock has turned out Punk, Emo, Grindcore, Metal (black, speed, death, Nu) Goth rock, and many others. Hell.. there's even gospel rock... but I won't touch that with a 20 foot pole.

    Edit: btw anyone who listens to bands Distrubed, Metallica, Drowning Pool, Linkin Park, Korn, Saliva, slipknots ok, but you can do better) and that one band who did that one thing where that guy screamed once...
    Don't be lazy asses. Find better music, maybe look under a few rocks to see if there's a music scene near you (I live in pensacola and there's a nice scene here)
    If not, just hop on the "inter-net" and look up some good stuff, because although your up to a decent start, that stuff is no where near the music you can find.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin
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    METAL!!! \m/

    sharingan kakashi, i dont mind hiphop like beastie boys etc, but when its gansta rap its jst utter bullshit. dont see how any1 can find that good. these gun-totting hip' gangster wannabes can jst go die.

    neway back to metal;

    fav bands are:
    Tool (not really that heavy but still metal none the less)
    nine inch nails (industrial metal)
    arch enemy

    im more of an emo&rock man now. and i try to stay away from metal concerts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] too hardcore for little ol' me. btw konoha rek, AFI are punk not metal.

    saw a perfect circle in concert a while back, they have the singer from tool, and are damn good. not really metal tho [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    this nu metal stuff like korn and linkin park is catchy but i really wouldnt class it as "metal". where are the heavy riffs?

  16. #16
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    METAL!!! \m/

    lol idiotic statements you obviously dont understand the struggle.
    more importantly:can you get a girl at a metal concert? NO, can you get a girl at a hip hop concert HELL YEAH, some good looking honeys too.

  17. #17

    METAL!!! \m/

    Even after becoming rich and succesful, they still rap as though they're in "the struggle." I live in one of the most rundown places in the U.S, I understand it better than most of them claim to. Anyways, this isn't a hip-hop thread, so don't bring it up again. As for metal, I like Metallica, Slayer, and System of a Down. I hate most rap-rock groups like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, etc, but I don't mind the genres seperately.

  18. #18
    Missing Nin
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    Jan 2004

    METAL!!! \m/

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    lol idiotic statements you obviously dont understand the struggle.
    more importantly:can you get a girl at a metal concert? NO, can you get a girl at a hip hop concert HELL YEAH, some good looking honeys too.
    yeah u can get a girl at a metal concert, jst she'll be wearing black makeup etc [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] lol

    neway personally i dont go to concerts and gigs to pick up chicks. i go for the music [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] if i wanted to go out on the pull id go clubbing or something equally lame.

    and there is no "struggle" with these millionaire rappers. if they cared about the "struggle" of the poor negro population of america they would set up a charity or donate some of their earnings back to the community theyre rapping about. do they? no. cos they dont give a fuck about the poor and needy lol. kinda obvious i wudda thought. guess some ppl need it spelt out for them

  19. #19

    RE: METAL!!! \m/

    Chicks... oh hell yeah...
    I've picked up a couple... its especially easy if your in a band.

    R3n- your right about AFI, and I don't even like to advertise I like them (hence the sue me comment) but I saw them live, and wanted to comment on there...
    and linkin park, koRn, and who ever else is "hip" these days classify themselves as nu metal, and I would take them anyday over Criss Cross or Jazzy Jeff...

    and what are yall talkin about... most rappers have trouble reading on the 6th grade level, and they hafta write words that ACTUALLY RHYME (usually) they have "the struggle" all the effin time ...yo

  20. #20

    METAL!!! \m/

    I spose Linkin Park is on a completely different level, most likely wouldnt even be classified as metal. I just mentioned them cos they're great, in my opinion anyway, but i hav reasons.
    Sounds like some people listen to sum pretty rough shit. Maybe someone could recommend a track i could download so i know from what level you're talking about. I personally think 8 Foot Sativa is as far as my tastes get, but i dunno, suprize me.

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