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Thread: Amazing first episodes

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Amazing first episodes

    Of course, first impressions are important for any media, but I wanted to discuss the absolute best first episodes of anime, as we know them. This has been on my mind for a while as a fun topic, so lets list what we feel are the best first episodes of anime we know of. This isn’t to say that the entire animes themselves was outstanding, but specifically their first episodes.

    Kokkoku: While the rest of the series certainly didn’t live up to the standard set by this first episode, It was super fulfilling and interesting as a single watch, making the viewer crave answers to the mysteries it effortlessly laid out.

    High School of the Dead: Arguably the inspiration for this list, HSotD’s first episode might be the single most gripping and well produced first episode of anime I can think of. Zombie pandemics have been pretty played out, but this series, I would argue, got the pandemonium of the initial outbreak perfect with a satisfying ending all within the first episode. Basically perfect.

    Psycho Pass (season 1): Its like the entire first episode was beating against my head that anime can be thoughtful and appeal to regular adults, too. Gritty, clever, excellently paced, and with a twist that makes the audience crave more exploration of the cyberpunk setting.

    Attack on Titan (season 1): I must have watched this first episode alone at least 10 times. It’s striking in a new way every time I experience its grimdark fantasy setting and beautiful production.

    Cowboy Bebop: I feel like I'm cheating, as half of the episodes in Bebop could have served as the first episode, but 'Asteroid Blues' really gets work done. Introducing characters, world building, action, drama; it really pretty much has it all in a single episode, and sealed my desire to finish the entire series when I first saw it all those years ago.

    Some near includes are the highly ranked Full metal Alchemist; Brotherhood and Death Note. FMA has a few small tone shifts I didn’t appreciate in its otherwise stellar first episode, and Death Note’s first episode, while brilliant, only feels so in the context of watching episode 2 immediately afterwards.

    What are your picks?

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Older anime come to mind:

    - Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. Episode 1 sets up an intriguing, fast paced story, intriduces so many charismatic characters and ends with a bang. And now I want to watch it ...

    - Death Note. Have to name it. When DN originally aired, I watched episode 1 like 5 times in a row. Then episode 2 released which I watched 8-9 times in a row. It was too good, lol.

    - Pokemon. Odd to mentione maybe, but also a great first episode. All the uplifting trainer introduction, then the drama with injured Pikachu, then ending with the legendary Pokemon flying in the sky.

    - Major. You go in expecting a baseball anime and leave with a trauma from all the serious drama after a single episode.

    - ginga eiyuu nagareboshi. Omg, just remembered this. I shit you not: this episode 1 tells as much story as most anime' entire cour. Go watch it if you don't believe me. And most amazing: the pace never slows down much for the entire series.


    - Hunter X Hunter. It's in my top3 anime, but boy is episode lame. First glimpse of greatness is the encounter with the flying beast people, and then it really starts being great when the first exam begins.
    Last edited by MFauli; Sun, 04-26-2020 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    - Moyashimon S1: It's just weird as hell, but also incredibly informative and eye-opening from a real life perspective. This series predated all the "Your own microbiome is a key part of your heath" discovery in mainstream medical science. It was an awaking for me. It's also pretty funny and you meet the crazy cast pretty quickly.

    - ARIA: I've seen video essays on how supremely powerful the OP sequence and accompanying song "Undine" is to every episode, and the very first is no exception. There's just an overwhelming sense of peace, calm, and perspective radiating from this slice of life series. You know from the first few minutes if this will be something that doesn't interest you or one of your favorite series. The anime version improves the first episode event drastically over the manga version, setting up an arc that crosses the entire franchise as a whole.

    - Cross Game: You know why.

    - Mawaru Penguindrum: The first episode mixes the fantastical elements with the bittersweet that also really sets to tone. The flash and pizzazz contrasting sharply with the somewhat tragic but hopeful situation the protagonists find themselves in.

    - NANA: It's actually the very opening line and backing track that kills it here as well, like ARIA. "Hey Nana? Do you remember the day we met?" and the shot of an empty and dark apartment lit only by the sun peeking through the curtains. A chance meeting on a train and the following manic momentum of Hachi that kicks off a mature interpersonal drama.

    - Scrapped Princess: Raquel's magic. Enough said, you know what I mean.

    - Symphogear S1: Say what you will about the franchise, there's plenty of good bad, but the first episode and the first concert is incredible.

  4. #4
    Can't remember first episodes.

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's why I listed the ones that I actually do.

  6. #6
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You guys have too good a memory.

    Code Geass ep 1 is something I still remember because I already predicted the show was going to be epic based on that.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I watch way too much shounen to know anything about great first episodes. As no shounen takes less than an entire story arc to get good.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Most first episodes are enjoyable.

    Recent one would be Goblin Slayer's. The first episode was overall much better than the rest.
    So good, that it could've been on it's own as a little story.
    Kinda fun the way they did it.

  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    - Cross Game: You know why.
    Hahaha.... I struggled so hard to remember why.

    Then I did.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I look forward to checking these out- much less investment than an entire series, and a few I'd never heard of.

    A few more came to mind:

    Princess Principal: Wonderful opening episode that is actually quite representative of the rest of the series. A joy to watch and share.

    Death Parade: Tightly constructed and paced perfectly. It actually makes the second episode (which is actually good) pale in comparison.

    Planetes: Introducing the audience to the debris section couldn't have been handled better or more entertaining, I would argue. Superb visual world building and a strong self contained plot on display.

    Full metal Panic Fummofu: Excellent pacing for gags both dialog and visual driven.

    Zankyou no Terror: Again, not the whole series, but this first episode sold me on finishing it out, for better or worse...

  11. #11
    FMA Brotherhood!

    nah just kidding,

    how come no one said anything about the first episode of evangelion?

    really great world building:
    - beginning being calm
    - the angel first appearance
    - future city neo tokyo 3 with movable buildings
    - the military being useless
    - shinji's father being an asshole
    - rei injured from other mission
    - the eva protects shinji?
    - the angel fight
    - the climax

    and all that in less than half an hour?

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I don't know where the first episode of evangelion even stopped.
    When it was shown in Germany, they used the 6 OVA version.

  13. #13

    Old folks are contributing today.

    Hataraku Maou-Sama : Because just like Suisei-no Gargantia, its' an ankle breaker

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan : Come on guys

    Patlabor : World building and Atmosphere building perfect example. No big villain or stuff going to destroy the earth, just protagonists.

    FLCL : Also a very good example at the opposite approach, just slams you into the story.

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