Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne View Post
So, 700 will be the last chapter? Gonna be a sad day, after having looked forward to Naruto every week for the past 11+ years.
Last chapter should be 699? Unless they are doing a double release? Well even if they do a double release I think it would still be 699 but just a longer chapter? But yeah I have only been watching/reading for 5 years and it already feels like Naruto is my entire anime/manga life. I only really follow Naruto,Bleach,One Piece now. Bleach is painful to watch/read and is almost over. But One Piece is amazing and won't be ending anytime soon. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be following a series for over 11 years. It's sad enough as it is only following for 5 years. But the series needs to end. lol