Just watched 23.

Hated it so much.

- Fucking Miorine gets to talk big again. The only reason I keep watching is to see at long last be humiliated, ridiculed and punished for all her spoon-fed, privileged arrogancy. But no, now she gets to be heroic hacker who can even counter the mother's hacking skills. And then she has the audacity to hold a little speech to her. I swear, if Miorine doesn't find gruesome fate in the last episode ...

- Fucking Ericht is being portrayed as a hero, too, because of some out-of-nowhere "enemy". Can we keep in mind that Ericht just killled thousands of people, and all for her and her's only, just so she has a place to live. This asshole couldn't for one second think "hm, maybe finding a place for ME is not worth killing OTHER PEOPLE". But no, Ericht did it anyway. And now they want me to feel for her, just because she blocks a laser beam? Screw her.

Going into the final episode with very low expectations. Either Miorine will win or she'll get a heroic death, but surely not what she deserves. Stuck-up escort bitch.