Spring 2022 (since no one else labeled it yet) - No particular order.

I will put Machikado Mazoku 2-Choume on my list. The first season was fun, but this one is the perfect way to take a 4-koma series and extend it out to a season 2. It avoids the common pitfall of many 4-koma gag series by having an ongoing plot across both seasons, the recurring gags never get stale, and the animation has significantly improved (another rarity!). What it does well is maintain the nice balance between its cute cast and creepy/obnoxious cast in a way that never ends up being grating, the cast narrating all the sound effects amplifies everything about a 4-koma series that often ends up untranslated from Japanese, and of course the antics of the cast are cute and entertaining most of the time, heartwarming when they're not. Lastly, the OST has always been strong, with the best of all being Yuuko's transformation music (also used as the preview song). The humor is primarily in how pathetic the demons are, while still managing their goal of domination and slow freedom from the 400-Yen Per Month curse somehow. Shamiko's undeniable charisma and her fearsome supporting cast.

Birdie Wing - Golf Girls' Story - It's dumb. It's a shonen sports series. It's awesome. It feels like anime from decades ago. And it should. The man behind the series composition worked on Trigun, Mugen no Ryvius, Hachimitsu to Clover II, Gundam 00, Jormungand, and Madlax. It knows how to handle tension and rivalries without getting bogged down in details. It can do drama. It can do humor. It even transitions well into its second arc by resetting the lead to a normal level (mafia golf vs professional golf...that's not a typo). It has good character design. It has a great cast (many Gundam vets like Char's and Amuro's) too. It was ultimately the series I looked forward to the most each week.

Spy x Family - Phenomenal cast (and I mean that very seriously, Anya's VA in particular is doing incredible stuff on this), well animated (two studios both working it to keep up the quality). If you keep in mind that this is primarily a comedy with action, you'll be very pleased. I love the style of this series more than anything. It's a very rare Cold War aesthetic.