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Thread: The official "Thank you AonE" thread

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  1. #1

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    Thanks not only for Naruto but for continued subbing of Kyou Kara Maou too. AONE subs rock, you guys are my favorite subbing group period.

  2. #2

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    Thanks AONE, for all your kick ass anime subbing. By far, AONE is one of the best subbing groups out there.

  3. #3

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    I remember like it was yesterday. I was in my first reunion with my anime club, also it was my first time watching Naruto. However, something strange was happening. Over the title "Naruto" was this " Aone presents". I was "what the...? Aone? Never heard of such company". So, I made a research about and i found the marvelous world of anime sub. It was thanks to you Aone that I expanded my horizons. Thank you for everything that I learned from you. Thank you very much.

  4. #4

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    thx. Keep up the good work![img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    AONE TO THE EXTREEEMMEE!! Aone is much better than any fansubs out there, I hope they keep up the good work, I trust their work, I watch all the Animes they sub as It is a sign of that anime's quality. Sorry they split with ANBU (as they were also pretty good) while makng Naruto, they were a great team on that project but still AONE is NUMBER ONE !!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Lord Fon

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    I am new at this! But if it wasn't for you I would never of got into Naruto, and just to think how many episodes I would be behind if i would stick to watching it on "Cartoon network".....(Keep up the good work!)

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    GotWoot Moderator

  7. #7

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    thank u for everything and man am i happy that u are doing your best to help us enjoy are naruto..... i swear if only i knew japinese i would be right next to u doing my best to help u
    we are in your debt Aone and i hope that we can help u out one day.... if not everone the i may be able to help u out

  8. #8

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    excuse.... i want download all of NARUTO story so where i can download???? help me......(^_^)

  9. #9
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    I had to join this forum to thank AonE for the amazing work he's done with subbing Naruto. Respect.

  10. #10

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    i hope you realize AonE is not a guy but a group of people.

  11. #11
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    i hope you realize AonE is not a guy but a group of people.
    I do now

  12. #12

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    A BIG thank you from me to you AonE. You guys have to be my favorite fansubbing group. Great job with everything. Just try not to fall behind anymore! I miss watching your subs first when downloading the latest Naruto episode! ^_^

  13. #13

    The official "Thank you AonE" thread

    For always bringing the best subs possible to us, for being the most accurate translators (and doing significantly better than 90% of people who actually get paid to do so), for not giving up even during the painful filler times or despite any external pressures, and for bringing anime closer to everyone interested in it, THANK YOU. I hope you keep up the good work for the many years and great series to come, you have become a quality reference in the anime community and my first choice group.

  14. #14


    thank you people SO much!
    I made this account just to praise you.
    you cannot imagine how much I love this fansubbing group
    please keep subbing these awesome animes with your awesome subbing powers
    and always remember... we love you

  15. #15
    Thank you for your big release. 7 episode. You make me sick to watch this 7 episode. If you going to release episode 172, that mean i need to spend a lot of time to watch naruto. I already download 173-178 but i didn't watch it yet.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by capoi
    Thank you for your big release. 7 episode. You make me sick to watch this 7 episode. If you going to release episode 172, that mean i need to spend a lot of time to watch naruto. I already download 173-178 but i didn't watch it yet.
    eps 172... 179-185 rsled :P

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkers325
    eps 172... 179-185 rsled :P
    A BIG THANK YOU! to AONE for doing such a great job!! Couldnt believe my eyes.... 172, 179-185!!

    THANX again for the hard work !!

  18. #18
    I just came into these forums to majorly thank everyone of you AonE-people for releasing Naruto in DivX instead of that bloody VidX! VidX just doesn't work on my computer ><

    Thanks a bunch!

  19. #19
    THANKS X-10,000,000

  20. #20
    Thanks for subbing the third OAV! I think it's better than most of the fillers...

    P.S. *waves to nwoppertje* (I didn't notived you post here before! ^^'

    Wow I didn't noticed someone from AonE post here as well. *waves to Sakaki too*. Your group is great (I download other anime subbed by you, not only Naruto)!

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