Quote Originally Posted by Paulyboy
I finished reading "The Eyes of God" a really good book by John Marco. Its about a king (named Akeela) and his Championed Knight(named Lukien) that he knew all of his life. Akeela met Lukien in the bad streets of Koth, when Lukien helped him from bandits, then thats when it started from there. King Akeela became Akeela the good because well he was kind until Lukien bangs his queen because they both fell in love. The story just dosen't deal with magic and war, but love and betrayal. Good book I recommend to you guys.
Sounds like a total rip-off of the King Arthur stories.

As for me, I'm reading a book called D-Day by Stephen Ambrose. It's actually for a book report but it's sort of like a nonfiction book written in a way that makes it seem like fiction. His writing style isn't too great from what I've seen so far, and the book is pretty long. Other than that it isn't half bad.