there's something 'broken' about it...
the text is always too long to be actual speech and the face expressions are 'off', as if they were first drawn without knowing what the mood of the scene will be.
the characters look like super chibified versions of characters from fighting games (think: little fighters 2).

the first chapters are just info-dumps on the reader, families, ranks, fighters vs mages, test, colors of energy, money problems, history, regulations. and not a single 'action' beat in the first chapters.
it feels like a novelization of some MMORPG rather than an actual story.

I don't consider pseudo naruto smart (what's his name? ni lye?), he knowledgeable, but he's cheating from the future self. he's a 'fix-er sue', of a new original story. that's pretty low. at least other writers have the decency to mask the wish fulfillment part of the story for a few volumes.

after reading all (15) chapters, it's still a mess of lousy story telling. so I'm going to keep reading it, and hope some sort of plot appears.